Mejores Juegos Play-to-Earn NFT | Juegos de Blockchain y Cripto

Sumérgete en nuestras reseñas de juegos de Play-to-Earn, cripto y blockchain. Explora lo último en P2E, Web3 y juegos NFT a lo largo de páginas llenas de perspicacias!

Puede leer reseñas de videojuegos, información sobre P2E y criptografía, ver videos y acceder a una lista completa de juegos NFT. Esta lista incluye capturas de pantalla, avances de juegos y guías de juego Web3.

Género: Artillería multijugador

Angrymals - Revisión del juego

Angrymals - Revisión del juego

En Angrymals, los jugadores recolectan y mejoran una variedad de criaturas únicas y adorables llamadas "Angrymals" que están equipadas con una variedad de armas y habilidades. Cada Angrymal tiene sus propias fortalezas y debilidades únicas, y los jugadores deben elegir estratégicamente su equipo y tácticas para salir victoriosos. El juego presenta múltiples modos de juego, incluido el combate a muerte tradicional y capturar la bandera, así como un elemento de juego para ganar en el que los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas a través de logros en el juego y comercio de NFT. El juego se basa en una plataforma descentralizada, lo que garantiza equidad y seguridad para todos los jugadores. Construye y defiende tu torre mientras intentas destruir la torre de tu oponente. Este juego tiene que ver con la estrategia, donde puedes desafiar a jugadores en línea en tiempo real para obtener recompensas monetizables. El juego te recordará a la enormemente popular franquicia de videojuegos Angry Birds. Las fortalezas se pueden construir con una variedad de materiales diferentes. Tienes la oportunidad de crear tu propio estilo de lucha personalizado y tu propio personaje personalizado, con diseños y armas a juego. Para mejorar tus estadísticas necesitas recolectar Chaos Orbs, y puedes hacerlo de la siguiente manera: Primero debes crear tu Chaos Core ganando batallas y competencias PvP, y creando y luego vendiendo diseños de fortalezas populares para obtener ingresos en el juego. Cuanto más ganes, más recursos ganarás. Además, puedes actualizar tus núcleos para aumentar una variedad de otras estadísticas como HP o la duración de Last Stand uniendo dos o cuatro Chaos Shards para crear Chaos Orbs. Las gemas de la clasificación son premios que se entregan a los mejores jugadores de la liga al final de cada temporada. Un vendedor aceptará gemas de clasificación a cambio de orbes del caos. Jugabilidad de Angrymals: la forma más sencilla de describir el trepidante juego de estrategia por turnos Angrymals es compararlo con un cruce entre Angry Birds y Capture the Flag. Su premisa básica es simple: debes eliminar a tus oponentes reduciendo sus HP a cero y evitando que ellos te hagan lo mismo. Cada equipo tendrá tres rondas después de elegir un mapa para jugar con su oponente. Además, pueden utilizar los disparos que obtienen durante esas rondas junto con sus "edificios" para crear mecanismos ofensivos o defensivos. Esto les ayudará a protegerse y destruir las defensas de su oponente.

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Todas las noticias de juegos
Cómo la tecnología Web3 aborda a la perfección los desafíos de larga data de los juegos Web2

Cómo la tecnología Web3 aborda a la perfección los desafíos de larga data de los juegos Web2

