Blockchain News: Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest and Dogami's championship

Blockchain News: Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest and Dogami's championship

Play To Earn Games | 08 May 2024 15:12 UTC

Blockchain News: Explore Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest, and Dogami's championship. A journey through gaming's blockchain frontier.

Hey, fellow gamers and digital pioneers! Today, we're diving into some thrilling updates from the gaming world that are setting the stage for a revolution in how we play, create, and connect. Whether you're a blockchain enthusiast, a creative soul, or someone who relishes the spirit of competition, there's something exciting on the horizon for everyone.

  1. Aavegotchi’s Leap into Blockchain Gaming with Gotchichain: Explore how Aavegotchi is merging traditional gaming with blockchain technology to create a unique, on-chain gaming experience.
  2. Unleashing Creativity in The Sandbox’s VoxEdit Mini Contest: Discover how The Sandbox is empowering creators to shape the future of virtual worlds with their latest contest.
  3. The Thrill of Competition in Dogami’s World Championship: Get ready to race into the world of Dogami, where strategy and speed could win you not just glory, but also digital treasures.

Join me as we delve into these stories, sharing insights, personal experiences, and perhaps a little advice on navigating these digital frontiers.

Aavegotchi Announces Base as Settlement Layer for Gotchichain

Why Base is a Game-Changer for Blockchain Gaming

Aavegotchi's decision to use Base as the settlement layer for its Gotchichain marks a significant milestone in the evolution of blockchain gaming. This partnership is not just about technological integration; it's about reimagining the gaming experience at its core. Let's dive deeper into the facets of this announcement and explore how it's poised to reshape our interaction with digital worlds.

Embracing a New Era of Gaming with Gotchichain and Base

Low-Cost Transactions: The Gateway to Seamless Gaming

One of the pivotal advantages of this partnership is the promise of low-cost transactions. Traditionally, the cost of transactions on blockchain networks can fluctuate and, at times, become prohibitively expensive, affecting gameplay and player engagement. Base, being an Ethereum Layer 2 solution, is designed to mitigate these costs while maintaining the security and integrity of the Ethereum network. For gamers, this means more freedom to perform in-game transactions, trade assets, and participate in the ecosystem without worrying about high fees. It opens up a realm where the focus shifts back to gameplay and community engagement, rather than the overheads of participating in a blockchain-based game.

Enhanced Safety: Building Trust in Digital Worlds

The aspect of enhanced safety cannot be overstated. In a gaming environment, particularly one that involves valuable digital assets and currencies, security is paramount. The Ethereum blockchain, supported by Base's infrastructure, offers robust security measures, ensuring that players' assets and gaming achievements are protected against unauthorized access and fraud. This level of safety fosters trust within the community, encouraging more players to invest their time and resources into the game, knowing that their contributions and achievements are secure.

A Developer-Friendly Environment: Unleashing Creative Potential

For developers, the appeal of Gotchichain powered by Base lies in its developer-friendly environment. The EVM compatibility ensures that developers familiar with Ethereum can easily transition to creating games on Gotchichain. This lowers the barrier to entry for game developers looking to explore blockchain gaming, potentially leading to a richer variety of games and experiences within the Aavegotchi ecosystem. Furthermore, the partnership’s emphasis on open-source development and collaboration can lead to innovative gaming concepts and deeper integration of blockchain technology in games, enhancing the overall quality and diversity of games available to players.

Unleash Your Dark Side in The Sandbox’s Gothic VoxEdit Contest

Crafting the Dark: A Dive into The Sandbox’s Gothic Challenge

The Sandbox's latest VoxEdit contest is an invitation to the community to dive into the dark, enticing world of gothic aesthetics, creating voxel art that evokes this unique style. With a substantial prize pool of 7600 $SAND, the contest is much more than a competition; it's a platform for creators to showcase their talents, earn rewards, and gain recognition within the vibrant Sandbox community. Let's delve into the significance of this contest and reflect on the personal journey it represents for creators in the voxel art space.

Embracing the Gothic: A Creative Challenge in The Sandbox

The Gothic Aesthetic in Voxel Art

The gothic theme challenges creators to think deeply about mood, setting, and storytelling within their designs. Gothic art is characterized by its dark, often brooding atmosphere, intricate designs, and themes that evoke mystery and romance. In the context of voxel art, this means creating assets that can transport players to another world—a world where the eerie beauty of gothic architecture and the mystique of gothic tales come to life in the blocky, pixelated form unique to The Sandbox.

The Prize Pool: Incentives and Recognition

The generous prize pool of 7600 $SAND underscores The Sandbox's commitment to rewarding creativity and skill. Beyond the financial incentive, the contest offers a chance for artists to have their work featured in one of the most innovative spaces in the blockchain gaming world. Winning or even participating in such a contest can significantly raise a creator's profile, opening doors to new opportunities and collaborations within the community.

Dogami World Championship: A New Era of Play-to-Mint Gaming

Racing to the Future: Inside the Dogami World Championship

The Dogami World Championship represents a significant evolution in the gaming landscape, particularly within the play-to-earn (P2E) and blockchain gaming sector. This pioneering play-to-mint event blends competitive gaming with digital asset creation, offering a fresh and exciting approach to engagement and reward in the gaming community. Let's delve into the details of this event, the competitive spirit it fosters, the unique rewards on offer, and how it's paving the way for future gaming models.

The Evolution of Play-to-Earn: Dogami's Innovative Approach

From Play-to-Earn to Play-to-Mint

Traditionally, play-to-earn models have focused on rewarding players with digital currencies or assets that can be traded within the game or on various marketplaces. Dogami, however, introduces a play-to-mint mechanism, which not only rewards players but also allows them to become creators by minting unique NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) through their achievements in the game. This innovative approach not only incentivizes gameplay but also deepens players' investment in the game's ecosystem by granting them ownership of unique digital assets that carry both in-game and real-world value.

The Dogami World Championship: A Deep Dive

Thrills of Competition and Community Engagement

The Dogami World Championship is not just a gaming tournament; it's a celebration of skill, strategy, and community. Participants engage in races, employing their best strategies to outmaneuver their opponents and clinch victory. The competitive aspect is thrilling, offering a high-octane experience that's both challenging and rewarding. Moreover, the event fosters a strong sense of community among players, who share strategies, celebrate victories, and even learn from losses together. This camaraderie is a testament to the event's success in bringing players closer, creating a vibrant, engaged community around the Dogami game.

Strategies for Success

Success in the Dogami World Championship requires more than just fast reflexes or a quick strategy. It involves understanding your Dogami's strengths and weaknesses, mastering the tracks, and knowing when to deploy your best moves. Personal experiences in mobile gaming and strategic play suggest that success often lies in preparation and adaptability. Analyzing past races, experimenting with different strategies, and staying updated on game developments can significantly enhance your chances of winning.

Racing for a Cause: Beyond the Game

The excitement of racing in the Dogami World Championship goes beyond personal achievement. It's about contributing to a larger ecosystem, where every race, every strategy, and every victory adds value to the broader Dogami community. This event showcases how blockchain gaming can create ecosystems where players' efforts contribute to the collective growth and vibrancy of the game, fostering a model where everyone's participation matters.

Shaping the Future of Gaming

A New Paradigm: Ownership and Participation

The Dogami World Championship, with its play-to-mint model, represents a shift towards a gaming future where players are not just consumers but active participants and creators within the gaming ecosystem. This model emphasizes ownership, creativity, and community, setting a precedent for how games can integrate blockchain technology to enhance player engagement and investment.

The Broader Implications for Gaming

Events like the Dogami World Championship are instrumental in demonstrating the potential of blockchain in gaming. They offer a glimpse into a future where games are more than just entertainment; they are platforms for innovation, creativity, and community building. As the gaming industry continues to evolve, the integration of blockchain technology, exemplified by Dogami's approach, is likely to become more prevalent, offering new opportunities for players, developers, and the industry at large.

In conclusion, the Dogami World Championship is more than just a tournament; it's a milestone in the evolution of gaming, highlighting the potential of blockchain technology to create more immersive, rewarding, and community-focused gaming experiences. As we look to the future, it's clear that the principles of ownership, creativity, and community engagement will play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of games.

Conclusion: Embracing the Digital Renaissance in Gaming

As we stand on the brink of a new era in gaming, these stories highlight the diversity and innovation driving the industry forward. From blockchain’s integration into gaming to community-driven contests and competitive play-to-mint events, there’s a rich tapestry of opportunities unfolding before us.

Each story reflects a broader trend towards more immersive, interactive, and financially rewarding gaming experiences. Whether you're here to create, compete, or simply explore these new worlds, there's never been a more exciting time to be part of the gaming community.

Remember, the digital landscape is vast and full of potential. Embrace curiosity, foster creativity, and never shy away from competition. The future of gaming is ours to shape. Let's make it unforgettable.

Revolutionizing Gaming: Aavegotchi's Blockchain Innovation, The Sandbox Contest, and Dogami's Championship Unveiled

Embark on a journey through the latest innovations in the gaming universe, where blockchain technology redefines our digital landscapes, creativity takes center stage in contest challenges, and competitive spirit drives the future of play. In this fact section, we delve into the groundbreaking announcement of Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, explore the artistic horizons of The Sandbox's VoxEdit Mini Contest, and experience the exhilarating competition of Dogami’s World Championship. Discover how these developments are shaping an exciting new era for gamers and creators alike.

Aavegotchi Chooses Base for Gotchichain: A Strategic Blockchain Alliance

Gotchichain's Foundation: Why Aavegotchi Partners with Base

Fact 1: Base as the Chosen Settlement Layer

  • EVM Compatibility and Ethereum Alignment: Aavegotchi selecting Base, Coinbase's Ethereum L2, as the settlement layer for its Layer 3 rollup, Gotchichain, is a strategic move. Base's EVM compatibility ensures developers can easily create on-chain games leveraging Ethereum's robust ecosystem without compromising on scalability and cost-effectiveness. This alignment with Ethereum enhances interoperability within the blockchain gaming space, promising a seamless experience for gamers and developers alike.

Optimism Stack’s Role in Enhancing Gotchichain

Fact 2: Leveraging Optimism Stack for a Superchain

  • Interoperability and Scalability: The adoption of the Optimism Stack by Pixelcraft Studios aims to solidify Gotchichain’s infrastructure, making it a 'superchain' of Layer 2 solutions. This technology offers shared interoperability, sequencing, and governance features, which are pivotal in creating a united, scalable, and developer-friendly ecosystem for blockchain gaming. Such an approach paves the way for innovative gaming experiences and the possibility of cross-chain interactions.

