Mejores Juegos Play-to-Earn NFT | Juegos de Blockchain y Cripto

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Género: Artillería multijugador

Angrymals - Revisión del juego

Angrymals - Revisión del juego

En Angrymals, los jugadores recolectan y mejoran una variedad de criaturas únicas y adorables llamadas "Angrymals" que están equipadas con una variedad de armas y habilidades. Cada Angrymal tiene sus propias fortalezas y debilidades únicas, y los jugadores deben elegir estratégicamente su equipo y tácticas para salir victoriosos. El juego presenta múltiples modos de juego, incluido el combate a muerte tradicional y capturar la bandera, así como un elemento de juego para ganar en el que los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas a través de logros en el juego y comercio de NFT. El juego se basa en una plataforma descentralizada, lo que garantiza equidad y seguridad para todos los jugadores. Construye y defiende tu torre mientras intentas destruir la torre de tu oponente. Este juego tiene que ver con la estrategia, donde puedes desafiar a jugadores en línea en tiempo real para obtener recompensas monetizables. El juego te recordará a la enormemente popular franquicia de videojuegos Angry Birds. Las fortalezas se pueden construir con una variedad de materiales diferentes. Tienes la oportunidad de crear tu propio estilo de lucha personalizado y tu propio personaje personalizado, con diseños y armas a juego. Para mejorar tus estadísticas necesitas recolectar Chaos Orbs, y puedes hacerlo de la siguiente manera: Primero debes crear tu Chaos Core ganando batallas y competencias PvP, y creando y luego vendiendo diseños de fortalezas populares para obtener ingresos en el juego. Cuanto más ganes, más recursos ganarás. Además, puedes actualizar tus núcleos para aumentar una variedad de otras estadísticas como HP o la duración de Last Stand uniendo dos o cuatro Chaos Shards para crear Chaos Orbs. Las gemas de la clasificación son premios que se entregan a los mejores jugadores de la liga al final de cada temporada. Un vendedor aceptará gemas de clasificación a cambio de orbes del caos. Jugabilidad de Angrymals: la forma más sencilla de describir el trepidante juego de estrategia por turnos Angrymals es compararlo con un cruce entre Angry Birds y Capture the Flag. Su premisa básica es simple: debes eliminar a tus oponentes reduciendo sus HP a cero y evitando que ellos te hagan lo mismo. Cada equipo tendrá tres rondas después de elegir un mapa para jugar con su oponente. Además, pueden utilizar los disparos que obtienen durante esas rondas junto con sus "edificios" para crear mecanismos ofensivos o defensivos. Esto les ayudará a protegerse y destruir las defensas de su oponente.

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Innovative Storage Solution Could Create Everlasting Blockchains

Innovative Storage Solution Could Create Everlasting Blockchains

Making History Last: The Marvel of Modern Tech Imagine living in a world where the information we hold dear, the very essence of human knowledge and innovation, could be preserved for millennia without ever consuming a fragment of energy Well, folks, that era isn't a distant dream—it's our reality today Our current technological advancements have paved the way for the ultimate preservation of data, ensuring that the groundbreaking ideas of our time, including the profound vision of a certain anonymous innovator, could potentially exist indefinitely The Zero-Energy Wonder In the midst of our fast-paced, energy-consuming lives, the emergence of zero-energy data preservation technology stands as a beacon of sustainable innovation This groundbreaking approach not only addresses the environmental concerns associated with digital storage but also offers a solution that is as long-lasting as it is eco-friendly...

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CleanSpark Hits Over 20 EH/s and Mines 445 Bitcoins in June

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Cofundador de Reddit y expertos de la industria en Play-to-Earn

Cofundador de Reddit y expertos de la industria en Play-to-Earn

Explore el mundo transformador de los juegos de jugar para ganar, donde la diversión se encuentra con las ganancias a través de tokens criptográficos y NFT. Juegos redefinidos. La forma en que la gente juega está cambiando, y los juegos de "jugar para ganar" están recibiendo mucha atención. Esta nueva idea les da a los jugadores tokens criptográficos o NFT por sus logros en el juego. Algunos expertos de la industria e inversores, como Alexis Ohanian, creen que este modelo funcionará a largo plazo, pero otros no están tan seguros. Alexis Ohanian, quien ayudó a iniciar Reddit y comenzó la firma de capital de riesgo Seven Seven Six, se ha pronunciado a favor de los juegos de "jugar para ganar". Él piensa que en el futuro, los jugadores querrán que se les pague por el tiempo que pasan jugando.