En el mundo de los juegos en línea, la tecnología Web2 ha reinado durante años, trayendo consigo una serie de comodidades y desafíos. Sin embargo, la tecnología Web3 está surgiendo como una solución prometedora a los problemas persistentes que han plagado a los videojuegos. Este extenso resumen explora la transición de los juegos Web2 a Web3 y cómo aborda problemas clave en la industria del juego. Los juegos Web2 han gozado de una gran popularidad, pero presentan varios obstáculos para los jugadores. Uno de los principales desafíos es la necesidad de que los jugadores creen múltiples identidades virtuales, nombres de usuario y contraseñas para diferentes juegos. Administrar numerosas credenciales puede resultar engorroso, lo que conlleva el riesgo de perder el acceso a cuentas valiosas. Además, las preocupaciones por la seguridad y la privacidad cobran gran importancia en el panorama de los juegos Web2. Los estudios han demostrado un aumento de los ciberataques dirigidos a jugadores, poniendo en peligro tanto sus activos financieros como su información personal. La recopilación de datos de los jugadores mediante juegos en línea también genera preocupaciones sobre violaciones y uso indebido de datos. Otro problema apremiante en los juegos Web2 es la prevalencia de bots y cuentas falsas, a menudo impulsadas por tecnologías avanzadas de inteligencia artificial como ChatGPT. Estos bots no sólo interrumpen la experiencia de juego, sino que también plantean amenazas a la seguridad y la privacidad. Este problema se extiende más allá de los juegos y afecta a las plataformas de redes sociales con el aumento de estafas y cuentas deepfake. Ingrese a los juegos Web3, un cambio transformador en la industria del juego impulsado por tecnologías como blockchain y tokens no fungibles (NFT). Los juegos Web3 han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial, con un aumento del 2000% de 2021 a 2022 y una parte significativa de la actividad blockchain en la primera mitad de 2023. Los jugadores también están invirtiendo sumas sustanciales, con un gasto que alcanza los 739 millones de dólares en un solo año. Entonces, ¿cómo aborda la tecnología Web3 los problemas de larga data en los videojuegos? La tecnología Web3 sirve como una solución integral a los problemas encontrados en los juegos Web2. Introduce identidades Web3 cifradas y seguras, que actúan como una billetera digital, un punto de acceso universal a los juegos Web3 y una protección para los jugadores. Con las identidades Web3, los jugadores ya no necesitan crear varias cuentas para distintos juegos; una identidad funciona a la perfección en todos los títulos de Web3. Además, estas identidades funcionan como billeteras Web3, donde se almacenan valiosos NFT y recompensas de diferentes juegos Web3. Las identidades Web3 simplifican el proceso de inicio de sesión y eliminan la necesidad de hacer malabarismos con numerosas credenciales. Esto agiliza la experiencia de incorporación para nuevos jugadores, ampliando sus opciones de juego y manteniendo la seguridad. La sólida seguridad de las identidades Web3, respaldadas por la tecnología blockchain y el cifrado, las hace casi inmunes a cualquier riesgo. Los jugadores pueden confiar en que sus fondos están seguros y accesibles sólo cuando eligen acceder a ellos. Además, las identidades Web3 otorgan a los jugadores control sobre la privacidad de sus datos. Los usuarios pueden determinar qué plataformas pueden acceder a su información personal y revocar el permiso en cualquier momento. Este mayor nivel de control dificulta que terceros accedan a datos confidenciales, lo que brinda a los usuarios mayor libertad y seguridad. Para combatir la creciente amenaza de los bots, las identidades Web3 pueden implementar una "verificación de humanidad" única durante la configuración, utilizando métodos como biometría o chats de video con validadores aprobados. Este proceso de autenticación garantiza que los usuarios sean personas genuinas, lo que reduce el riesgo de ataques cibernéticos y la presencia de cuentas de bots deepfake. En resumen, la tecnología Web3 ofrece un futuro prometedor para la industria del juego al abordar los desafíos de larga data de los juegos Web2. Con las identidades Web3 que sirven como puntos de acceso y billeteras seguros y universales, los jugadores pueden disfrutar de una experiencia de juego más optimizada y segura. Estas identidades también otorgan a los usuarios control sobre sus datos, mejorando la privacidad y reduciendo el riesgo de ataques cibernéticos. A medida que los juegos Web3 continúan evolucionando, tienen el potencial de revolucionar la forma en que jugamos e interactuamos en mundos virtuales.

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Win Big with Counter Fire and Big Time’s VIP Score Exclusive Perks —Join Us!