The Sandbox's Gothic VoxEdit Contest: Unleashing Creativity

Unlocking Dark Aesthetics: The Sandbox’s Gothic VoxEdit Challenge

Fact 1: Contest Theme and Participation Rewards

  • Gothic Creativity on Blockchain: The Sandbox’s latest VoxEdit Mini Contest, focusing on Gothic interior assets, showcases the platform's commitment to theme-based creative exploration. Offering a prize pool of 7600 $SAND and additional rewards for early participants, this contest not only incentivizes creativity but also enriches the platform's asset library with unique Gothic elements, fostering a diverse virtual ecosystem.

Empowering Creators: Prizes and Opportunities in The Sandbox Contest

Fact 2: Prize Distribution and Catalyst Incentives

  • Rewarding Excellence and Participation: The structured prize distribution, rewarding the top 5 with potential CATALYSTS for asset minting, illustrates The Sandbox's approach to nurturing talent and ensuring creators are compensated for their contributions. Such incentives not only encourage high-quality submissions but also promote the utility and value of $SAND tokens within the platform's economy.

Dogami's World Championship: A Milestone in Play-to-Mint Gaming

Dogami's Competitive Arena: Insights into the World Championship

Fact 1: Introduction of Play-to-Mint in Mobile Gaming

  • Innovative Reward Mechanism: The Dogami World Championship marks a significant evolution in play-to-earn concepts, introducing play-to-mint to a broader audience. This event underscores the game’s approach to integrating web3 technologies with traditional gaming mechanics, offering players a chance to mint exclusive NFTs through competitive play. Such initiatives bridge the gap between gaming achievements and tangible rewards, enhancing engagement and investment in the gaming ecosystem.

Elevating the Gaming Experience: Prizes and Dogami NFTs

Fact 2: Prizes and NFT Utility in the Championship

  • Exclusive NFTs and Cash Prizes: The Championship offers 2,000 new Dogami NFTs to top players, with these NFTs featuring unique breeds and rarities. This not only enriches the winners' portfolios but also adds depth to the game's strategy and customization options. Additionally, the inclusion of a $50,000 prize pool for a special tournament further elevates the competitive aspect, making participation both rewarding and thrilling for the community.

Ultimate Blockchain News Guide: Navigating Blockchain, Crypto, and Gaming Innovations A-Z


  • Aavegotchi: A blockchain-based game that combines elements of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) with NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) to create interactive and tradable "ghosts" on the Ethereum blockchain.
  • Asset Minting: The process of creating a new token or NFT on the blockchain, often associated with proving ownership of digital or virtual assets.


  • Base (Coinbase’s Ethereum L2): An Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution developed by Coinbase, aimed at enhancing transaction speed and reducing costs while maintaining security.
  • Blockchain: A distributed ledger technology that maintains a secure and decentralized record of transactions across multiple computers.


  • CATALYSTs: In the context of The Sandbox game: CATALYSTs are tokens that define the tier and scarcity of assets within the game, allowing creators to add attributes and increase the value of their NFTs.
  • Coderdan (CEO of Pixelcraft Studios): A prominent figure in the blockchain gaming community known for his role in developing Aavegotchi.


  • Dogami: A "Petaverse" where players can adopt train and compete with their virtual pets in a play-to-earn model, leveraging blockchain technology.
  • DOGAMÍ Academy: The platform within Dogami where players can train their pets and participate in competitions.


  • EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine): A computation engine that functions as a decentralized computer, executing scripts using a network of public nodes on the Ethereum blockchain.


  • Fungible Tokens: Tokens that are identical to each other and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis. Commonly used in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum.


  • Gotchichain: A proposed Layer 3 solution by Aavegotchi focused on creating a blockchain specifically tailored for gaming and NFTs.
  • Gothic VoxEdit Contest: A competition hosted by The Sandbox encouraging creators to design Gothic-themed interior assets using VoxEdit software.


  • Hyperconnectivity: In gaming and blockchain, this refers to the increased and seamless interaction and integration across different platforms and ecosystems.


  • Interoperability: The ability of different blockchain networks and systems to work together seamlessly, allowing for the exchange and use of assets across various platforms.


  • Jesse Pollak (Creator of Base): A key figure behind Base focusing on developing Layer 2 solutions for Ethereum to support the blockchain gaming community.


  • KYC (Know Your Customer): A process used in blockchain and crypto platforms to verify the identity of users, enhancing security and compliance with regulatory standards.


  • Layer 2 Scaling Solutions: Technologies developed to improve the scalability and efficiency of blockchain networks by handling transactions off the main chain (Layer 1).


  • Minting: See Asset Minting.


  • NFT (Non-Fungible Token): A type of digital asset on a blockchain that represents ownership of unique items or content, ranging from art and music to in-game items and more.


  • Optimism Stack: A set of tools and protocols designed to enhance the scalability and efficiency of Ethereum-based applications, including games.


  • Polygon: A protocol and a framework for building and connecting Ethereum-compatible blockchain networks, aimed at improving scalability.


  • Q2 2024 Launch: Refers to the planned launch time for projects or platforms mentioned in the context, indicating a target date within the second quarter of the year 2024.


  • Racing for a Cause: A term reflecting the competitive and charitable aspects of gaming events where participation contributes towards broader goals or rewards.


  • SAND (The Sandbox Game Token): The utility token used within The Sandbox ecosystem enabling transactions interactions and access to various features in the game.


  • Token-gated Access: A mechanism that restricts access to certain digital assets, areas, or functionalities in a game or platform to token holders.


  • User-generated Content (UGC): Content created by players or users, such as game assets, levels, or characters, often facilitated by platforms like The Sandbox.


  • VoxEdit: A software tool used to create and animate voxel-based NFTs for The Sandbox game.

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Read also: Everything you should know about Play-to-Earn Games

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Blockchain News: Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest and Dogami's championship
Blockchain News: Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest and Dogami's championship

Latest Blockchain News Insights in Blockchain and Play-to-Earn Gaming

The latest updates and insights from the world of play-to-earn gaming and blockchain technology:

  1. Play To Earn: Pixels, Ronin's Growth, Play-to-Earn Philippines, Immutable and OKX, CARV and MARBLEX In this exploration of gaming's evolving landscape, we journey through several pivotal developments reshaping the industry. Starting with Pixels, a game propelling the Ronin blockchain to newfound popularity, we witness a 700% surge in Ronin's user base, driven by 1.25 million unique gamers. This resurgence underscores the growing interconnection between gaming and blockchain technologies. Shifting focus to the Philippines, play-to-earn gaming transcends mere entertainment, becoming a vital source of income and community building. Pixels and similar games are not just pastimes but lifelines for many, fostering economic and social growth. The strategic partnership between Immutable and OKX signifies another milestone, aiming to onboard gamers into the Web3 realm. This collaboration promises to expand the gaming ecosystem, introducing players to digital asset ownership and a decentralized gaming experience. Furthermore, the alliance between CARV and MARBLEX highlights the power of data in understanding gamer behavior, enhancing engagement and satisfaction across various platforms. This partnership exemplifies the industry's move towards more personalized, data-driven gaming experiences. Lastly, the integration of AI and Web3 technologies heralds a future of personalized gaming experiences, breaking free from traditional molds. This fusion is set to revolutionize the gaming landscape, offering unique, engaging experiences that blur the lines between playing and earning, thereby enriching the gaming world for players globally.Read more
  2. Web3: Axie Infinity Season 7, Ancient8, ARPA Security, The Sandbox, Gangster Arena, BloodLoop, Nakamoto, BurgerCities, Ubisoft and Cross the Ages The landscape of Web3 gaming is witnessing a significant transformation, underscored by a series of innovative developments that are setting new benchmarks for engagement, security, and integration. Axie Infinity's Season 7 Postseason marks a high point in competitive blockchain gaming, highlighting the blend of strategy and community that defines the platform. The partnership between Ancient8 and ARPA is pioneering enhancements in blockchain security, ensuring a safer and more reliable gaming experience. Meanwhile, The Sandbox's resurgence and Gangster Arena's playtest demonstrate the growing allure of user-generated content and community-driven game development. BloodLoop's beta and Nakamoto Games' expansion further illustrate the expanding horizon of play-to-earn opportunities, offering players new ways to engage and profit. BurgerCities updates and Ubisoft's integration with Cross the Ages showcase how traditional gaming giants are embracing blockchain, heralding a new era of gaming that bridges the virtual with the real. These developments collectively represent a leap forward in the evolution of Web3 gaming, promising an exciting future for gamers and developers alike.Read more
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  4. Game Industry News: Guild of Guardians, The Sandbox, and Night Crows In the realm where gaming meets blockchain, a new vocabulary emerges, essential for navigating the intricate worlds of Guild of Guardians, The Sandbox, and Night Crows. This glossary unravels the complex tapestry of terms defining the cutting-edge intersection of these domains. From the nuanced tokenomics in Night Crows to the digital land ownership within The Sandbox, each term enriches your understanding of the profound changes sweeping through the gaming landscape. It highlights pivotal concepts such as Immutable zkEVM for scalable, secure blockchain games, and Web3 Gaming, marking a paradigm shift towards more immersive, ownership-driven experiences. Whether you're exploring the strategic gameplay of Guild of Guardians, engaging with user-generated content, or delving into the environmental initiatives of The Sandbox, this glossary is your compass in the vast, evolving universe of gaming innovation, where technology and creativity forge the next frontier of digital entertainment.Read more
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  6. GameFi Blockchain News: SinVerse, CardsAhoy, and Space Nation Online Dive into the heart of the gaming revolution with "SinVerse eSports, CardsAhoy Strategy, Space Nation Adventure: The GameFi Blockchain Breakthrough," a comprehensive exploration of how blockchain technology is transforming the gaming industry. SinVerse introduces an eSports universe where competitive play meets blockchain rewards, redefining victory with tangible gains. CardsAhoy, a strategic trading card game, integrates iconic characters and blockchain's secure trading, offering a fresh twist on card gaming dynamics. Space Nation Adventure takes you on a blockchain-powered journey through the cosmos, where exploration and contribution lead to real-world rewards. This article is your gateway to understanding the synergy between gaming and blockchain, highlighting key players like SinVerse, CardsAhoy, and Space Nation Online that are at the forefront of this digital renaissance. Join us as we navigate through these innovative landscapes where gaming not only entertains but also offers a new realm of economic opportunities and community engagement.Read more
  7. Web3 NFTs Revolutionize Gaming: 'Forever Has Fallen,' Axie S8, Xai Indies, and Google Cloud-Sequence Collaboration In an era where gaming transcends mere entertainment, the digital landscape is witnessing a transformative shift with the advent of Web3 and NFT technologies. 'Forever Has Fallen' leads this charge, offering a narrative-rich experience that intertwines with real-world puzzles and digital sleuthing, while Axie Origins Season 8 revolutionizes the play-to-earn model with innovative game mechanics and competitive enhancements. Meanwhile, the collaboration between the Xai Foundation and the Media Indie Exchange (MIX) heralds a new dawn for indie games, integrating them into the Arbitrum-based L3 blockchain Xai, promising a more inclusive and diversified gaming future. Further empowering this revolution, Google Cloud's partnership with Sequence is democratizing Web3 game development, providing developers with the tools to create immersive, blockchain-based gaming experiences. Together, these developments mark a pivotal moment in gaming, blending technology, storytelling, and community engagement to create unprecedented gaming experiences.Read more
  8. Blockchain Gaming News: Marblex and PLAY TOZ, Aurory's Focus, DeRace Innovations, Faraland's PvP, and Phantom Galaxies Updates In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain gaming, significant strides are being made to redefine the player experience. This article delves into the latest developments that are shaping the future of gaming, highlighting the strategic partnership between Marblex and PLAY TOZ, which aims to fuse blockchain technology with immersive gaming experiences. We also explore Aurory's decision to concentrate on Seekers of Tokane, prioritizing game integrity and player satisfaction by shutting down Aurory Tactics. DeRace is setting new benchmarks in the GameFi sector with its innovative roadmap for 2024, introducing "Donkey Races" and Teams/Clubs features to foster community engagement. Faraland's eagerly anticipated PvP tournament, "The Age of the Legionnaire," promises to bring competitive gameplay to new heights with fair and balanced matchups. Lastly, Phantom Galaxies continues to push the boundaries with its latest updates, offering players unparalleled opportunities for true asset ownership and participation in a dynamic, player-driven economy. These developments not only highlight the industry's commitment to innovation and fairness but also forecast an exciting, inclusive future for gamers worldwide.Read more
  9. Web3 Gaming News: Champions Arena, Virtual Austin, Apeiron, BLOCKLORDS, Age of Dino and PlayBlock In this comprehensive article, we dive deep into the heart of the gaming industry's latest advancements and collaborations, offering gamers an exclusive look at what's new and next. From the strategic enhancements in Champions Arena that revolutionize NFT rentals, to the immersive virtual exploration of Austin in Cobbleland, gamers are in for a treat. We also explore Apeiron's leaderboard dynamics and the competitive spirit it fosters within its community, alongside BLOCKLORDS' Shadowclaw season that introduces novel strategic gameplay opportunities. Additionally, the anticipation around the Age of Dino beta test promises massive rewards and strategic gameplay in a prehistoric setting, enticing gamers with the allure of exploration and conquest. Lastly, the launch of PlayBlock signifies a groundbreaking integration of traditional gaming fun with the benefits of Web3 technology, hinting at a future where gaming is more immersive, inclusive, and rewarding. This article is a must-read for gamers looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving gaming landscape.Read more
  10. Play2Earn: Age of Dino, Nyan Heroes, Shrapnel, Champions Ascension, ACE Arenas and Outlanders In this dynamic exploration of the gaming landscape, we delve into the latest developments across a spectrum of highly anticipated titles and platforms, offering gamers a treasure trove of new adventures and strategic challenges. "Age of Dino," developed by Xterio and backed by Binance Labs, invites players into a prehistoric world of strategy with its upcoming beta test. "Nyan Heroes," a unique blend of hero shooter mechanics and blockchain technology, showcases its action-packed potential ahead of its early access launch. Meanwhile, "Shrapnel" elevates tactical gameplay with its STX2 event, introducing players to new gameplay features and competitive elements. "Champions Ascension" and "ACE Arenas" redefine engagement through innovative game modes and immersive experiences, blending traditional gameplay with the latest in blockchain and NFT technologies. Lastly, "Outlanders" is setting new standards in the Play2Earn ecosystem with its public beta phase, promising a rich MMORPG experience. Each title not only pushes the boundaries of digital entertainment but also underscores the evolving relationship between gaming, community, and technology.Read more
  11. Game News: Xai and MIX, Battle Bears, Cloudborn, Magmic's MLB, Saga Origins In the dynamic intersection of gaming and blockchain technology, significant developments are reshaping the landscape, heralding a new era for gamers and developers alike. The partnership between Xai Foundation and the Media Indie Exchange (MIX) is pioneering the integration of indie games onto the Arbitrum-based L3 blockchain Xai, aiming to create a robust ecosystem for web3 gaming. Sky Vu's "Battle Bears Heroes," celebrated for its innovation, has garnered attention by winning the Very Big Indie Pitch award, spotlighting the game's unique contribution to the mobile gaming scene. Meanwhile, Antler Interactive's "Cloudborn" introduces players to an immersive fantasy RPG world enhanced by blockchain's capabilities. Magmic's venture into MLB-licensed web3 gaming merges the love for baseball with the cutting-edge technology of blockchain. Additionally, Saga's unveiling of Saga Origins marks a strategic move to support web3 game development, showcasing the immense potential of blockchain in revolutionizing gaming experiences. Together, these developments signify a transformative phase in the gaming industry, promising unparalleled engagement and ownership for players.Read more
  12. Gaming: Ancient8 Wallet, $100M Fund, The Machines Arena and Night Crows In a dynamic fusion of innovation and finance, the gaming landscape is witnessing groundbreaking developments. Ancient8 unveils its Web3 Wallet, a user-friendly gateway to the crypto universe, designed to simplify and secure digital transactions for gamers worldwide. This strategic move is powered by the robust Coin98 Super Wallet engine, ensuring a seamless and secure user experience. In parallel, the gaming industry celebrates the launch of the $100M Inevitable Games Fund, a monumental investment initiative aimed at nurturing early-stage Web3 gaming startups. This fund is a collaborative effort between industry giants King River Capital, Immutable, and Polygon Labs, promising to propel the sector into new heights of innovation and growth. Meanwhile, Directive Games announces a significant $5M funding for The Machines Arena, gearing up for an ambitious launch that blends traditional gaming with Web3 elements. Additionally, the article spotlights Night Crows, a Web3 fantasy game making waves with its innovative multi-chain technology and rich, token-based economy, showcasing the potential of blockchain in enhancing gaming experiences. Together, these developments mark a pivotal moment in the convergence of gaming, technology, and finance, heralding a new era of immersive, blockchain-integrated gaming adventures.Read more
  13. Web3 Gaming: Square Enix's NFTs, Hytopia, MixMob's Star Wars, BadMad Robots and Readygg's Innovations The landscape of gaming is undergoing a seismic shift with the advent of Web3 innovations, marking a new era of digital interaction and ownership. Square Enix is leading the charge by integrating Final Fantasy into the realm of NFTs, enabling true asset ownership for gamers. Hytopia's launch of the Hychain node sale heralds the creation of a community-driven blockchain ecosystem, inspired by the limitless creativity of games like Minecraft. Meanwhile, MixMob's partnership with the Star Wars IP represents an ambitious fusion of gaming and iconic cultural narratives within the Web3 framework. The debut of BadMad Robots on Steam showcases the potential of indie developers to captivate a global audience through innovative gameplay. Lastly, Readygg's strategic advancements, backed by industry veteran Shawn Layden and a significant funding round, underscore a commitment to reshaping game economics through player empowerment. These developments collectively signify a transformative phase in gaming, where decentralization, ownership, and immersive experiences become the new norm.Read more
  14. Gamers Guide: Blockchain Farms, Star Wars NFTs, Valhalla Tips & Crypto Trends In this dynamic exploration of the intersection between gaming, blockchain technology, and digital collectibles, we delve into several key topics captivating the interest of gamers and tech enthusiasts alike. The article introduces "Sheepfarm: Raising 4 Racing," a pre-launch event that marries the charm of traditional farming simulations with the innovative edge of blockchain technology, allowing players to collect unique NFTs in the form of Rainbow Lambkins. It also highlights the collaboration between WAX Blockchain and Funko, bringing Star Wars Digital Pop! Series to life in the digital collectibles space, blending fandom with the future of collecting. Additionally, the guide provides valuable insights into the mythic world of "Valhalla," offering tips for navigating its Norse mythology-inspired landscapes. The discussion extends into the financial realm with Hong Kong's pioneering move to launch Ethereum ETFs, showcasing the region's ambition in the global crypto market. Lastly, the article touches on the launch of, a tool aimed at enhancing DAO management within the gaming community, further illustrating the growing synergy between gaming, blockchain, and digital innovation.Read more
  15. Square Enix Invests in HyperPlay: Pioneering Ethereum NFT Gaming with Symbiogenesis In this comprehensive exploration, we've delved into the groundbreaking collaboration between Square Enix and HyperPlay, marked by Square Enix's strategic investment in the latter and the innovative extension of Symbiogenesis, an Ethereum NFT game, to HyperPlay's platform. Symbiogenesis emerges as a narrative-rich, role-playing adventure, set on a floating continent, integrating Ethereum NFTs for characters and in-game items, thereby redefining player ownership and engagement within the digital realm. We discussed the game's immersive narrative, strategic gameplay, and its pioneering use of blockchain technology, alongside HyperPlay's role as a revolutionary game launcher and aggregator, promoting a decentralized, player- and developer-first ecosystem. Additionally, the technical and security aspects of HyperPlay, its support for diverse operating systems, and its commitment to an open-source philosophy and a 0% fee model underscore its pivotal position in fostering the next era of gaming. This narrative encapsulates a vision of the future where gaming and blockchain technology coalesce to create unprecedented experiences and opportunities for players and developers alike.Read more
  16. Gaming Industry News: Sequence, Google Cloud, and Parallel Studios In an exciting evolution of the gaming industry, the partnership between Sequence and Google Cloud marks a significant step toward simplifying web3 integration for developers, enhancing creativity and gameplay focus. Sequence Builder, a revolutionary tool launched by this collaboration, aims to ease the adoption of blockchain technologies in game development. Parallel Studios unveils Colony, an AI-driven game set for a 2025 release, featuring autonomous AI avatars and blockchain integration with Solana and the PRIME token, illustrating the growing intersection of gaming with advanced technologies. Japan's dominance in the location-based gaming sector, holding a 50% global revenue share, underscores the significant cultural and technological factors contributing to its success, including the popularity of games like Dragon Quest Walk and Pokémon GO. These developments showcase a dynamic shift towards more immersive, technologically advanced gaming experiences, underpinned by the integration of AI and blockchain, setting the stage for the future of the gaming industry.Read more
  17. Latest Gaming News: Blockchain, NFTs, and New Tournaments In a significant stride toward the future of gaming, MANTRA, a leading blockchain platform, has secured a monumental $11 million investment to pioneer the tokenization of real-world assets, underscoring a shift towards integrating digital and traditional financial realms. This development is set to enhance regulatory-compliant infrastructure, propelling MANTRA's vision in key markets like the MENA region and Asia. Meanwhile, the gaming world buzzes with excitement as Aphelium launches its Season 3 Tournament, introducing a play-to-earn model that promises USD, tokens, and NFT rewards, reshaping the gaming experience. Simultaneously, Wild Forest ushers in its Season 5 update, redefining strategic gameplay with new mechanics and maps. Adding to the innovation, ACE Arenas merges MOBA dynamics with unique pixel art and NFT integrations, alongside Fusionist's groundbreaking NFT recycling mechanism, paving new avenues for gamers and developers in the ever-evolving gaming landscape.Read more
  18. Stardust Wallets-as-a-Service and Shrapnel AAA gameplay blend blockchain seamlessly In a groundbreaking move, Stardust, a leader in Web3 gaming infrastructure, has partnered with Shrapnel, an upcoming AAA first-person shooter, to integrate its Wallets-as-a-Service (WaaS) technology. This collaboration is set to redefine the gaming landscape by seamlessly merging blockchain technology with high-caliber gameplay, providing gamers with an unparalleled experience. Stardust's innovative WaaS simplifies the complex world of blockchain for gamers, allowing them to enjoy Shrapnel's immersive gameplay without the usual blockchain hassles. This integration not only enhances player engagement but also paves the way for new levels of interactivity and ownership within the game. Developed by industry veterans and powered by Stardust's cutting-edge technology, Shrapnel is poised to become a beacon in the gaming world, inviting players to a new era where gaming meets the endless possibilities of blockchain. This partnership marks a significant milestone in making blockchain gaming mainstream, offering a glimpse into the future of digital entertainment.Read more
  19. NetEase and Cards Ahoy Collab: NARAKA's Ning Hongye Enters the Game In an exciting turn of events for gaming enthusiasts, NetEase has announced a strategic partnership with the innovative web3 card game Cards Ahoy. This collaboration is set to integrate the iconic NARAKA character Ning Hongye into Cards Ahoy's deck of Mythic cards, promising a fusion of classic gaming nostalgia with cutting-edge blockchain technology. Cards Ahoy is likened to Clash Royale but stands apart with its unique web3 enhancements and meme-rich content, aiming to capture the hearts of both casual and hardcore gamers. The team behind Cards Ahoy is a blend of industry veterans from prestigious companies, including NetEase, Ubisoft, Blizzard, and Riot Games, ensuring a depth of experience that's poised to redefine the gaming landscape. With successful beta phases under its belt and a public testing phase on the horizon, Cards Ahoy is gearing up to solidify its position in the competitive gaming market while offering an engaging, ownership-centric player experience.Read more
  20. Crypto News Overview: From Tekika's Airdrop to Shrapnel's New Skins In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the forefront of gaming innovation and digital transformation. Telos shakes up the gaming world with its Tekika airdrop, introducing dynamic NFTs that evolve as gamers progress, offering a unique blend of gaming, DeFi, and NFT culture. Meanwhile, the Tales of Valannia captivates with its mystical quests and rare gems, promising an immersive adventure that bridges the gap between fantasy and strategy. The cinematic transition of Reactor Motors' NFT collection into a movie by Pierre Morel showcases the growing synergy between digital collectibles and mainstream media, signaling a new era of storytelling. Additionally, the industrial metaverse emerges as a game-changer for manufacturing, with giants like Amazon and Mercedes Benz pioneering digital twin simulations for efficiency. The article also highlights Shrapnel's STX2 event, enhancing blockchain gaming with exclusive weapon skins and strategic gameplay, alongside Champions Ascension's Maestro Towers, inviting players to design and conquer bespoke PvE challenges. This journey across gaming's latest trends and tech innovations not only entertains but also offers a glimpse into the future of digital interaction.Read more
  21. Oxya Origin Universe: Gamers Shape the World and Own the Future The article delves into the innovative gaming ecosystem of Oxya Origin, a platform set to revolutionize the gaming industry by integrating blockchain technology, offering a player-owned economy, and fostering a dynamic, community-driven environment. Central to its ethos, Oxya Origin features strategic gameplay, diverse game modes, and a rich, culturally-significant universe that engages players in a narrative that spans millennia. The introduction of "Road to Genesis," a third-person shooter, and collaboration with Ubisoft on a free-to-play game, underscores the platform's commitment to cutting-edge technology and accessible, immersive gaming experiences. The article further explores the economic model underpinning Oxya Origin, highlighting the Vault mechanism for token sustainability, detailed token utilities like asset minting and exclusive content access, and strategic token allocation for ecosystem growth. Future developments promise the introduction of new asset collections and game modes, ensuring the platform's continuous evolution and the enrichment of its gaming universe.Read more
  22. Latest in Gaming: Aphelium Combat Tips, HYCHAIN Launch and Biome Mining
    Stay at the forefront of gaming with this in-depth look into the newest developments, featuring Aphelium's Season 3 combat guide, HYCHAIN's mainnet debut, and innovative updates from CropBytes Farms and the Outlanders ecosystem. Learn combat strategies in Aphelium, leveraging unique items like the Boomerang and Fish Scale Shield to dominate battles. Discover HYCHAIN's launch on Ethereum and get a sneak peek at HYTOPIA, a voxel-based platform that promises a new wave of creativity in gaming. The article also covers Outlanders' public beta and tournament system, enhancing player interaction and competition. Moreover, it highlights strategic shifts in Sky Mavis's partnerships to prioritize quality in web3 gaming. Finally, explore how CropBytes Farms' Biome Mining introduces gameplay strategies that reward player achievements with tangible benefits, underlining the ever-evolving relationship between game innovation and community. Read more...
  23. Web3 Gaming Innovations: Axie, MOBOX, and Mocaverse
    Dive into the latest in Web3 gaming with a focus on significant innovations from Axie Homeland, MOBOX, and Mocaverse. Discover Axie Homeland's introduction of Axie Experience Points (AXP) that revolutionizes NFT interaction by allowing axies to evolve. Learn about MOBOX's generous 600 ETH airdrop to MODragon holders, heralding the expansion of Dragonverse NEO. Explore Mocaverse's unique venture into merging K-pop with GameFi, bridging Web3 gaming with mainstream entertainment in South Korea. The article also highlights innovative collaborations, such as Taki Games with Two3 Labs on Puzzle Smoofs, and the anticipated mobile launch of Immutable Games' Gods Unchained. This exploration into Web3 gaming showcases the industry's potential to offer immersive and rewarding experiences through blockchain technology. Read more...


