Mejores Juegos Play-to-Earn NFT | Juegos de Blockchain y Cripto

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Categoría: Juego móvil

Juego móvil DEFY: Realidad aumentada Metaverse Move-to-Earn

Juego móvil DEFY: Realidad aumentada Metaverse Move-to-Earn

DEFY es un juego móvil innovador que introduce un concepto novedoso conocido como "mover para ganar" al tiempo que fusiona elementos del mundo virtual y real para crear una experiencia inmersiva de metaverso. DEFY, que se ejecuta en la cadena de bloques Polygon, se centra en restaurar la identidad digital y la propiedad de los datos personales en el marco del sistema descentralizado Defiance Of Society. Los jugadores de DEFY se encuentran en un mundo donde una organización sin rostro llamada Future Systems ha tomado el control de las redes globales, prometiendo acceso gratuito a Internet para todos, pero a costa de la privacidad y la individualidad. La gente ahora depende de los Sistemas del Futuro para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas, lo que genera insatisfacción entre algunos. En este escenario, los jugadores asumen el papel de agentes que ayudan a un personaje llamado Kha0s, un administrador de sistemas dentro de Future Systems, en su misión de derribar la organización. Utilizan una aplicación móvil para infiltrarse en la red, robar una nueva moneda global llamada FCOIN y frustrar el control de Future Systems. Una de las características únicas del juego es el uso de máscaras privadas virtuales NFT, que permiten a los agentes ocultar sus identidades a Future Systems mientras navegan por el panorama digital. Los jugadores deben tener cuidado, ya que Future Systems implementa medidas de seguridad, incluidos drones que persiguen a los agentes. Los agentes pueden dejar atrás a estos drones o utilizar un dispositivo de pulso electromagnético para desactivarlos. DEFY no se limita a "jugar para ganar", sino que introduce elementos de "mover para ganar" y "aprender a ganar". Los jugadores realizan actividad física mientras juegan, lo que promueve una mejor salud y también aprenden los fundamentos de la codificación de una manera divertida y gratificante. En términos de moneda del juego, DEFY emplea un sistema de doble ficha. FCOIN es la moneda del juego que los jugadores pueden ganar participando en diversas actividades dentro del juego. Se utiliza para comprar y mejorar activos NFT, creando un ciclo de recompensas dentro del juego. Los poseedores de máscaras premium pueden transferir FCOIN a la cuenta bancaria de Kha0s, donde recibirán tokens DEFY en función de sus contribuciones de FCOIN. Cuanto más FCOIN aportan, más tokens DEFY reciben. En resumen, DEFY es un juego móvil innovador que combina elementos virtuales y del mundo real, promoviendo la actividad física y las habilidades de codificación al tiempo que ofrece una experiencia única de juego para ganar dinero dentro de una narrativa distópica donde los jugadores luchan contra una organización controladora.

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Sorare presentado: exploración de rareza, bucle de juego,y Experiencia Web3 Única

Sorare presentado: exploración de rareza, bucle de juego,y Experiencia Web3 Única

Sorare es un juego de cartas de fantasía de fútbol NFT gratuito que está cambiando la forma en que las personas juegan en la web3. Conozca el atractivo del sistema de rareza de Sorare, que hace que algunas cartas de jugador sean muy valiosas y difíciles de conseguir. A medida que construyes tu equipo definitivo, las estrellas del fútbol como Erling Haaland, Leo Messi y Cristiano Ronaldo se convierten en artículos valiosos porque son difíciles de conseguir y tienen un valor monetario real. Usa el poder especial de Sorare y emprende una aventura de juego que nunca olvidarás. Según Brian O'Hagan, jefe de crecimiento de Sorare, el ciclo del juego consta de cuatro pasos simples que lo hacen adictivo. Comienzas con la exploración y la recopilación de jugadores, en función de tu exploración, compones una alineación de 10 jugadores y colocas a cinco de ellos.

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Guild of Guardians: $3M in 7 Days!

Guild of Guardians: $3M in 7 Days!

Hey guys, get ready to be blown away! Guild of Guardians is making waves in the gaming world like never before. With a groundbreaking $3 million in trading volume just this past week, this mobile roguelite squad battler isn't just playing games—it's setting records! Developed by the incredible team at Immutable and co-developed by Mineloader, this game is all set to take the blockchain gaming scene by storm. And guess what? The global launch is this Wednesday! Can you feel the excitement? This isn't just any game launch; it's the beginning of an epic season called 'The Dread Is Here,' where players like you can battle it out for massive rewards. Think you have what it takes to lead your squad to victory? Join over 1 million pre-registered users and step into the arena of limitless adventure and strategic gameplay. The excitement is just beginning, don't miss out!