Win Big with Counter Fire and Big Time’s VIP Score Exclusive Perks —Join Us!

Jump into the latest gaming excitement with 'Counter Fire,' where fast-paced battles meet vibrant anime style. Experience the thrill of MOBA and battle royale genres right on your mobile. Meanwhile, 'Big Time' elevates your gaming with its $BIGTIME VIP Program, rewarding your loyalty with exclusive perks. Both games not only deliver heart-pounding action but also foster a tight-knit community of players. Participate in 'Hill’s Treasure Hunt' in 'Counter Fire' for a chance to win big, or climb the VIP tiers in 'Big Time' to unlock even greater rewards. Whether you're battling solo or teaming up with friends, these games promise a dynamic blend of strategy and fun. So, are you ready to take your gaming to the next level? Join the adventure and connect with a global community of enthusiasts today!

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Axie Infinity & OpenSea: Your Guide to Today's Crypto Craze!

Axie Infinity & OpenSea: Your Guide to Today's Crypto Craze!

The world of blockchain gaming and cryptocurrencies is buzzing with excitement and innovation. It's like we're witnessing a digital revolution unfold right before our eyes. I remember when the idea of digital currencies and blockchain games seemed like a distant future, but here we are! Let's dive into five key developments reshaping this vibrant landscape. Axie Origin Coin's Big Move to Ronin Blockchain. Remember playing Axie Infinity? It was a game-changer, literally. Now, its creators, Sky Mavis, have announced something huge. They're moving all Axie Origin Coin (AOC) tokens from Ethereum to the Ronin blockchain. Why? To make the game's ecosystem even better. The Details: This isn't just a technical switch. AOC tokens are vital for creating Origin axies, and this move is set to happen on January 22nd. Imagine taking a snapshot of all AOC tokens on Ethereum and then shifting them to Ronin addresses. It's like moving to a new digital home with better facilities! And there's more – this shift could lead to creating new Origin axies with Mystic parts. That means more rarity and value. It's like finding a rare Pokémon card in your old collection – exciting and potentially valuable!OpenSea's NFT Access RevolutionI've always found entering the NFT space a bit intimidating. But OpenSea, in collaboration with Privy, is changing the game with an email-based wallet creation process. No more complicated steps!Simplifying the ComplexRemember the hassle of downloading wallet extensions or memorizing seed phrases? OpenSea's making that history. They're even supporting credit and debit card transactions. It's like they're opening the door to the NFT world and saying, "Come on in; it's easier than you think!"A Deep Dive into Blockchain Gaming: BGA Industry Report 2023The Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) has released its 2023 Industry Report, and it's a goldmine of insights. Think of it as a detailed map guiding us through the ever-evolving terrain of blockchain gaming.Key InsightsWhat struck me was how Europe is leading the charge in blockchain gaming, followed closely by Asia. And let's not forget the rising star – the MENA region. The report also highlights the importance of gender inclusivity and the exciting transition from web2 to web3 gaming. It's like watching the evolution of the internet in real-time!Alien Worlds and NFT Panda's Interstellar AdventureFor fans of NFT Panda: World of Fantasy and Alien Worlds, the third season of their collaboration is like a season premiere of your favorite show. They're bringing in more flexibility with NFTs, adding "Shines" for exclusive content, and introducing new gameplay mechanics. It's a whole new world of possibilities!Wrapping Up: The Future is BrightFrom Axie Infinity's strategic blockchain migration to OpenSea making NFTs more accessible, the landscape is evolving rapidly. The BGA's insights offer a clear picture of current trends, and the collaboration between NFT