Juegos de cadena de bloques,NFT,Gaming News,Noticias de videojuegos,Las mejores noticias sobre juegos.,Mejores noticias,Noticias de cadena de bloques,Noticias criptográficas,Las mejores noticias sobre criptomonedas,Noticias nft,Aavegotchi Announces Base As Settlement Layer For Gotchichain,Why Base Is A Game Changer For Blockchain Gaming,Unleash Your Dark Side In The Sandboxs Gothic Voxedit Contest,Crafting The Dark A Dive Into The Sandboxs Gothic Challenge,Dogami World Championship A New Era Of Play To Mint Gaming,Racing To The Future Inside The Dogami World Championship,Embracing A New Era Of Gaming With Gotchichain And Base,Embracing The Gothic A Creative Challenge In The Sandbox,The Evolution Of Play To Earn Dogamis Innovative Approach,The Dogami World Championship A Deep Dive,Aavegotchi Chooses Base For Gotchichain A Strategic Blockchain Alliance,Gotchichains Foundation Why Aavegotchi Partners With Base,Optimism Stacks Role In Enhancing Gotchichain,The Sandboxs Gothic Voxedit Contest Unleashing Creativity,Unlocking Dark Aesthetics The Sandboxs Gothic Voxedit Challenge,Empowering Creators Prizes And Opportunities In The Sandbox Contest,Dogamis World Championship A Milestone In Play To Mint Gaming,Dogamis Competitive Arena Insights Into The World Championship,Elevating The Gaming Experience Prizes And Dogami Nfts,Ultimate Gamers Guide Navigating Blockchain,Your Blockchain News Guide,Aavegotchi A Blockchain Based Game That Combines Elements Of Defi Decentralized Finance With Nfts Non Fungible Tokens,Asset Minting The Process Of Creating A New Token Or Nft On The Blockchain,Base Coinbases Ethereum L2 An Ethereum Layer 2 Scaling Solution Developed By Coinbase,Catalysts In The Context Of The Sandbox Game Catalysts Are Tokens That Define The Tier And Scarcity Of Assets Within The Game,Coderdan Ceo Of Pixelcraft Studios A Prominent Figure In The Blockchain Gaming Community Known For His Role In Developing Aavegotchi,Dogami A Petaverse Where Players Can Adopt Train And Compete With Their Virtual Pets In A Play To Earn Model,Dogami Academy The Platform Within Dogami Where Players Can Train Their Pets And Participate In Competitions,Evm Ethereum Virtual Machine A Computation Engine That Functions As A Decentralized Computer,Gotchichain A Proposed Layer 3 Solution By Aavegotchi Focused On Creating A Blockchain Specifically Tailored For Gaming And Nfts,Gothic Voxedit Contest A Competition Hosted By The Sandbox Encouraging Creators To Design Gothic Themed Interior Assets Using Voxedit Software,Jesse Pollak Creator Of Base A Key Figure Behind Base Focusing On Developing Layer 2 Solutions For Ethereum To Support The Blockchain Gaming Community,Optimism Stack A Set Of Tools And Protocols Designed To Enhance The Scalability And Efficiency Of Ethereum Based Applications,Sand The Sandbox Game Token The Utility Token Used Within The Sandbox Ecosystem Enabling Transactions Interactions And Access To Various Features In The Game,Voxedit A Software Tool Used To Create And Animate Voxel Based Nfts For The Sandbox Game

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Blade of God X: Your Next Must Play Game

Blade of God X: Your Next Must Play Game

Hey, everyone! Get ready to dive into the world of Blade of God X, the latest sensation from Void Labs. This isn’t just any game—it’s a dark-themed AAA action game that's rocking the gaming world. What’s cool about it? You can play it on any device—PC, Android, or iOS—making it super accessible wherever you are. And it gets better; the game is powered by cutting-edge AI, enhancing your gaming experience with smart, responsive gameplay that adapts to your style. Plus, Blade of God X is not just about playing; it’s about being part of a community. With exciting updates on the horizon and a creative team that's all about pushing boundaries, this game is where you want to be. So, why wait? Jump in, share your thoughts, and be a part of the Blade of God X adventure. Let's make gaming history together!

