Investigator Alleges Debt Owed by 888 Inner Circle & Gala Games

Investigator Alleges Debt Owed by 888 Inner Circle & Gala Games

Play To Earn Games | 26 Jun 2024 23:56 UTC

The Shocking Unraveling of The Orbs NFT Drama

In the digital expanse where creativity meets technology, the NFT world has been a beacon for artists, collectors, and investors alike. However, not all that glitters is gold in this rapidly evolving market. Today, we're dissecting a story that serves as a cautionary tale for enthusiasts venturing into the world of NFTs—an unfolding drama involving a collaboration gone wrong between two notable entities in the space, and the community that was left in the lurch.

About the 888 and Gala Games Rug Pull

It all began with great fanfare in December 2021 when a partnership was announced for an NFT drop named “The Orbs,” uniting 3,333 generative NFTs into the eager hands of collectors. This drop, a joint venture, was to be fueled by the burning of three "888 Inner Circle" NFTs or participating in a Dutch auction. Prospective buyers, caught up in the frenzy, snapped up the necessary NFTs, with investments climbing over 4 ETH for many, lured by the promise of owning a unique piece of digital art.

However, discontent brewed as the floor price for the auction was revealed, sparking a public uproar. In an attempt to quell the flames, a live stream promised adjustments to the pricing strategy. This moment of potential redemption was short-lived, adding fuel to the fire for those who had already made significant investments based on the original terms.

The repercussions of stakeholders' decisions

In a bid to make things right, assurances were made that those out of pocket would not be left at a loss, a promise that ultimately fell flat. The aftermath saw the release of a vial NFT, supposedly a remedy to the situation, offering six options for redemption. Yet, delay upon delay meant that what was once a beacon of hope turned into prolonged uncertainty and disappointment.

Three particular individuals, who together invested over 12 ETH based on initial promises, found themselves particularly aggrieved. As the dust settled on all six redemption options, it was clear the compensation fell short of the mark, nowhere near the value lost. Their grievances, echoed by others, were met with silence, their avenues for protest shut down as the forum for their voices was archived away from public view.

ZachXBT's conclusions

This tale of unmet promises and disillusionment reached the ears of a blockchain detective, who took to the digital streets to highlight the shortcomings of the entities involved. The response? A mix of silence and non-commitment, underscoring a disheartening reality for those caught in the fallout. Despite the detective's advocacy, the entities remained steadfast in their stance, leaving a community to reckon with the harsh realities of their investment.

The overarching conclusion rings clear: in the world of NFTs, as in all investments, the allure of innovation and potential must be balanced with caution. Stakeholders must hold true to their commitments, or risk not only financial repercussion but the erosion of trust in the burgeoning digital market.


The saga of "The Orbs" NFT drop serves as a stark reminder of the volatility inherent in the NFT space. It underscores the need for transparency, integrity, and accountability amongst platforms and creators. For collectors and investors, it's a call to approach each opportunity with diligence, mindful of the fine balance between potential reward and risk.

As we navigate this digital frontier, let this story serve as a guidepost. May it encourage all involved to foster a community built on trust, and for participants to engage with eyes wide open, aware of the ground they tread on.

In conclusion, while the digital world offers boundless opportunities for creativity and innovation, it is essential to remember the pillars of trust and accountability that support the integrity of any market. Let's move forward, learning from the lessons of the past, to build a brighter, more secure future in the NFT landscape.

And so, the journey continues, fraught with lessons hard-earned but invaluable in steering the course of our digital endeavors toward a horizon filled with integrity, innovation, and inclusivity.

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