Panda and Alien Worlds shows the endless possibilities in this space.We're standing at the brink of a new era in digital interaction and creation. These developments are not just tech upgrades; they're reshaping how we engage with digital assets and games. It's an exciting time to be a part of this digital revolution, and I can't wait to see what's next on this incredible journey.The World of NFTs on OpenSea: A Beginner's GuideNavigating the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) can be as thrilling as finding a hidden treasure. If you're new to this, let me guide you through it, as I once was where you are now - curious and a bit bewildered. So, let's dive into this fascinating world, shall we?What Exactly is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?The Uniqueness of Non-FungibilityRemember that time you found something so unique at a garage sale that you knew it couldn't be replaced? That's the essence of non-fungibility. An NFT is a digital asset that represents real-world objects like art, music, in-game items, and videos. They are bought and sold online, frequently with cryptocurrency, and they are generally encoded with the same underlying software as many cryptos.The Digital Certificate: The 'Token' AspectThink of NFTs as the digital equivalent of collectibles. The 'token' in NFT stands for a digital certificate stored on a blockchain. This technology is like a digital ledger, ensuring the item is one-of-a-kind. If you buy an NFT, you get ownership rights - it's like having an autographed item, but in the digital world.How Does OpenSea Fit Into All This?OpenSea: The Digital MarketplaceOpenSea is like the eBay of the NFT world. It's a platform where you can browse, buy, and sell NFTs. As a non-custodial platform, it gives you full control over your cryptocurrency wallet. You can interact directly with others to buy or sell NFTs, individually or in bundles.Personal Anecdote: My First OpenSea ExperienceI remember listing my first digital artwork on OpenSea. The process was surprisingly simple – like setting up a shop in a digital bazaar. The excitement of putting up my creation for the world to see was exhilarating!What if Your NFT Doesn't Sell on OpenSea?Relisting and Strategy ChangeJust like that garage sale treasure, sometimes your NFT might not sell immediately. If that happens, don't worry! You can always relist it on OpenSea, or even try your luck on a different platform. Consider adjusting the price or changing how you promote it. Remember, every market has its ups and downs - patience and strategy are key.Making Money on OpenSea: A Real PossibilityThe Art of Selling NFTsCan you make money on OpenSea? Absolutely! I've seen friends and online acquaintances turn their digital creations into profitable ventures. Setting a price for your NFT and finding the right buyer might take time, but when it clicks, it's quite rewarding.Key Tips for SuccessUnderstand Your Audience: Who are your potential buyers? Understanding them can help tailor your NFTs to their interests.Marketing Matters: Use social media and online communities to showcase your NFTs.Be Patient and Persevere: Sometimes, it's about waiting for the right buyer to come along.A Personal Success StoryOne of my first NFT sales was a digital illustration I made. After a couple of weeks on OpenSea without any bites, I shared it on social media, and boom – it caught the eye of a collector. That first sale was a modest one, but it filled me with the confidence to create more.World of NFTs on OpenSeaConclusion: The Exciting World of NFTs on OpenSeaOpenSea isn't just a marketplace; it's a gateway to the vast, vibrant world of NFTs. Whether you're an artist, a collector, or simply curious, there's something for everyone. Remember, the journey into NFTs is unique for each person. Embrace the learning curve, and who knows? You might just find yourself deeply immersed in this exciting digital world.So, go ahead, explore OpenSea, create, list, or buy an NFT, and be part of this ever-evolving