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Ultra and Immutable Lead the Way in New Gaming Tech!

Ultra and Immutable Lead the Way in New Gaming Tech!

Hey everyone! Big news in gaming – Ultra has just opened its blockchain, letting anyone create cool digital assets and smart contracts without needing geek-level tech skills. And, there's more! Developers can now use advanced debugging tools and deploy smart contracts at low cost. Meanwhile, Immutable is stepping up its game with ZK-rollup technology, slashing fees and speeding up transactions, which is a total win for gamers. Plus, the partnership between Mon Protocol and Immutable is making waves, promising to push Web3 gaming to new heights. Together, they're not just changing the game; they're setting new standards for what gaming can be. Jump in and see how these innovations make gaming more exciting and accessible than ever!

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Experience Aether's The Wheel of Time and Dive Into Guild of Guardians’ Epic Launch!

Experience Aether's The Wheel of Time and Dive Into Guild of Guardians’ Epic Launch!

Hey, gamers! Dive into the latest buzz as Aether Games revamps its iconic TCG into 'Cards of Eternity: The Wheel of Time.' They've secured rights to blend the legendary series into your favorite card battles, making each play session more epic than ever. But that's not all! Aether is rolling out fresh game modes to keep you hooked. Expect monthly updates with new cards and quests that promise continuous thrills. And, get this, competitive tournaments are getting a massive makeover with new challenges and awesome rewards. Plus, don't miss out on the global launch of 'Guild of Guardians'—it's set to be a game-changer with its unique blockchain-based gameplay. Join the events, connect with developers in live AMAs, and be part of gaming history. It’s all happening here, and you’re invited to be a part of the adventure. Ready to level up your gaming experience? Let’s go!

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Pixels, Axie, and Apeiron: The Top Blockchain Games You Need to Know!

Pixels, Axie, and Apeiron: The Top Blockchain Games You Need to Know!

In April 2024, blockchain gaming reached new heights with exciting games like Pixels, Axie Infinity, and Apeiron leading the way. Pixels, a social RPG, wowed players with its engaging play-to-airdrop events. Meanwhile, Axie Infinity Origins made a comeback, doubling its daily players thanks to a fun Daily Bounty event. Apeiron, an upcoming game on the Ronin Network, promises unique god-game experiences. Alien Worlds, a space adventure, also stood out, while The Heist brought luck-based excitement on Solana. Shiba Shootout added meme magic, and eTukTuk delivered electric fun. InsanityBets offered casino excitement, while Crabada and Splinterlands brought treasure hunting and card battles. Join the community, enjoy the fun, and explore these amazing games. Let's dive into the world of blockchain gaming together, where adventure and rewards await. Click to read more and be part of the gaming revolution!

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CCP Games’ New Sandbox Shooter: Project Awakening Playtest Alert!

CCP Games’ New Sandbox Shooter: Project Awakening Playtest Alert!

Project Awakening is an exciting new game from CCP Games, blending blockchain technology with a survival shooter experience in space​. The game, set in the EVE Universe, focuses on rebuilding and survival​. With a $40 million investment, CCP Games aims to create a persistent world with player-driven content​​. The PHASE III playtest begins on May 21, 2024, offering gamers a chance to participate and innovate​. The game's graphics and gameplay promise a unique sandbox shooter experience, evolving beyond its EVE Online roots​ ​. CCP's collaboration with Lattice brings digital physics into the mix​​. Join the fun, contribute ideas, and shape the future of Project Awakening. Be part of this thrilling adventure by applying for the playtest now!​

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Nyan Heroes and Sunflower Land: Tokens, Epic Gaming, Factions and Rewards!

Nyan Heroes and Sunflower Land: Tokens, Epic Gaming, Factions and Rewards!

Nyan Heroes and Sunflower Land have exciting updates. Nyan Heroes' pre-alpha demo is back with a ranking system where players earn Catnip, later converted to $NYAN tokens. The game also donates to cat charities for each download, and it's among the top 30 on Epic Games. Sunflower Land's "Clash of Factions" season lets players earn Scrolls to bid on rare items and gain faction points. Exclusive banners offer special benefits. Both games focus on community and fair play, creating a positive gaming experience​.

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Jump Into CyberTitans for Big Prizes and Explore NFTs with Devikins!

Jump Into CyberTitans for Big Prizes and Explore NFTs with Devikins!

Dive into the latest gaming excitement with CyberTitans Season 8.2, where you can battle for a massive $10K+ prize pool until June 17th. Not only can top players win big, but the action also extends to everyone ranked up to 10,000 with great rewards. Also, check out the new patch, 2.01.00, which enhances the mobile experience and adds new features, making gameplay smoother and more thrilling. Meanwhile, Devikins is transforming the gaming scene by letting players turn their characters into tradeable NFTs, opening up new avenues for interaction and profit within the game’s universe. Get involved now, and let these games revolutionize your digital adventures!

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Ubisoft's Champion Tactics: Grimoria – The Next Big Thing!?

Ubisoft's Champion Tactics: Grimoria – The Next Big Thing!?

Ubisoft's new game, Champion Tactics: Grimoria, brings exciting news to the gaming world. The game, featuring unique blockchain-based assets, is a big step into Web3 gaming. Players will appreciate the strategic depth and high-end graphics, making it a potential AAA hit. The game uses Oasys blockchain for scaling and performance. Ubisoft's partnership with LayerZero ensures players can transfer assets across platforms, enhancing interoperability. Web3 gaming faces challenges like scaling and interoperability, but Ubisoft is tackling these issues head-on. The future of gaming looks bright, with other big names like Epic Games, Bandai Namco, and Square Enix exploring blockchain too. Dive into this article to learn about the latest in Web3 gaming, and see why Champion Tactics: Grimoria is generating so much buzz. Let's explore the potential of blockchain technology in gaming and celebrate this innovative move together!

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Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, VoxEdit Contests, Dogami Championship - Top Gaming Picks!

Aavegotchi's Gotchichain, VoxEdit Contests, Dogami Championship - Top Gaming Picks!

Hey, awesome readers! We’ve got some exciting news about blockchain gaming you can't miss. First up, Aavegotchi's Gotchichain is set to revolutionize blockchain gaming, partnering with Base for scalability and fun. Next, The Sandbox's VoxEdit contest invites you to create cool Gothic interior designs, with great prizes up for grabs. Meanwhile, Dogami's World Championship is taking play-to-mint to new heights, offering exclusive NFTs and cash prizes. Lastly, Engines of Fury offers intense survival gameplay, where you fight mutants and customize your hideout using the FURY token. So, if you love gaming, this article is for you!

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Bitcoin Halving Impact, Hut 8’s Struggles, BlastUP’s Success and More!

Bitcoin Halving Impact, Hut 8’s Struggles, BlastUP’s Success and More!

Hey, awesome gamers! Are you curious about Bitcoin mining, crypto projects, blockchain tech, and game trends? Our latest article covers all these exciting topics in detail. We explore how major Bitcoin miners like Bitfarms and Hut 8 are adapting to changes after the halving. We also dive into cool crypto projects like BlastUP, which helps startups grow faster and earn more. Plus, we look at new blockchain tech developments, such as India’s digital rupee, and how gaming companies like Riot Platforms are adjusting their operations. This article is packed with insights and fun facts, perfect for gamers who want to stay in the know. Don't miss out on this amazing content. Join the conversation, share with your friends, and let's explore this adventurous world together. Let's level up our knowledge and have a blast!

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Dubai TOKEN2049, Apeiron Tournaments and Gaming Trends

Dubai TOKEN2049, Apeiron Tournaments and Gaming Trends

Get ready for an exciting look into the gaming and crypto world​​! In this article, we explore key topics like the TOKEN2049 event in Dubai and the exciting happenings in the Apeiron community​​. You'll also learn about Yat Siu's vision for tokens and how they can change Web3 gaming. Moreover, the article highlights the "Support Your Creator Week" and "Zenith Invitational Tournament" in the Apeiron community. These events showcase top players and engage fans with great rewards. The article also covers major announcements from Tether and Telegram and new developments from Polkadot and Berachain. This article is perfect for anyone wanting to stay updated on the latest gaming trends and crypto news. So, dive into the insights and get ready to be part of an amazing gaming community!

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Storm Warfare and Parallel TCG Launch: WW2 and Sci-Fi Gaming Action

Storm Warfare and Parallel TCG Launch: WW2 and Sci-Fi Gaming Action

Storm Warfare and Parallel TCG launch on Epic Games Store. Discover exciting WW2 and sci-fi card games, filled with thrilling heroes and tournaments! Storm Warfare is officially launching on the Epic Games Store. It's a free-to-play, WW2-themed card game developed by Janus Interactive Studio. Now, it's heading to Windows and Mac. Parallel TCG is in its Open Beta Season 3, and it's releasing a major expansion called Planetfall. This expansion brings over 100 new cards, adding depth to gameplay. You can now explore new strategies and combos. But, since it's a beta release, there might be some bugs. The developers are listening closely to feedback, though, so they can fix any issues that pop up.

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Plataforma sin título: juego multijugador retro con recompensas criptográficas

Plataforma sin título: juego multijugador retro con recompensas criptográficas

"Untitled Platformer" es un nostálgico juego de plataformas multijugador ambientado en vibrantes paisajes 2D, que ofrece a los jugadores la opción de colaborar o sabotear a otros mientras exploran mundos dinámicos 2D. Este juego retro ofrece una experiencia de juego única, lo que permite a los jugadores ganar recompensas en criptomonedas sin ninguna inversión ni tarifa inicial. Los jugadores pueden disfrutar del movimiento creativo con varios personajes, cada uno con habilidades únicas, y participar en desafíos dentro del juego, incluidas trampas y secretos. El juego también permite a los jugadores crear NFT y utilizarlos como personajes jugables, ofreciendo bonificaciones exclusivas a través de un sistema de clasificación. Impulsado por la cadena de bloques SKALE, Untitled Platformer combina a la perfección los juegos de plataformas tradicionales con la tecnología blockchain, lo que resulta atractivo tanto para jugadores ocasionales como dedicados. Ofrece flexibilidad en la duración del juego y almacenamiento temporal de datos en los navegadores para elegir personajes y fichas. El juego presenta movimientos inventivos con pociones distintas que otorgan habilidades únicas y recompensas por el movimiento del jugador (M2E). Los jugadores pueden acuñar NFT en el juego, lo que hace que los activos en cadena de los personajes sean negociables en plataformas como OpenSea y El token de utilidad del juego, $UNT, se utiliza para transacciones dentro del juego y se beneficia de transacciones sin gas en SKALE Chain.

