Join Project Awakening Phase III: Epic Web3 Eve Online Playtest!

Join Project Awakening Phase III: Epic Web3 Eve Online Playtest!

Play To Earn Games | 19 May 2024 15:22 UTC

Get ready to dive into CCP Games' Project Awakening Phase III playtest! Register now to join this epic web3 sci-fi sandbox MMORPG in the Eve Online universe!

Join the Epic Project Awakening Phase III Playtest on May 21st!

You guys won’t believe what’s coming! CCP Games is back with another groundbreaking adventure, and it’s gonna be insane! The Project Awakening Phase III playtest kicks off on May 21st. Only 5,000 lucky gamers will get the chance to dive into this sci-fi sandbox MMORPG set in the Eve Online universe. Don’t miss out—register now to be part of this exclusive event and leave your mark on the game!

CCP Games Secures $40 Million for Groundbreaking Web3 Game

Here’s the deal: CCP Games, the masterminds behind Eve Online, just scored a whopping $40 million to supercharge their R&D for Project Awakening. This new web3 game is all about player creativity and blockchain tech. “This is your chance to build something incredible,” says CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson. Are you excited? Because I am! Join the Phase III playtest and be part of something epic!

Get Ready for the Future: What to Expect in Phase III

Let’s dive into this crazy new adventure! Phase III is packed with new features and even a hackathon that lets you unleash your creativity. The full details are still under wraps, but we know this: it’s going to be a game-changer. Future playtests are lined up for September and December, so there’s plenty more action coming your way. Get ready to be blown away!

How to Sign Up for the Project Awakening Playtest

Want in on the action? Here’s how to do it: Head over to the Project Awakening official site, fill out a form, and link your social media to secure your spot. It’s that simple! Don’t wait—spots are limited, and this is your chance to be part of something truly epic.

And if you want to know more, head over to their website and find all the details!

Upcoming Playtests and What’s Next for Project Awakening

We’re making history here, folks! Stay tuned for more playtests later this year. September and December will bring even more exciting features and gameplay enhancements. Project Awakening is just getting started, and you won’t want to miss a single update. Follow CCP Games on Twitter and keep your eyes on the official site for all the latest news.

More About Project Awakening

Project Awakening drops you into a decayed world where player collaboration is key. This sci-fi sandbox MMORPG lets you build, create, and shape the game’s persistent online world. It’s all about player-driven experiences and endless possibilities. Get ready to embark on this incredible journey with CCP Games! This is going to be epic!

More Exciting Details about Project Awakening

Let’s dive even deeper into what makes Project Awakening a groundbreaking game! There are a few more details you need to know to get the full picture. This is going to be epic!

Detailed Application Process

Here’s the full scoop on how to get in on the action. The application process isn’t just about filling out a form. You’ll also need to connect your social media accounts to secure your playtest slot. This extra step helps CCP Games build a community of engaged and excited players. So, make sure you link your accounts when you sign up!

Phase III Features Under Wraps

Even though we’re super excited about the Phase III playtest, some details are still under wraps. What we do know is that it will feature an awesome hackathon. This is your chance to experiment with the game’s creative tools and show off your skills. Stay tuned for more surprises as we get closer to the launch date!

CCP Games’ Massive $40 Million Funding

Let’s talk about the big bucks! CCP Games recently secured $40 million to boost their R&D capabilities and develop their new AAA title using blockchain technology. This investment is all about making Project Awakening the best it can be, set right within the EVE Universe. This means more innovation, more creativity, and more epic gameplay for all of us.

What’s Next on the Roadmap

And here’s what’s coming up next. Future playtests are scheduled for September and December, which will expand on the features and gameplay mechanics introduced in Phase III. CCP Games has a structured approach to developing Project Awakening, ensuring that each phase brings new and exciting elements to the game. So, keep your eyes peeled for these updates and get ready to dive in even deeper!

Stay connected and don’t miss any updates by following CCP Games on Twitter and checking the official Project Awakening website regularly. This adventure is just getting started, and we’re making history together!

Get ready to dive into CCP Games' Project Awakening Phase III playtest! Register now to join this epic web3 sci-fi sandbox MMORPG in the Eve Online universe!
Get ready to dive into CCP Games' Project Awakening Phase III playtest! Register now to join this epic web3 sci-fi sandbox MMORPG in the Eve Online universe!

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