Leer más Boletín 7 Boletín 7

Axie Infinity ha colaborado con la colección CyberKongz de NFT para llevar el juego Play & Kollect a la red Ronin en el mundo de los juegos web3. McDonald's también hizo un movimiento significativo al ingresar al Sandbox Metaverse con "McNuggets Land", una experiencia virtual que conmemora el 40 aniversario de Chicken McNuggets. Qubit, una billetera web3, tiene como objetivo mejorar la accesibilidad y la incorporación del reproductor web3. Star Atlas se ha reducido, pero sigue comprometido con el lanzamiento de nuevas funciones. El juego de disparos en primera persona futurista de MetalCore Alpha 3 brinda a los jugadores la oportunidad de ganar premios. Finalmente, Ubunation recompensa a los primeros seguidores con obsequios de NFT y beneficios especiales. Estos desarrollos demuestran el creciente interés en los juegos web3 y su potencial para experiencias novedosas.

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Quiebra de FTX y sus efectos

Quiebra de FTX y sus efectos

El colapso de FTX fue un gran problema en la industria de las criptomonedas, especialmente en los juegos blockchain. Todavía vemos las consecuencias del colapso de FTX en las recientes cancelaciones de criptomonedas del Super Bowl. Entonces, ¿cuál es el futuro de los juegos blockchain y las nuevas empresas que planean lanzar sus juegos y proyectos blockchain?

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Inside the Game: TAT Rumble’s Debut, Nexon's Blockchain Bet, Illuvium Beta, and Wilder World Hits Epic Store

Inside the Game: TAT Rumble’s Debut, Nexon's Blockchain Bet, Illuvium Beta, and Wilder World Hits Epic Store

This article dives into the latest blockchain gaming advancements with a focus on TAT Rumble by Kreation Verse, Nexon's blockchain initiatives including Nexon Universe Global and Nexpace, and Illuvium's Beta 4 testing. Additionally, it highlights Wilder World's listing on the Epic Games Store. Moreover, the piece also discusses the impact of Sam Bankman-Fried's 25-year sentence on the crypto world, underlining the ongoing challenges in digital currency regulation. Each section offers gamers a concise overview of these significant developments in the gaming landscape, blending tech insights with engaging updates. This approach ensures the content is not only informative but also accessible, making complex topics clear and interesting for the gaming community.

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Why Oasys And Autonomous Worlds Are the Next Big Thing