digital ecosystem. Who knows, the next digital masterpiece or coveted collectible could be yours!Can You Earn Money in Axie Infinity Origin? A Deep Dive into the Game's Earning MechanicsAre you curious about the potential of earning real money while playing Axie Infinity Origin? Well, you're not alone! This game has created quite a buzz in the gaming and crypto community. As someone who's navigated the exciting world of in-game earnings, I'm here to share some insights, personal experiences, and the key differences between Axie Infinity and its new version, Axie Infinity Origin.Earning Through Gameplay: SLPs and AXPEarning Smooth Love Potions (SLPs)Smooth Love Potions, or SLPs, are the in-game currency of Axie Infinity. These can be earned by playing the game, and they have real-world value. I remember when I first started playing, the thrill of earning SLPs was addictive. It felt like a fun way to make a little extra cash. However, it's essential to note that the value of SLPs can fluctuate, so keep an eye on the market!Accumulating AXP in Axie Infinity OriginIn Axie Infinity Origin, players can earn AXP (Axie Experience Points) through ranked battles. Each winning Axie can gain 150 AXP per battle, with a daily cap of 4500 AXP for an Axie. But here's a crucial point: AXP earned in-game is off-chain, meaning it doesn't directly translate to cryptocurrency but is essential for in-game progress.The Role of NFTs and Free AxiesUnderstanding NFT Axies vs. Free Starter AxiesIn Axie Infinity: Origin, every player gets three free starter Axies. It's a great way to dive into the game without upfront investment. However, these starter Axies are not NFTs and don't earn SLPs. Remember when I started with these free Axies? It was a fantastic way to learn the ropes without any risk.Can You Still Get SLP with Free Axies?If you're playing with free Axies in Origin, you won't be able to earn SLPs or EmAXS from the game. This limitation is crucial to remember for those looking to earn without investing in NFT Axies.Opportunities to Earn AXSWinning AXS in Axie Infinity OriginIn Axie Infinity Origin, earning AXS, the game's native token, isn't just limited to climbing the Leaderboard. Players can also earn AXS through various gameplay elements such as Fortune Chests, Contests, and Weekly Missions. This diversification in earning methods provides more opportunities for players to gain rewards.The Breeding Aspect: A Lucrative Avenue?Breeding Axies for ProfitLike real-world pets, Axies can be bred to create new, potentially valuable offspring. This process can be a source of income, as these offspring can be sold in the marketplace. However, remember there are resource requirements and limits to breeding (each Axie can breed up to 7 times), so strategize accordingly.Differences Between Axie Infinity and OriginWhat Sets Axie Infinity Origin Apart?Axie Infinity Origin is not just a simple update; it's a significant overhaul. This version introduces a new interface, game mechanics, art, special effects, storylines, and an expansive onboarding experience. As a player of both versions, I found Origin to be more engaging and visually appealing.Starting Your Journey in Axie Infinity OriginHow to BeginGetting started is straightforward. Visit the official website, download the Mavis Hub 2.0, and create your account. The process is user-friendly, and the free starter Axies make it accessible to everyone.Final Thoughts: Is It Worth Your Time?Earning in Axie Infinity Origin can be a fun and engaging way to make some money. However, it's important to approach it with realistic expectations. The value of in-game currencies like SLPs and AXS can fluctuate, and the earnings might not always be substantial. But if you enjoy gaming and are curious about the world of NFTs and crypto, Axie Infinity Origin offers a unique experience that blends both.Remember, like any investment, there's a risk involved. So, play wisely, strategize your breeding and battles, and most importantly, have fun! Happy gaming!