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2024 Dutch Crypto Gaming Laws Explained

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Play Games, Earn Crypto: The Best PlayToEarn Guide

Play Games, Earn Crypto: The Best PlayToEarn Guide

Welcome to the world of PlayToEarn, where the fun of gaming meets the excitement of earning cryptocurrency! If you're intrigued by the idea of making some digital cash while enjoying your favorite pastime, you've come to the right place. As a fellow gamer and crypto enthusiast, I've dived deep into this fascinating world, and I'm here to share everything I've learned. So, grab a snack, settle in, and let's embark on this exciting journey together. What Are Play-to-Earn Games? The Concept: Gaming Meets Blockchain: Play-to-earn games are a revolutionary blend of gaming and blockchain technology. Imagine playing a game where your in-game achievements translate into real-world value. That's what these games offer. You can earn cryptocurrencies or NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) by playing, which can then be traded or sold in the real world. My Personal Discovery: I still remember the day I stumbled upon my first play-to-earn game. Skeptical but curious, I dived in. Fast forward a few months, and I was not only having a blast but also earning some decent crypto on the side. It felt like hitting two birds with one stone! The Best Play-to-Earn Games: A Closer Look. Now, let's dive into some of the top games that have caught the attention of gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike.1. The Sandbox: A Virtual World of OpportunitiesThe Sandbox is like the Minecraft of blockchain gaming. You can build, own, and monetize your gaming experiences. I spent hours creating my little digital space and was amazed at how it could be turned into a revenue stream.2. Axie Infinity: A Game ChangerAxie Infinity is often considered the poster child of play-to-earn games. It's a Pokémon-style game where you breed and battle fantasy creatures called Axies. The more you play and breed, the more you can earn. It's fascinating and addictive!3. Decentraland: More Than Just a GameDecentraland is a virtual reality platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Here, you can buy land, build on it, explore, and interact with others' creations. It's a whole new world where the line between gaming and real estate blurs.4. Splinterlands: Collect, Trade, BattleFor card game enthusiasts, Splinterlands is a treat. It's a digital collectible card game where each card is an NFT. This means you truly own your cards and can sell or trade them as you wish.5. Phantom Galaxies: An Action-Packed AdventurePhantom Galaxies combines mech combat with an open-world space sim. What drew me in was its fascinating storyline and the fact that you can earn NFTs through various missions and achievements.How to Start Playing (And Earning!)Choosing the Right GameThe first step is choosing a game that suits your interests. Are you into card games, virtual worlds, or maybe strategy games? There's something for everyone.Setting Up a Digital WalletTo play these games, you'll need a digital wallet for your earnings. I recommend doing some research and selecting a wallet that supports the game's cryptocurrency and is secure and user-friendly.Understanding the InvestmentSome games require an initial investment, like buying starter packs or characters. Be sure to understand what you're getting into and only invest what you're comfortable with losing.The Risks and RewardsPotential EarningsThe allure of play-to-earn games is the potential for real earnings. Some players have made significant amounts, but it's important to keep expectations realistic.The Volatility of CryptocurrencyRemember, the value of cryptocurrencies can be highly volatile. Earnings can fluctuate, and what seems like a fortune today might not be the same tomorrow.Scams and SecurityAs with anything crypto-related, be cautious of scams. Always use reputable sites and keep your digital assets secure.Final Thoughts: Is It Worth It?The Fun FactorFor me, the joy of playing these games is as much a reward as the earnings. If you enjoy gaming, why not earn some crypto while you're at it?A Glimpse into the FuturePlay-to-earn games are just the beginning of how blockchain technology can transform gaming. They offer a glimpse into a future where players have more control and reap more benefits from their gaming pursuits.Balancing Play and EarningsIt's important to balance the fun of gaming with the potential to earn. Don't get too caught up in the earning aspect that you forget to enjoy the game.In conclusion, play-to-earn games are an exciting development in the gaming world. They offer a new way to engage with games and earn from your passion. Whether you're a gaming enthusiast or a crypto-curious individual, these games provide an intriguing opportunity to dive into the world of blockchain gaming. Remember to play responsibly, and most importantly, have fun!Dive Into the PlayToEarn World: Your Ultimate FAQ and FactsheetHey there, fellow gamers and crypto enthusiasts! Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of PlayToEarn games? I've got your back with this comprehensive FAQ and factsheet. Whether you're a seasoned player or just curious about what all the buzz is about, I'm here to guide you through every step. So, let's get started!What Are PlayToEarn Games?The Basics of PlayToEarn GamingPlayToEarn games are a fantastic fusion of fun gaming and earning cryptocurrency. Think of them as your regular video games, but with a delightful twist: you can earn real-world value in the form of digital currencies or NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) just by playing!My First Encounter with PlayToEarnI remember the first time I tried a PlayToEarn game. It was a mix of excitement and skepticism. Fast forward a few weeks, and I was not only hooked on the gameplay but also pleasantly surprised by the crypto I had started to accumulate.How Do You Earn in PlayToEarn Games?The Earning MechanicsEarning in these games can vary. In some, you might earn tokens through completing tasks or battles, while in others, it's about trading in-game assets like land or collectibles. The key is to engage with the game's ecosystem.Remember, It's Not a Get-Rich-Quick SchemeOne thing I learned quickly is that while you can earn, these games aren't a shortcut to wealth. It's a gradual process, and like any game, it requires skill, strategy, and sometimes a bit of luck.What Are Some Popular PlayToEarn Games?A Peek at the Top GamesThe Sandbox: A virtual world where creativity meets earning potential.Axie Infinity: A digital pet universe where you breed and battle adorable creatures.Decentraland: A virtual reality platform where you can own and develop digital real estate.My Personal FavoriteI've spent countless hours in The Sandbox, creating my own virtual space. It's not just a game; it's a creative outlet and a potential source of income, all rolled into one.Do You Need to Invest Money to Play?The Initial InvestmentSome PlayToEarn games require an initial investment, like buying characters or assets. However, there are also games where you can start for free, though the earning potential might be lower.Investing WiselyMy advice? Start small and understand the game mechanics before investing more. Like any investment, there are risks involved.What Are the Risks of PlayToEarn Games?The Volatile Nature of CryptocurrencyCryptocurrency prices can be highly volatile. The value of your in-game earnings can fluctuate, so it's essential to stay informed and not put all your eggs in one basket.Security ConcernsWith digital assets, security is paramount. Always use reputable platforms and protect your digital wallet with strong security measures.Can PlayToEarn Be a Full-Time Job?Earning PotentialWhile some players have turned PlayToEarn gaming into a lucrative career, it's not the norm. It requires a lot of time, skill, and sometimes a substantial initial investment.Balancing Gaming and EarningRemember, at its core, gaming should be enjoyable. If you're only playing to earn, it might take the fun out of the experience. Find a balance that works for you.How to Choose the Right PlayToEarn Game?Aligning with Your InterestsChoose a game that aligns with your interests. Are you into strategy games, virtual worlds, or something more casual? Your enjoyment of the game is crucial.Community and SupportA vibrant community and good developer support can significantly enhance your gaming experience. Look for games with active forums and helpful resources.Future of PlayToEarn GamingThe Ever-Evolving LandscapeThe PlayToEarn scene is constantly evolving. New games and technologies are emerging, offering more opportunities for players.My PredictionI believe we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. As blockchain technology advances, we can expect even more innovative and engaging PlayToEarn games.Closing Thoughts: Is It Worth the Hype?The Fun FactorFor me, the combination of gaming and earning has been a game-changer. It adds an extra layer of excitement to the gaming experience.Proceed with CautionLike any venture involving money, proceed with caution and do your research. And most importantly, remember to have fun. After all, that's what gaming is all about!In conclusion, the world of PlayToEarn games is a fascinating blend of entertainment and earning potential. Whether you're looking to dive into virtual worlds, battle with digital creatures, or simply explore this new frontier, there's a game out there for you. Keep these FAQs in mind, choose your games wisely, and who knows? You might just find your new favorite hobby that also pads your wallet a bit. Happy gaming!