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Gods Unchained: innovador juego de cartas con Blockchain y NFT

Gods Unchained: innovador juego de cartas con Blockchain y NFT

En el mundo de los juegos en línea, Gods Unchained se destaca como un juego de cartas coleccionables innovador. Desarrollado por Immutable, combina el juego tradicional con la tecnología blockchain y tokens no fungibles (NFT) para ofrecer a los jugadores una experiencia de juego verdaderamente única. El juego, disponible para PC y Mac, permite a los jugadores recolectar e intercambiar tarjetas NFT que representan varios dioses, criaturas y habilidades, que se almacenan de forma segura en la cadena de bloques Ethereum. Un aspecto clave para recordar es que Gods Unchained introduce a los jugadores en el mundo de las NFT. Cada carta no común del juego está tokenizada como NFT, lo que las convierte en activos digitales verificables, comercializables y valiosos. Esta innovación significa que los jugadores tienen una verdadera propiedad de sus elementos del juego y los jugadores expertos tienen la oportunidad de ganar recompensas del mundo real al ganar y vender valiosas tarjetas NFT. La jugabilidad recuerda a títulos populares como Hearthstone, con cartas con temas mágicos y batallas por turnos. Sin embargo, la introducción de los tokens $GODS agrega una capa interesante a la economía del juego. Los jugadores pueden ganar tokens $GODS completando misiones, derrotando oponentes y participando en diversas actividades dentro del juego. Estas fichas se pueden utilizar para comprar artículos especiales y mejorar sus mazos de cartas. Gods Unchained también ofrece una experiencia PvP cautivadora, que permite a los jugadores participar en batallas en tiempo real entre ellos. Esta inmersión, junto con el uso innovador de NFT, ofrece una experiencia de juego como ninguna otra. Además, Gods Unchained es un juego gratuito y los jugadores pueden registrarse para explorar el mundo de los juegos blockchain hoy. En resumen, Gods Unchained es un juego que exige la atención tanto de los entusiastas de los juegos de cartas como de los curiosos sobre el mundo de blockchain y NFT. Es una fusión de lo familiar y lo innovador, que brinda a los jugadores la propiedad de los activos del juego y la posibilidad de ganar dinero real mediante el comercio de NFT. Con su juego inmersivo y la economía de tokens $GODS, este título es imprescindible para cualquiera que busque una experiencia de juego nueva y gratificante.

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FOTA - Fight of the Ages - Revisión del juego

FOTA - Fight of the Ages - Revisión del juego

FOTA (Fight of the Ages) está a punto de causar sensación en el mercado de los juegos de criptomonedas como el primer juego que ofrece una experiencia de metaverso verdaderamente inmersiva. Esto es posible gracias al hecho de que FOTA está diseñado como un juego de realidad mixta (MR), que combina elementos de realidad virtual y física para crear un entorno de juego totalmente interactivo y fluido. Los jugadores podrán explorar, luchar e interactuar entre sí de una manera que se siente real y fantástica, haciendo de FOTA una experiencia de juego verdaderamente única. FOTA permite a los jugadores explorar el mundo de los juegos 3D en cualquier plataforma que sea compatible, haciéndolo accesible a una amplia gama de jugadores independientemente de su dispositivo o sistema operativo preferido. Para atraer al mayor número posible de jugadores, los desarrolladores de FOTA han creado versiones del juego para múltiples plataformas utilizando el motor de juego Unity 3D. Esto significa que el juego estará disponible en Mac, Windows, Android e iOS, así como a través de la API WebGL en los navegadores web modernos. No importa qué dispositivo o sistema operativo prefieras, podrás jugar FOTA y disfrutar de todo lo que tiene para ofrecer. Con este nivel de accesibilidad y flexibilidad, los jugadores pueden elegir jugar el juego de la forma que mejor les convenga. FOTA- Jugabilidad de Fight of the Ages: la realidad mixta es una herramienta poderosa, pero solo es efectiva cuando se usa de una manera que mejora la experiencia de juego. Afortunadamente, Fight Of The Ages parece haber identificado un mercado de juegos que se adapta bien a esta nueva tecnología. El juego en sí es un título de campo de batalla multijugador en línea de alta calidad con una variedad de modos de juego que se adaptan a las diferentes preferencias de los jugadores. Ya sea que prefiera una acción rápida o una planificación estratégica, FOTA tiene algo para usted. Con su uso innovador de la realidad mixta y su enfoque en ofrecer una experiencia de juego emocionante y atractiva, FOTA está preparada para convertirse en líder en el mercado de juegos con criptomonedas. Los jugadores pueden explorar Groenlandia, La Tierra y La Pesadilla, las tres áreas principales del juego, en un modo de campaña de 30 niveles basado en misiones. Los jugadores deben completar tareas en varios mundos para recibir recompensas en forma de puntos de experiencia y tokens FOTA nativos del juego. Además, hay planes para albergar misiones mensuales y estacionales únicas con nuevos obstáculos y recompensas aún mejores.

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Might'n Mow'em - Revisión del juego

Might'n Mow'em - Revisión del juego

Might'n Mowem es un juego de PC imprescindible para los fanáticos del infierno de balas rogue-lite y del juego para ganar dinero. Might'n Mowem, un juego rogue-lite infernal, tiene algunas similitudes con Vampire Survivors. Comienzas cada carrera con muy poca potencia y, al matar enemigos, ganas experiencia. A medida que avanzas en los niveles, puedes seleccionar entre una variedad de árboles de habilidades que aumentarán tu daño y mejorarán tu defensa. Definitivamente puedes terminar la recompensa de bronce sin mucha ayuda si la ejecutas un par de veces.

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Meta Nano: Metaverso 3D de juego para ganar en Polygon Network

Meta Nano: Metaverso 3D de juego para ganar en Polygon Network

Meta Nano es un proyecto innovador que presenta un metaverso 3D Play-to-Earn centrado en NFT llamados NANO. Estos NANO son avatares NFT 3D de intrincado diseño que sirven como base de un ecosistema de juegos colaborativos en la red Polygon. En este amplio reino virtual, los jugadores pueden encarnar varios personajes, desde criaturas míticas hasta robots futuristas, y participar en emocionantes competiciones multijugador conocidas como NANO Games. La victoria en estos juegos no solo brinda entretenimiento, sino que también recompensa a los jugadores con criptomonedas, dinero o activos del juego. La historia de fondo de Meta Nano tiene sus raíces en una narrativa en la que un brillante informático creó un programa de inteligencia artificial para construir un metaverso ético. Esta IA dio origen al NANOverse, un mundo lleno de NANO, cada uno con atributos únicos y superpoderes otorgados a través de gemas de poder. Sin embargo, la IA perdió el control del NANOverse debido a un ciberataque y buscó dominar Internet para abordar el caos global. Algunos NANO se resistieron a su plan y se convirtieron en demonios, mientras que otros, liderados por Sir Render 1st, se unieron para desafiar el dominio de su creador. La jugabilidad de Meta Nano gira en torno a NANO Games, donde los jugadores despliegan sus NANO para competir por recompensas. Los atributos y gemas de poder de estos avatares influyen en los resultados del juego y los jugadores pueden mejorar su juego con equipos potentes. El metaverso ofrece varias oportunidades, que incluyen propiedad, capacitación, ganancias, comercio, reproducción y préstamos, creando un ecosistema de juego dinámico y atractivo. Meta Nano opera dentro de la red Ethereum, utilizando tokens HEROcoin ($PLAY) siguiendo el estándar ERC20 para una funcionalidad perfecta. Combina elementos de NFT, blockchain y juegos para crear una experiencia inmersiva y gratificante dentro de su metaverso 3D de NANO.

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Cadena de alianza - Revisión del juego

Cadena de alianza - Revisión del juego

"Chain of Alliance" es un juego de estrategia y rol en cadena ambientado en un multiverso con una temática de fantasía y ciencia ficción. El juego presenta tokens no fungibles (NFT) y permite a los jugadores unirse a grupos de aventureros para combatir a otros grupos de jugadores o enemigos controlados por la IA. Los jugadores también pueden obtener XP saqueando para mejorar y desarrollar a sus héroes personales. Este juego ofrece una experiencia de juego única e inmersiva para los jugadores. Descripción general del juego Chain of Alliance: "Chain of Alliance" permite a los jugadores crear narrativas convincentes mientras integran componentes populares de GameFi y DeFi a la perfección. La API del juego, una extensa historia de fondo, personajes totalmente personalizables y Land propiedad del sistema o del jugador permiten a los jugadores compartir y utilizar cada campaña narrativa. Además de estas características, "Chain of Alliance" ofrece un juego divertido y estratégico con otras NFT y brinda oportunidades para hacer avanzar estas NFT a través de bucles de juego conectados. Estos bucles conectan las comunidades de "Chain of Alliance" y sus socios, creando una experiencia de juego verdaderamente inmersiva. En "Chain of Alliance", los usuarios pueden apostar sus tokens $COA para recibir tokens no fungibles (NFT) especiales e incentivos $COA. Al apostar los NFT de sus personajes, los usuarios pueden ganar premios adicionales que les permiten usar sus personajes como enemigos de la IA en campañas personalizadas. Todos los personajes y activos del juego se representarán como NFT utilizando el estándar NFT de Chromia Originals, y los metadatos adjuntos se almacenarán en la cadena de bloques. Simon y Dennis, los creadores de "Chain of Alliance", son desarrolladores de juegos independientes con una sólida formación en informática y una pasión por los juegos blockchain y la lógica de los juegos en cadena.

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Mundo diminuto - Reseña del juego

Mundo diminuto - Reseña del juego

Tiny World es un juego de metaverso blockchain que puedes jugar en la red Binance Smart Chain. Si juegas para ganar, puedes obtener NFT de Tiny Hero. Tiny World es un revolucionario juego blockchain que combina NFT, DeFi y elementos de juego de una manera que funciona bien. También cuenta con una amplia gama de productos y un ecosistema diverso, como Tiny Farm, que es un sistema DeFi completo con Yield Aggregator, Liquidity Mining, NFT Farming y más. Tiny Kingdom es un juego comercial en el que no tienes que hacer nada para ganar recompensas. También puedes competir para estar en la cima de diferentes tablas de clasificación. Construyes y defiendes tu propia mazmorra en este juego de simulación mientras recibes recompensas de otros jugadores. Conecta tu billetera y usa el token $TINC para comprar una caja misteriosa con héroes de diferentes niveles y rarezas. Así comienzas tu aventura. Sumérgete en el mundo de Tiny World y disfruta de lo bien que funcionan juntos los NFT, DeFi y el divertido juego.