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Surge in Crypto Gaming: AVAX, GALA, and Beyond

Surge in Crypto Gaming: AVAX, GALA, and Beyond

In the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency, gaming tokens like Avalanche (AVAX) and Gala (GALA) have recently experienced significant surges, indicating a bullish trend in the crypto gaming sector. This article delves into the factors propelling this growth, including Bitcoin's influence and the broader market's rotation towards gaming cryptocurrencies. Specifically, it highlights Avalanche's adoption by premier gaming studios and the anticipation surrounding new game launches on its platform, which have contributed to its price surge. Meanwhile, Gala's impressive performance is showcased, underlining its success in the GameFi space. Additionally, the innovative eTukTuk project merges gaming with sustainable technology, introducing a unique play-to-earn model set in Sri Lanka. This piece not only explores these developments but also serves as an insightful guide, offering a glossary of key terms and advanced concepts, empowering gamers and investors to navigate the burgeoning world of crypto gaming with confidence and clarity.

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Pasaporte de Immutable Labs para resolver obstáculos en la adopción de Web3

Pasaporte de Immutable Labs para resolver obstáculos en la adopción de Web3

Immutable Passport, un proyecto Web3 muy necesario de Immutable Labs, es la necesidad del momento por muchas razones. Muchos de nosotros ya somos muy conscientes de que los juegos de blockchain abren caminos para que los jugadores posean activos digitales en el juego. Estos juegos se consideran el catalizador para acercar a la mayor parte de la población a las tecnologías Web3. Además, estos juegos también ofrecen muchas formas de ganar dinero o ganar criptomonedas. Sin embargo, existen ciertos desafíos que detienen la adopción generalizada de estos juegos. Algunos juegos de Jugar para ganar tienen enormes barreras de entrada en forma de NFT. Los jugadores deben comprar estos NFT para comenzar a jugar como en el popular juego Web3 Axie Infinity.

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Axie Infinity's New Quests, Ragnarok's Blockchain Game and Fitness Fun – Get the Scoop!

Axie Infinity's New Quests, Ragnarok's Blockchain Game and Fitness Fun – Get the Scoop!

Axie Infinity's new quest system offers fair rewards and exciting gameplay. Ragnarok: Monster World drops its whitepaper, showcasing strategic blockchain gaming. Plus, fitness gaming trends keep players active and healthy. Stay updated on these exciting developments in the gaming world. Join the fun and see how these innovations are shaping the future of gaming. From winning big in Axie Infinity to exploring strategic gameplay in Ragnarok, this article has it all. Get fit, win prizes, and have fun with these unique games. Click to read and stay connected with the gaming community!

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Web3 Gaming Innovations: Axie, MOBOX, and Mocaverse

Web3 Gaming Innovations: Axie, MOBOX, and Mocaverse

The article delves into the transformative realm of Web3 gaming, spotlighting pivotal innovations from Axie Homeland, MOBOX, and Mocaverse. Axie Homeland introduces Axie Experience Points (AXP), a groundbreaking feature that allows players to evolve their axies through various tasks, enriching the gaming experience with dynamic NFTs. MOBOX appreciates its community with a 600 ETH airdrop for MODragon holders, setting the stage for future expansions in the Dragonverse NEO. Meanwhile, Mocaverse's strategic partnerships aim to fuse K-pop and digital IP with GameFi, marking a significant step towards integrating Web3 gaming with mainstream entertainment in South Korea. Additionally, collaborations like Taki Games and Two3 Labs' Puzzle Smoofs, and the mobile launch of Immutable Games' Gods Unchained, underscore the sector's innovative spirit. These initiatives not only redefine player engagement but also demonstrate the vast potential of blockchain technology in creating immersive, rewarding gaming ecosystems.

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Gas Fees Be Gone: Crypto Unicorns Ditch Polygon for Arbitrum's Xai Network Bliss!

Gas Fees Be Gone: Crypto Unicorns Ditch Polygon for Arbitrum's Xai Network Bliss!