Why Oasys And Autonomous Worlds Are the Next Big Thing

The realm of web3 has been a whirlwind of innovation and excitement, with each year introducing a new chapter in its evolution. Remember the DeFi summer of 2020? Or how about the NFT craze in 2021 and the surge of liquid staking in 2022? These narratives weren't just trends; they were the catalysts accelerating the growth of leading projects. Now, as we step into the era of 'autonomous worlds,' let's explore why this narrative is not just another phase, but a revolution in the gaming and virtual world landscapes. What is 'Autonomous Worlds'? Think about the traditional gaming platforms you know - they're often confined, controlled, and their lifespan is at the mercy of the developers. Enter 'autonomous worlds,' a concept born out of the blockchain's decentralized nature. Imagine virtual environments where you’re not just a player but a creator, shaping the world as you see fit. It’s like stepping into a universe where the only limit is your imagination.The Flaws in Current Gaming TechnologiesGaming, as we know it, is ripe for a makeover. The current landscape is plagued by limitations - limited lifespans, slow development processes, and restrictive environments. Ever felt frustrated when a favorite game was discontinued or when you couldn’t use your cherished avatar in another game? These are the pain points 'autonomous worlds' aim to address.Breaking Free from Conventional RestraintsI remember playing a game that was suddenly taken off the market. It was disheartening, to say the least. This is where autonomous worlds change the game (pun intended). They are not just games; they are ecosystems thriving on user participation and creativity, free from the confines of traditional gaming.Welcome to the Autonomous WorldsInfinite PossibilitiesThe beauty of autonomous worlds lies in their potential for infinite expansion. Built on blockchain, these environments are not only resistant to censorship but also promise a longer lifespan. It's like building a civilization that can outlive its creators.Rapid Development and Community CollaborationThe open-source nature of these worlds fosters a hotbed of innovation and collaboration. Imagine a world where developers build upon each other’s creations, leading to an accelerated development process and a vibrant community.Interconnected ExperiencesOne avatar, multiple games - this is the new norm in autonomous worlds. It opens a universe of possibilities where your achievements in one game could reward you in another. It’s like having a passport that lets you travel seamlessly across different virtual realms.The Imminent Arrival of Autonomous WorldsThe Role of Layer-2 SolutionsThe growth of Layer-2 solutions is like adding turbochargers to the engine of autonomous worlds. They enhance scalability and user experience, paving the way for more sophisticated virtual realms.Critical Infrastructure DevelopmentsTechnologies like Oracles and account abstraction are the unsung heroes in this narrative. They simplify interactions and lower entry barriers, making these worlds more accessible to everyone.The Play-to-Earn ModelRemember the play-to-earn model? It was just a glimpse of what's possible in autonomous worlds. Integrating economic incentives, these worlds don't just entertain; they reward and engage their communities.Crafting Autonomous Worlds: The Role of RNGThe Thrill of RandomnessIn autonomous worlds, randomness is not just a feature; it's an essential element that brings dynamism and fairness. It’s like playing a game where every turn is a new adventure, unpredictable and exciting.Spotlight: Oasys - The Gaming BlockchainUnderstanding OasysOasys stands out in the blockchain gaming arena, with industry giants like Ubisoft and Sega already on board. It's not just another blockchain; it's a specialized ecosystem designed for gaming.The Hub and Verse LayersOasys’ unique two-layer structure - the Hub and Verse layers - offers both stability and speed. It's like having a solid foundation with the agility to adapt and grow rapidly.A Developer-Friendly EcosystemWith its focus on developers, Oasys flips the script on transaction fees, incentivizing creators and enhancing the gaming experience for users.The Oasys PassportThink of the Oasys Passport as your gateway to this blockchain. It simplifies the crypto experience, making it accessible even to those new to this world.Games Making Waves on OasysFrom Ubisoft’s 'Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles' to Bandai Namco’s experimental AI-driven NFT game, Oasys is not just attracting big names; it's setting the stage for a diverse and rich gaming ecosystem.In conclusion, as we witness the rise of autonomous worlds, it's clear that this narrative is more than just a trend. It’s a transformation of the gaming and virtual world landscapes, driven by blockchain technology and community collaboration. Whether you're a gamer, developer, or just a curious observer, the era of autonomous worlds is an exciting journey to be a part of.Unraveling the World of NFTs in Gaming: A Deep Dive into Digital TokensIntroduction to NFTs in GamingHey there, fellow gamers and tech enthusiasts! Have you ever wondered about the buzz surrounding NFTs in the gaming world? Well, you're not alone. I remember the first time I heard about NFTs; I was both intrigued and baffled. Let's break it down together and explore what NFTs mean in the realm of gaming.What Does NFT Mean in Games?In the simplest terms, NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in games are unique digital assets that players can create, buy, trade, or find within a game. These tokens are not just any digital items; they're one-of-a-kind and cannot be replaced with something else. This uniqueness is what makes them "non-fungible."A Personal AnecdoteI recall playing a game where I spent hours crafting a special weapon. It was unique, with a design that no other player had. That's the essence of NFTs in gaming - creating something exclusively yours, with the potential to trade or sell it within the game's ecosystem.Can NFT Be Used for Gaming?Absolutely! NFTs bring a new dimension to gaming. They enable interoperability, allowing players to transfer their assets across various games and platforms. Imagine using your favorite weapon or character in different gaming worlds - NFTs make this exciting crossover possible.Why is NFT Gaming Gaining Popularity?The Allure of True OwnershipNFT gaming is taking the world by storm for several reasons, with true ownership being a key factor. Players can own digital assets like never before, giving them the power to sell, trade, or even exhibit their collections. This sense of ownership is a game-changer, pun intended!Example: Grit by Gala GamesTake "Grit" by Gala Games, for instance. This game exemplifies how NFTs empower players, offering a level of engagement and ownership that traditional games haven't provided.Monetization in NFT GamingHow Do NFT Games Make Money?NFT games generate revenue through various means:In-game purchases: Just like traditional games, NFT games charge fees for special items or features. These can add up to substantial amounts, especially with a large player base.Primary NFT sales: Selling unique digital items, skins, or abilities directly to players is another lucrative avenue.Personal Rights and Legal Use of NFTsWhen you acquire an NFT, you often get certain commercial rights, as granted by the creator. This can include selling merchandise or creating media based on the NFT, although the original copyright and intellectual property rights usually remain with the creator.The Future and Size of NFT GamingA Promising HorizonThe future of NFT gaming is bright and brimming with potential. As technology evolves, we can expect more immersive gameplay experiences with valuable real-world assets.Market SizeTo give you an idea of the scale, the NFT Gaming Market is expected to soar from USD 471.90 billion in 2024 to USD 942.58 billion by 2029. That's a massive growth, signaling the increasing influence of NFTs in the gaming industry.Advantages and Challenges of NFT GamesThe UpsidesNew Engagement Opportunities: NFTs open fresh avenues for player and fan engagement in esports and streaming.Monetization and Trading: Players can monetize their in-game assets, trading them like real-world commodities.The DownsidesHowever, NFTs in gaming aren't without challenges. Issues like limited legal rights, scalability, and regulatory uncertainty pose significant hurdles.NFTs vs. Traditional Games: A Comparative LookNFT games differ from traditional ones mainly in asset ownership and level of immersion. NFT games offer true digital ownership, allowing players to collect, trade, and even earn from their in-game assets.Conclusion: The Transformative Impact of NFTs in GamingNFTs are revolutionizing the gaming industry, offering unparalleled ownership and monetization opportunities. As we navigate this exciting new landscape, it's clear that NFTs are not just a fleeting trend but a significant shift in how we play, interact, and value digital content in games.So, whether you're a gamer, developer, or just curious about this new digital frontier, the world of NFTs in gaming is definitely worth exploring!NFT Gaming NewsRead the news. And do we have news for you? Check out these pages: news 1, news 2, news 3, news 4, news 5, news 6, news 7, news 8, news 9, news 10, news 11, news 12, news 13, news 14, news 15, news 16, news 17, news 18, news 19, and news 20.Game Reviews:Find all game reviews on our Games Overview pages, we call them our game listings pages. You can find 100s of games like this: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5, page 6, page 7, page 8. Choose your pick!