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A través de Lunacia - Revisión del juego

A través de Lunacia - Revisión del juego

Across Lunacia es un nuevo y emocionante juego NFT inspirado en el popular juego Axie Infinity. Si eres fanático de los juegos independientes, Across Lunacia es imprescindible, ya que ofrece una experiencia única y nostálgicamente familiar que recuerda al clásico juego de Pokémon. Con su jugabilidad estilo arcade y su mundo inmersivo, Across Lunacia es un juego que seguramente atraerá a los fanáticos del género. Si eres un jugador experimentado de NFT o eres nuevo en este tipo de juego, Across Lunacia es una experiencia atractiva y divertida que no querrás perderte. Across Lunacia es un juego de plataformas pixelado en 2D que está disponible exclusivamente para jugadores que poseen un Axie NFT. En esta aventura de Axie, los jugadores deben superar una variedad de obstáculos y derrotar a los enemigos quimera a medida que avanzan en el juego. Inspirado en el popular juego NFT Axie Infinity, Across Lunacia es un juego imprescindible para los fanáticos de los juegos independientes y aquellos que disfrutan de la sensación nostálgica y familiar de los juegos arcade clásicos como Pokémon. Si eres un jugador experimentado o nuevo en el mundo de las NFT, Across Lunacia es una experiencia emocionante e inmersiva que no querrás perderte. Across Lunacia, que se encuentra actualmente en su etapa Alpha, ahora está abierto para pruebas a cualquiera que posea un Axie. El equipo de desarrollo está trabajando para completar el juego antes de fin de año y busca contribuciones de la comunidad para ayudar a crecer y mejorar el juego. Su objetivo es crear un juego divertido y atractivo que los propietarios de Axie puedan disfrutar y potencialmente incluso contribuir con contenido. Ya seas un jugador experimentado o nuevo en el mundo de los NFT, Across Lunacia es un juego que ofrece entretenimiento sin fin y la oportunidad de ser parte de su desarrollo.

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Tierra Oscura - Reseña del juego

Tierra Oscura - Reseña del juego

Dark Earth es un metaverso futurista de ciencia ficción que albergará desarrolladores, jugadores y juegos criptográficos. El metaverso utilizará elementos descentralizados, como NFT y tecnología blockchain. En este punto del siglo XXII comenzó la narrativa que transformaría el curso de la historia humana. Rápidamente se estableció que la señal procedía de la constelación de Virgo. Una pequeña oportunidad para la tranquilidad. Una breve oportunidad para reiniciar.

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Rune Seeker: juego de cartas de estrategia blockchain en la mitología nórdica

Rune Seeker: juego de cartas de estrategia blockchain en la mitología nórdica

"Rune Seeker" es un moderno juego de cartas de estrategia que combina elementos de estrategia por turnos con tecnología blockchain. Está ambientado en el encantador reino de la mitología nórdica y está previsto que se lance en la cadena de bloques Avalanche. Esta elección de blockchain garantiza velocidad, escalabilidad y la capacidad de acomodar una gran cantidad de usuarios simultáneos. El juego recibió el apoyo de Ava Labs, lo que enfatiza su objetivo de brindar una verdadera propiedad al mundo de los juegos de cartas. La historia del juego se desarrolla en la Era del Origen, donde los dioses antiguos dieron forma al mundo, pero los conflictos entre sus creaciones llevaron al caos. Para restablecer el equilibrio, surgieron nuevas razas y la historia del juego gira en torno a la lucha para evitar una guerra cataclísmica causada por el dios Nul y el descubrimiento de poderosas piedras rúnicas llamadas "Las Runas Caídas". En términos de jugabilidad, "Rune Seeker" introduce elementos dinámicos como terreno y runas, que ofrecen varias posibilidades estratégicas. Cada partida comienza con los comandantes desplegando tres unidades en mosaicos de mapas generados aleatoriamente. Las unidades se ven afectadas por su entorno elemental, alineándose con los principios de Tierra, Agua, Fuego y Aire. El juego consta de 3-4 rondas, cada una con fases de Comando y Acción. Los comandantes colocan estratégicamente a los campeones y usan runas para dirigir unidades y manipular el terreno. La Fase de Acción implica ejecutar acciones como ataque, defensa, transformación, fusión o invocación. La victoria se consigue eliminando todas las unidades enemigas o agotando las runas. Las partidas pueden acelerarse después de tres rondas, activando la "Tierra del Caos". El dominio de las complejidades del juego es crucial para el éxito. Los jugadores pueden participar en combates PvP en tiempo real en Battle Arena, embarcarse en aventuras PvE en mazmorras para descubrir la historia del juego y participar en campañas especiales y misiones secundarias. En cuanto a la tokenómica, el juego adopta un modelo no inflacionario. Los jugadores no ganan tokens a través del modelo Free-to-Play, lo que evita la saturación de tokens a medida que se unen nuevos jugadores. La generación de tokens durante la adquisición de derechos tampoco está presente, ya que el 45% del suministro total de $RUNES ingresa gradualmente al mercado durante el primer año y medio, incluidas las contribuciones de los inversores iniciales y un fondo de liquidez. Los inversores semilla tienen acceso a un programa de participación especializado, que agrega incentivos para los tenedores a largo plazo. La respuesta de la comunidad a "Rune Seeker" ha sido mixta: algunos jugadores expresaron su disfrute con el juego, mientras que otros criticaron aspectos como el diseño de personajes. Sin embargo, las historias de la mitología nórdica del juego han obtenido comentarios positivos.

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Revisión de influencia: estrategia espacial MMO impulsada por NFT

Revisión de influencia: estrategia espacial MMO impulsada por NFT

Ambientado en el sistema Adalia del universo, Influence es un juego de estrategia espacial NFT, MMO, desarrollado por juegos imparables en la plataforma sandbox. Sumérgete en el cautivador universo de Influence, un juego de estrategia espacial MMO impulsado por NFT desarrollado por Unstoppable Games en la plataforma sandbox. Ambientado en el sistema Adalia, este extraordinario juego se desarrolla dentro del cinturón de asteroides, el nuevo refugio de la humanidad después de escapar de una Tierra moribunda a bordo del Arvad. Además, compite ferozmente con otros jugadores en varios frentes: minería, construcción, comercio, investigación y combate. Reclama tu propiedad sobre los asteroides, aprovecha sus recursos, construye infraestructura vital y descubre maravillas tecnológicas. Ya sea avanzando como una fuerza solitaria o colaborando con aliados, expande tu influencia y domina la extensión cósmica. El lanzamiento inaugural, "Exploitation", se centra en establecer las bases de la economía de Adalian. Controle recursos valiosos, domine las cadenas de suministro y produzca bienes y servicios buscados. Lucha por lograr el equilibrio en el dinámico cinturón de asteroides, donde la especialización y la eficiencia allanan el camino hacia la victoria. También en las fases posteriores, "Descubrimiento" y "Conflicto", desbloquea tecnologías avanzadas, inventa elementos innovadores y participa en guerras épicas. Además, Influence hace eco del atractivo de la jugabilidad emergente de Eve Online, la profundidad estratégica de Stellaris y la gran escala de la Serie X. Sea dueño de su destino y deje una huella imborrable en el universo.

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Upland: Juego de metaverso para jugar y ganar - Revisión del juego

Upland: Juego de metaverso para jugar y ganar - Revisión del juego

Upland es un juego de metaverso para ganar dinero como el juego de mesa Monopoly. Upland es un juego basado en blockchain donde los jugadores pueden comprar y vender propiedades virtuales basadas en mapas del mundo real. Utiliza un modelo coleccionable y su token nativo UPX está construido en la cadena de bloques EOS. Los jugadores pueden obtener ingresos pasivos al poseer múltiples propiedades y puntos de referencia únicos. El juego tiene su propio mercado y una billetera web3 de custodia para los usuarios. Sin embargo, el token UPX es una moneda unidireccional y no se puede canjear por monedas fiduciarias u otras criptomonedas. Si bien el juego es un gran concepto, su modelo de negocio no está completamente diseñado para la adopción de blockchain. El juego requiere que los jugadores compren terrenos digitales y construyan su negocio inmobiliario en el mundo virtual. Al igual que el mundo real, en este mundo virtual basado en la tecnología blockchain de EOS, la tierra se aborda de acuerdo con los lugares del mundo real. Por lo tanto, hacer posible que el terreno virtual tenga un valor real como el mundo real. Además, los jugadores pueden invertir en propiedades terrestres digitales que son NFT y luego ponerlas a la venta y alquilarlas. Upland Review: Upland es un juego basado en blockchain en el que los jugadores pueden comprar terrenos falsos basados en un mapa del mundo real. El juego se basa en la cadena de bloques EOS, que ofrece a los jugadores contratos de propiedad que demuestran que poseen un determinado objeto. Al igual que los NFT de Ethereum, estos contratos de propiedad brindan a las personas un control total sobre sus activos digitales y facilitan su comercio, venta y obtención de intereses. Una de las cosas más interesantes de Upland es que puedes comprar tu casa real en el juego, siempre que esté en San Francisco. Esta función añade un toque personal al juego y lo hace más divertido para las personas que se preocupan por sus propiedades en el mundo real. La forma principal de jugar Upland es moverte por el mapa 2D del mundo real y comprar cualquier propiedad que veas. Para comprar una casa, necesita UPX, que es el token nativo de Upland creado en el sistema EOS. Los jugadores comienzan con 6000 UPX, que pueden utilizar para comprar su primera casa. Por $5, puedes comprar más UPX con una tarjeta bancaria, tarjeta de crédito o incluso otra criptomoneda. Una vez que un jugador posee un terreno, puede ganar intereses según el valor de su propiedad. Además, si posee varios terrenos en la misma área o propiedades únicas como museos, puede obtener objetos coleccionables que funcionan como habilidades pasivas y aumentan sus ingresos mensuales.