Buckle up for some exciting news in the world of blockchain gaming. If you've been following the latest buzz, you probably caught wind of Arbitrum's Xai gaming network stealing the spotlight with its recent XAI token airdrop. Now, hold on to your virtual hats, because there's another bombshell: Crypto Unicorns, the brainchild of Laguna Games, is bidding farewell to Polygon and embracing the promising embrace of Arbitrum's Xai network. Let's dive into the nitty-gritty details of this migration and what it means for the future of Crypto Unicorns and blockchain gaming as a whole. A Quick Recap: XAI Token Airdrop and Laguna Games: Last week, the crypto community was abuzz with the news of Arbitrum's Xai gaming network dropping XAI tokens from the sky in a massive airdrop. Now, just a short week later, we're learning that Laguna Games, the powerhouse behind the expanding Crypto Unicorns ecosystem, is making a strategic move from Polygon to Arbitrum's Xai network.The Birth of Crypto UnicornsFounded in 2021, Crypto Unicorns has quickly become a notable player in the blockchain gaming space. The ecosystem boasts a core land-based building and battling experience, along with spinoff jousting and party games. The project's NFTs have already generated an impressive $35 million in trading volume, indicating a passionate and engaged community.The Challenges on PolygonHowever, every success story has its hurdles, and for Laguna Games, operating on Polygon presented its fair share of challenges. Aron Beierschmitt, the co-founder and CEO of Laguna Games, candidly shared that they faced difficulties with network gas spikes on Polygon. These spikes not only increased the operational costs of the game but also created friction for the players.The Unsustainable Gas SubsidyTo mitigate the impact on players, Laguna Games took a hit themselves by subsidizing network gas fees, pouring $5,000 to $10,000 a month into the effort. Unfortunately, this approach proved unsustainable in the long run. That's where Arbitrum's Xai network enters the scene as a potential game-changer.Enter Arbitrum's Xai: A Layer-3 Gaming NetworkXai is described as a layer-3 gaming network built on top of Arbitrum, which, in turn, is an Ethereum layer-2 scaling network. In simple terms, it's a solution designed to eliminate those pesky gas fees that were causing headaches for Laguna Games and its players.The Promise of Gas SubsidyBeierschmitt explained, "You just need to obfuscate some of that friction while not getting rid of the things that actually matter, like the security of the actual assets themselves." Xai's gas subsidy is expected to be a game-changer, allowing players to enjoy the Crypto Unicorns experience without the financial burden of gas fees.The Largest Migration in Blockchain Gaming HistoryLaguna Games isn't mincing words when they say that the migration from Polygon to Xai will be the "largest migration in the history" of blockchain games. Why? Well, it turns out that Crypto Unicorns has more than 25 smart contracts powering not only its NFTs but also the intricate gameplay logic. This sheer volume of code makes the migration a monumental task.Staged Rollout and Fun SurprisesWhile no official timeline has been set, Beierschmitt hinted at a "staged rollout." Expect several migrations along the way, accompanied by what he teasingly referred to as "probably some airdrop announcements and fun stuff too." It seems like Crypto Unicorns is not only moving but doing so with a bang!The Support System: Ex Populus and Xai FoundationIn this ambitious move, Laguna Games isn't navigating the transition alone. They're partnering with Ex Populus, the game studio working alongside the Xai Foundation and Arbitrum developer Offchain Labs on the Xai network. Ex Populus is not just an observer; they will also provide crucial marketing support for Laguna Games, acting as a sort of publisher.Tobias Batton's PerspectiveTobias Batton, co-founder and CEO of Ex Populus, sees Laguna Games' move as "huge validation" for Xai. He notes the substantial influx of projects eyeing Xai for development or migration, promising more exciting announcements in the pipeline. It's a testament to the growing reputation and appeal of Arbitrum's Xai network in the blockchain gaming ecosystem.Closing Thoughts: A Bright Future for Crypto UnicornsAs we witness Crypto Unicorns embark on this transformative journey to Arbitrum's Xai network, one thing is clear: change is inevitable, especially in the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology. Laguna Games' decision reflects not only the challenges faced on Polygon but also the optimism surrounding the potential of Xai to revolutionize the gaming experience.So, fellow crypto enthusiasts, keep your eyes peeled for the unfolding chapters of Crypto Unicorns' migration. With promises of a gas-free haven and a supportive ecosystem, it's a story worth following. The world of blockchain gaming continues to surprise and delight, and as Laguna Games takes this leap, we can't help but wonder what exciting adventures await in the virtual realms of Crypto Unicorns on Arbitrum's Xai network. Stay tuned for more updates, and let the crypto gaming revolution roll on!