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La frontera de los juegos Web3: historias de éxito, desafíos y la evolución del juego

La frontera de los juegos Web3: historias de éxito, desafíos y la evolución del juego

Obtenga más información sobre el siempre cambiante mundo de los juegos Web3 en nuestro informe más reciente, "Navegando por la frontera de los juegos Web3: historias de éxito, desafíos y la evolución del juego". Analizamos profundamente el complicado panorama para obtener información de los líderes en el campo y de los nuevos jugadores que están construyendo el futuro. Un nuevo informe de CoinGecko muestra que el 75% de los juegos Web3 lanzados en los últimos cinco años han fracasado, lo que demuestra lo complicadas que son las historias y lo mucho que está en juego. Aunque ha habido problemas, historias de éxito como la colección Frontier NFT de Vendetta Games y la nueva función Guilds de Pixels muestran cuán fuerte y flexible es la industria. El cambio de Defimons de Mon Studios a la marca Spellborne aumenta el misterio y promete una combinación de elementos clásicos de MMORPG y características Web3 de vanguardia. También analizamos el campo de batalla legal de Shrapnel, que muestra cuán difícil ha sido el camino para los juegos Web3. Acompáñenos mientras exploramos los altibajos y las tendencias de esta frontera en constante cambio, mostrando cuán comprometida está la industria con abrir nuevos caminos y crear experiencias inmersivas para los jugadores.

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Strategic Shifts at Yuga Labs and the Rise of Stablecoins in Gaming Finance

Strategic Shifts at Yuga Labs and the Rise of Stablecoins in Gaming Finance

This article dives into Yuga Labs' strategic shift and the growing importance of stablecoins in the gaming world. Yuga Labs, creators of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, are simplifying their operations to focus more effectively on innovative projects like the Otherside metaverse. Meanwhile, stablecoins are gaining traction, providing a stable and reliable way to handle money in games, which simplifies buying and trading for gamers. These developments are reshaping how gamers interact with digital currencies and game platforms, offering more stability and exciting new possibilities. Discover how these changes could enhance your gaming experience and open up new ways to play and transact in the digital realm. Dive into the full story to see what's next in the intersection of gaming and finance technology.

Leer más Boletín 10 Boletín 10

Consulte el boletín informativo de PlaytoEarnGames para aprender todo lo que necesita saber sobre los juegos web3. Descubra el revolucionario juego Web3 de Zynga, Sugartown, y cómo utiliza Ethereum NFT. Descubra el aumento de fondos de $13 millones que obtuvo ZTX, que está ayudando a Web3 a despegar. En Gods Unchained, se agrega Pauper Mode para nivelar el campo de juego. El Proyecto T de Axie Infinity es un mundo social virtual que une a los jugadores. Se muestra la serie NFT de Morra Games, llamada The Awakening. Es una experiencia interactiva impulsada por la comunidad. No importa cómo cambie el mercado, siempre debe conocer las últimas tendencias en los juegos de jugar para ganar. Acepte que las criptomonedas, los tokens no fungibles (NFT) y los juegos inmersivos están cambiando.

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Juego Revisión del juego

Juego Revisión del juego es una plataforma social de juegos hipercasuales para ganar dinero. Gana NFT y coleccionables digitales jugando tus juegos favoritos en el móvil contra personas reales.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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