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Tierra de héroes - Revisión del juego

Tierra de héroes - Revisión del juego

Heroes Land es un juego único que combina la jugabilidad desafiante y adictiva de los rompecabezas de Match-3 con los elementos de los juegos de rol, incluidas las batallas y la progresión de los personajes. Los jugadores tendrán que usar sus habilidades y estrategia para progresar en el juego y salir victoriosos. Una de las características innovadoras de Heroes Land es su modelo DUAL-GAMEPLAY, que permite a los jugadores elegir entre un modo de juego tradicional y un modo de juego para ganar dinero. Esto ofrece una combinación única de rompecabezas de Match-3 y juegos de rol, completa con una historia cautivadora y horas de entretenimiento. Ya sea que estés buscando un juego de rompecabezas desafiante o una experiencia de juego de rol más inmersiva, Heroes Land tiene algo que ofrecer. Historia del juego Heroes Land: La historia de Heroes Land comienza en la tierra de Halacia, un continente que una vez fue sumido en la oscuridad y el caos por el gobernante oscuro Hazdead. En su búsqueda de poder, Hazdead abrió las puertas del infierno y desató la destrucción sobre la tierra. La Alianza Justicia, un grupo al borde de la derrota, pudo derrotar al Señor Oscuro y encarcelarlo en lo profundo del Desierto Negro usando el poder de cinco gemas elementales. Una vez desaparecida la amenaza de Hazdead, las tribus de Halacia dividieron el poder de las gemas entre ellas y el continente volvió a estar en paz. Durante un tiempo, la Tierra de Halacia disfrutó de paz y prosperidad, pero los señores no sabían que el Señor Oscuro estaba planeando su regreso. Maldito con las palabras "Regresaré dentro de mil años con un poder imparable", el Señor Oscuro comenzó a reconstruir su fuerza, trayendo consigo la muerte y la oscuridad. Los señores de Halacia se asustaron cuando el poder del Señor Oscuro parecía imparable. Para combatir esta amenaza, los héroes más poderosos de la tierra se levantaron y unieron fuerzas. Viajaron a través de varias tierras, enfrentándose y derrotando a peligrosas criaturas en busca de los 5 Elementos, que son los fragmentos perfectos de Angel's Sword. Luego usaron la Piedra del Alma para convocar a poderosos héroes épicos del pasado, combinando sus fuerzas para derrotar al Señor Oscuro de una vez por todas. Hero Land ofrece una historia emocionante e inmersiva con una jugabilidad atractiva para que los jugadores disfruten.

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Metralla - Revisión del juego

Metralla - Revisión del juego

Shrapnel es un juego de disparos en primera persona AAA que brinda a los jugadores control total sobre los elementos que usan en el juego. El juego es para personas a las que les gusta disparar y es como Roblox en el sentido de que los adultos pueden construir cosas. Quiere ser el primer juego 3D AAA FPS basado en blockchain con una experiencia de juego inmersiva. Shrapnel tiene lugar en un mundo después del fin del mundo. Para sobrevivir, los jugadores deben encontrar su camino a través de entornos peligrosos, luchar contra grupos y criaturas hostiles y buscar suministros. El juego tiene física avanzada, entornos que pueden ser destruidos, muchas formas de personalizar tu personaje y diferentes formas de jugar, como multijugador en solitario, cooperativo y competitivo. Los jugadores que realmente poseen su equipo y armas en el juego pueden intercambiarlos, venderlos o incluso alquilarlos en el mercado. El sistema de construcción de Shrapnel también permite a los jugadores diseñar y personalizar sus propios paisajes y edificios, haciéndolos sentir aún más parte del mundo del juego. En general, Shrapnel es un juego único y emocionante para personas que quieren destacar en un mundo peligroso y cambiante. Trama de Shrapnel: Los jugadores de Shrapnel podrán explorar e interactuar con el mundo inmersivo del juego, descubriendo lugares ocultos y secretos a medida que avanzan en la historia. Centrándose en la elección y el control del jugador, los jugadores podrán tomar decisiones que cambiarán su forma de jugar y el desarrollo de la historia. El juego también brindará a los jugadores muchas formas de cambiar sus personajes y armas para adaptarlos a su forma de jugar. Shrapnel tendrá una campaña para un jugador y varios modos multijugador, como combate a muerte y modos basados en objetivos. Los jugadores también podrán crear sus propios mapas y modos de juego y compartirlos con la comunidad. Esto le dará al juego aún más cosas que hacer y hará que sea más divertido jugarlo una y otra vez. Jugabilidad: Los jugadores de Shrapnel también pueden participar en guerras de clanes y guerras de gremios para ganar territorio y recursos. El juego tiene una amplia gama de armas, armaduras y otros equipos que los jugadores pueden recolectar y mejorar. El juego también tiene varios modos de juego, como combate a muerte, capturar la bandera, dominación y más. El metaverso del juego también incluye una economía impulsada por los jugadores donde los jugadores pueden comprar, vender e intercambiar sus elementos del juego utilizando la moneda nativa del juego, Shrapnel Coin. En general, Shrapnel tiene como objetivo proporcionar una experiencia FPS única e inmersiva con verdadera propiedad y control para los jugadores. Economía del juego: los jugadores de Shrapnel pueden ganar $SHRAP participando en diversas actividades del juego, como completar misiones, completar desafíos y comerciar con otros jugadores. Los jugadores también pueden comprar $SHRAP directamente desde la tienda del juego o mediante intercambios externos. El token $SHRAP también se puede utilizar para comprar artículos exclusivos y NFT en la tienda del juego. Además de la moneda del juego, los jugadores también pueden ganar recompensas del mundo real a través del sistema jugar para ganar. Al participar en eventos y torneos, los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas del mundo real, como criptomonedas y otros premios. En general, Shrapnel ofrece una experiencia de juego única e inmersiva para los jugadores que disfrutan de los juegos de disparos en primera persona y la posibilidad de poseer y personalizar sus propios NFT dentro del metaverso del juego.

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Frogs Run: juego NFT Runner gratuito en BNB Chain

Frogs Run: juego NFT Runner gratuito en BNB Chain

"Frogs Run" es un innovador juego de corredor NFT gratuito y para ganar dinero diseñado para la cadena BNB. Combina a la perfección el juego tradicional de corredores sin fin gratuito con mecánicas lucrativas de jugar para ganar, ofreciendo a los jugadores una experiencia atractiva ambientada en un mundo de inspiración azteca con su propia rica historia y mitología. En este juego, los jugadores asumen el papel de un corredor de ranas encargado de recolectar monedas y derrotar a los enemigos. Descripción general del juego: El modo de juego principal, "Endless Run", presenta tres carriles y una jugabilidad familiar, dirigida tanto a jugadores ocasionales como a jugadores avanzados. Sin embargo, "Frogs Run" introduce un sistema de eventos dinámico que mantiene el juego fresco y emocionante. Estos eventos ocurren de forma aleatoria y regular, y una característica destacada es el implacable perseguidor de serpientes, una amenaza real dentro del juego, no solo un elemento cosmético. El juego también incorpora un sólido componente NFT, que recompensa a los jugadores con tokens por alcanzar hitos específicos, como 1500 metros, con un límite diario de tres tokens. Un punto destacado importante es la amplia personalización de NFT disponible, que permite a los jugadores adornar sus corredores de ranas con hasta 11 elementos únicos. Estos elementos sirven no sólo como medio para personalizar personajes sino también como fuente de ingresos. Por ejemplo, el uso de un aspecto NFT poco común puede generar 2166 tokens por ejecución y 6498 tokens diarios, con mecánicas similares aplicables a aspectos raros. Los jugadores también pueden subir de nivel para aumentar sus ganancias simbólicas. Para crear y generar elementos, los jugadores necesitan Biom (Tierras), un recurso disponible exclusivamente para los poseedores de Biom, lo que agrega valor adicional a este elemento del juego. "Frogs Run" está disponible como juego móvil, compatible con plataformas iOS y Android, mientras que también se están desarrollando planes para una versión para PC. Los jugadores deben tener instalada una billetera criptográfica, como Metamask o Trust Wallet, para comprar máscaras de rana NFT. Además, el juego presenta un saldo de gastos integrado en el backend y se espera que en el futuro se integre una billetera como STEPN. Acerca de los desarrolladores: El equipo de desarrollo detrás de "Frogs Run" está compuesto por un grupo diverso de personas, cada una con un promedio de 3 a 5 años de experiencia en sus respectivos campos. El fundador del proyecto aporta seis años de experiencia en criptomonedas y ocho años adicionales de experiencia en marketing. El cofundador, con una década de experiencia en ilustración, ha trabajado en proyectos como "Master of Myths" y el próximo "Heroes of Alboric". El equipo actual consta de 11 miembros, incluidos artistas, modeladores 3D, músicos, programadores y más. Comparten el objetivo común de aprovechar sus habilidades y experiencia para crear un juego NFT único con una jugabilidad cautivadora, imágenes memorables y una sólida economía de tokens. Su ambición va más allá de crear un juego; Su objetivo es dejar un impacto duradero en la industria de los juegos NFT al establecer un alto estándar para un juego innovador y atractivo. "Frogs Run" sirve como testimonio de cómo los juegos NFT pueden volverse interesantes y únicos, sentando un precedente para futuros proyectos.

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Battle Infinity: uniendo juegos de batalla para ganar dinero y metaverso

Battle Infinity: uniendo juegos de batalla para ganar dinero y metaverso

Battle Infinity es una plataforma de juegos que reúne varios juegos de batalla para ganar dinero dentro del inmersivo Metaverso llamado 'The Battle Arena'. Ofrece un universo virtual donde los jugadores pueden participar en batallas, socializar, explorar y participar en diversas actividades. El juego estrella, Battle Beasts Soccer, presenta equipos de poderosas criaturas que compiten en partidos de 3 contra 3, promoviendo la selección estratégica de personajes. En Battle Beasts Soccer los partidos se juegan por equipos de tres personajes y participan un mínimo de 6 jugadores (2 equipos de 3). Los partidos se pueden ganar durante el período del gol de oro, donde se convierte en un enfrentamiento 1 a 1 entre tres jugadores de cada equipo. El juego gira en torno a tácticas ofensivas y defensivas, que incluyen regate, pases, tiros de precisión, entradas, interceptaciones de pases y posicionamiento. La plataforma tiene su criptomoneda nativa llamada $IBAT, que opera en la red Binance Smart Chain utilizando el protocolo BEP-20. $IBAT sirve como un token de utilidad versátil que otorga acceso a varias funciones dentro del ecosistema de Battle Infinity, incluidos activos y personajes. Está diseñado para cerrar la brecha entre los juegos convencionales y el ámbito Metaverse/Blockchain, haciéndolo fácil de usar y eficiente, con un suministro máximo de 10 mil millones de tokens. La respuesta de la comunidad al proyecto ha sido positiva y los miembros elogian su profesionalismo, su equipo experimentado y su potencial de crecimiento. En general, Battle Infinity es una plataforma de juegos dinámica que ofrece diversos juegos de batalla para ganar y los integra perfectamente en un Metaverso, con un enfoque en el juego estratégico y una criptomoneda nativa para facilitar la participación del usuario.

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