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Gana el evento Mint Marathon de Alliance: explora los 16 mejores juegos Web3, NFT Minting exclusivo y recompensas de insignias de varios niveles

Gana el evento Mint Marathon de Alliance: explora los 16 mejores juegos Web3, NFT Minting exclusivo y recompensas de insignias de varios niveles

Earn Alliance, una destacada plataforma de agregación web3, organiza el evento Mint Marathon, un espectáculo de tres semanas en el que los usuarios pueden crear NFT gratis de 16 juegos web3 de primer nivel que operan en las cadenas de bloques Binance, Polygon e Immutable. Este evento tiene como objetivo mostrar el inmenso potencial de los juegos web3 y fomentar la promoción cruzada entre estos juegos, al tiempo que ofrece a los jugadores la oportunidad de explorar una amplia gama de títulos web3 y competir por premios exclusivos. El Mint Marathon se promociona como el evento más grande de su tipo y promete una experiencia de vanguardia tanto para los jugadores como para los desarrolladores. La programación incluye títulos destacados como "Born to Die", "Magic Craft", "The Last Monarchy" y "Medieval Empires". Earn Alliance está ansiosa por brindar una experiencia emocionante que potencialmente podría remodelar el panorama de los juegos web3. La impresionante lista de 16 juegos de primer nivel que participan en Mint Marathon incluye: Born to Die MagicCraft Gravity Ultimate Champions Kingdom Story Oxya Origin Legends of Elysium Girasol Land Último recurso Meta Apes Shutdown The Fabled Crop Bytes The Last Monarchy My NFT Wars Medieval Empires Joseph Cooper, director ejecutivo y fundador de Earn Alliance, expresa su entusiasmo por el evento y enfatiza el compromiso de la plataforma de capacitar a los fanáticos para que descubran los juegos web3. El Mint Marathon superó sus expectativas debido a la gran cantidad de juegos jugables disponibles en tres redes blockchain diferentes. En un desarrollo reciente, Earn Alliance ha establecido una asociación importante con GAM3S.GG. Las dos compañías anunciaron un programa de recompensas de insignias de varios niveles, que ofrece varias recompensas a los usuarios que interactúan con ambas plataformas. Los usuarios pueden obtener beneficios creando una insignia de nivel 1 de GAM3S.GG en Earn Alliance y completando misiones en la plataforma GAM3S.GG. Estas recompensas incluyen premios atractivos como una PlayStation 5, 50 NFT aleatorios y potenciadores para insignias de nivel 2. Además, se están preparando insignias de nivel 2 a 5, que prometen más misiones y premios para mejorar la experiencia de juego en la plataforma GAM3S.GG. El calendario de eventos Mint Marathon presenta tres días antes de cada evento Mint donde los jugadores pueden desbloquear los logros necesarios para la acuñación. Para acuñar una insignia de la red blockchain, los participantes deben completar al menos tres actividades de acuñación cada semana. Por ejemplo, durante la semana de Binance (del 18 al 23 de septiembre), los usuarios que participen en al menos tres eventos Mint entre el 21 y el 23 de septiembre pueden acuñar la insignia BNB. Al acuñar estas insignias, los miembros participan en sorteos de premios exclusivos asociados con cada red blockchain. Trescientos afortunados usuarios, cien de cada red blockchain, ganarán obsequios excepcionales en el Mint Marathon. Earn Alliance cuenta con alrededor de 220.000 usuarios, lo que la convierte en un centro valioso para los últimos juegos, actualizaciones y lanzamientos de NFT. En 2023, la plataforma facilitó la acuñación de medio millón de NFT, catapultando juegos como BigTime y Stella Fantasy al centro de atención e impulsando un crecimiento sustancial de la comunidad. Earn Alliance desempeña un papel fundamental a la hora de conectar a jugadores y creadores de videojuegos basados en la web, y actúa como el sitio de descubrimiento y agregación más grande de su tipo. Con más de 100.000 visitantes únicos cada mes, la plataforma es un depósito central para todos los desarrollos de juegos web3, con miles de juegos, actualizaciones de noticias, lanzamientos de NFT y contenido atractivo. Juegos como BigTime, Kingdom Story, Stella Fantasy y Gods Unchained se benefician del alcance de la plataforma, que agrega más de 2400 fuentes sociales y de contenido de juegos web3 y acelera el crecimiento de la comunidad de juegos hasta en un 362 % en cuestión de minutos. La visión de Earn Alliance incluye convertirse en la primera plataforma de lanzamiento de NFT autoservicio y agregador de mercado dedicado a los juegos, brindando una experiencia de acuñación unificada en navegadores en línea, Apple App Store y Google Play.

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Solana's Meme Tokens Surge 800% Beyond Ethereum's in 2024

Solana's Meme Tokens Surge 800% Beyond Ethereum's in 2024

Exploring the Surge in Solana-Based Meme Coins: A 2024 Snapshot 2024 has been a transformative year for cryptocurrency enthusiasts, especially for followers of the vibrant meme coin sector A groundbreaking report from CoinMarketCap has revealed some eye-opening trends, notably that Solana-based meme coins have dramatically leapfrogged their Ethereum counterparts in terms of return on investment With Solana meme coins boasting an average return of 8,469% compared to Ethereum’s 962%, it's evident where the action has been hotter The Catalyst Behind Solana’s Meme Coin Mania The skyrocketing popularity and success of meme coins on the Solana blockchain can be traced back to a couple of standout tokens—the infamous WIF and BONK These cryptocurrencies haven't just performed exceptionally well; they've revolutionized how capital circulates within the crypto world, mesmerizing investors and redirecting funds and focus towards Solana...

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Noticias de juegos del domingo del Super Bowl

Noticias de juegos del domingo del Super Bowl

La semana pasada también vimos las consecuencias de FTX en la cancelación del acuerdo publicitario del Super Bowl para la industria de la criptografía. Entonces, este año la gente solo verá anuncios de cerveza en lugar de criptomonedas o blockchain. En cuanto al juego, tenemos Project Red que invita a los jugadores a jugar y probar el juego de forma gratuita. Un par de juegos más, como Faraway Lands y BattleFly, tienen acceso alfa y anticipado respectivamente.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

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