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Principales juegos Blockchain de agosto de 2023 y su impacto en la industria del juego

Principales juegos Blockchain de agosto de 2023 y su impacto en la industria del juego

En agosto de 2023, el mundo de los juegos blockchain fue testigo de varios altibajos, y el análisis de DappRadar arrojó luz sobre los mejores actores de la industria. A pesar del anterior estatus de alto rango de Alien Worlds, experimentó una disminución en su popularidad, posiblemente atribuida a los esfuerzos por combatir los robots. Splinterlands, por otro lado, aumentó en uso diario, asegurando el segundo lugar y superando a Farmers World. Este juego de peleas con cartas coleccionables ha seguido atrayendo usuarios, con más de 250.000 jugadores diarios y 5 millones de peleas organizadas diariamente, lo que demuestra su resistencia en medio de la volatilidad del mercado de criptomonedas. Nine Chronicles y Untitled Platformer, ambos impulsados por la cadena de bloques SKALE L2, contaban con más de 30.000 usuarios activos diarios, lo que refleja optimismo entre los juegos de cadena de bloques con importantes bases de usuarios. Nine Chronicles, un MMORPG con un toque único, ha llamado la atención por su jugabilidad innovadora. Axie Infinity, conocida por su economía impulsada por los jugadores y su juego atractivo, experimentó un aumento en las sesiones diarias de usuarios activos. Sin embargo, el desempeño de su moneda nativa, AXS, fue menos favorable, experimentando una caída de precio y un volumen comercial reducido. Upland, un juego de magnates inmobiliarios basado en NFT, mantuvo una base de usuarios estable de más de 20.000. El concepto del juego de vincular propiedades digitales con ubicaciones del mundo real ha demostrado ser lucrativo y los jugadores han ganado más de 10 millones de dólares. Además, dos aplicaciones móviles que recompensan a los usuarios por caminar, Sweatcoin y Superwalk, ingresaron a la escena de los juegos blockchain. Sweatcoin, que opera en Ethereum y NEAR, mostró patrones de uso volátiles, mientras que Superwalk, construido en la cadena de bloques Klatyn, inicialmente obtuvo más de 50.000 usuarios activos diarios, pero ha experimentado una disminución desde su lanzamiento. En conclusión, las estadísticas de DappRadar para agosto de 2023 revelaron un panorama mixto para los juegos blockchain. Alien Worlds enfrentó desafíos, Splinterlands floreció y juegos emergentes como Superwalk se mostraron prometedores. A pesar de las fluctuaciones del mercado y las diferentes experiencias de los jugadores, la industria del juego blockchain continúa evolucionando y capturando la imaginación de jugadores, coleccionistas, artistas e inversores por igual.

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Binance Sleepless AI: Web3 AI Gaming Platform, Launch Details, Tokenomics

Binance Sleepless AI: Web3 AI Gaming Platform, Launch Details, Tokenomics

Sleepless AI, Binance's 42nd project in the Launchpool, introduces a breakthrough web3 and AI-integrated gaming platform. Sleepless AI promises a unique gaming experience with AI-based features, allowing users to stake BNB, FDUSD, and TUSD. The platform will go online tomorrow, allowing players to earn AI tokens during a seven-day period, which will be available on Binance beginning January 4, 2024, with a variety of trading pairs. With a total quantity of one billion AI tokens, 70 million are reserved for Launchpool incentives, consistent with Binance's engagement approach. Users benefit from the ability to unstake funds and switch between pools at any moment. Concurrently, BNB experiences a significant increase, reaching $296, its highest level in six months. Binance's BNB Vault and Locked Products help Sleepless AI's Launchpool by increasing the value of staked BNB. Sleepless AI stands out as an intriguing addition to the crypto gaming market, promising engaging and tailored experiences.

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Cyball - Reseña del juego

Cyball - Reseña del juego

Esto es para nuestros fanáticos del fútbol (EE UU : fútbol), donde analizamos uno de los primeros juegos de cartas NFT blockchain con temática de fútbol y cyborg conocido como Cyball El juego tiene una combinación única de fútbol y cyborgs donde lucharás y conquistarás a tus enemigos usando tus cyborgs NFT , por supuesto, en un duelo de fútbol Entonces, comienza por construir tu equipo cyborg NFT y libra la guerra contra otros cyborgs...

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