MetalCore Unveils $MCG Token Launch Date

MetalCore Unveils $MCG Token Launch Date

Play To Earn Games | 23 Jun 2024 00:46 UTC

The Exciting Launch of MetalCore and Its Innovations in Gaming

MetalCore, a Sci-Fi MMO that has turned heads with its promise of thrilling mechs and PvPvE battles, has disclosed the official release date of its much-anticipated $MCG token. The date is set for June 28th, 2024, marking a new era for the game following an extensive closed beta testing phase. This announcement is a signal for enthusiasts and gamers who participated in the beta version to prepare for the full-fledged game experience that awaits.

For gamers who ventured through the beta version and earned Marks, there's one more quest on the horizon. Finishing this last mission is crucial as it enables players to link their wallets and claim their well-deserved rewards from the battlefield, ensuring a smooth transition to the game's next phase.

A Glimpse into MetalCore's Universe

MetalCore is not just another addition to the MMO genre; it's a game that promises an adrenaline-pumping adventure set on Kerberos, a distant planet where survival means everything. Starting off as a foot soldier, players will have the opportunity to rise through the ranks and amass an impressive collection of mechs and war machines, each more destructive than the last. This game is a dream come true for players who love crafting, as MetalCore introduces an innovative 'scanning' system. This system allows players to obtain blueprints from defeated enemies, craft new weapons, vehicles, and even trade them as web3 assets. With over 150 playable units including Mechs, Tanks, Aircraft, and Infantry, the possibilities for fun and strategy seem endless.

In addition to the action-packed gameplay, MetalCore encourages forging alliances and scavenging for blueprints to upgrade gear, emphasizing teamwork in the pursuit of planetary dominance. This aspect of the game has not gone unnoticed, earning MetalCore accolades like the Global Blockchain Show’s Best Blockchain Game of the Year and the GAM3 2022 Award for Best Shooter Game.

The Strategic Edge: The Barony Guild System

The introduction of the Barony system in MetalCore offers a layer of strategic gameplay previously unseen. This system promises accelerated progression, resource sharing, and the coordination of large-scale PvP battles within a structured hierarchy. From the Baron leader down to Initiates, every member plays a crucial role in the guild's success. Matt Candler, the CEO of Studio 369, emphasized the potential of the Barony system to shape the game's competitive scene, bringing players together to establish dominant factions on Kerberos. This system reflects a leap towards empowering players with the tools to craft their destiny collectively.

Upcoming Release on Epic Games and Competitive Rewards

With its release on the horizon, MetalCore has already attracted attention from over 100 million gamers and elite gaming guilds eager to establish their dominions. Early partners such as Yield Guild Games (YGG) and others will enjoy the benefits of accelerated progression, marking an exciting time as the game prepares to launch on PC and the Epic Games Store. This collaboration not only underscores the game's anticipation but also its commitment to delivering a rewarding experience for its community. Exclusive events and unique challenges await premium Baronies, setting the stage for an immersive gameplay experience that rewards dedication and strategic play.

MetalCore: A Testament to Innovation on Immutable zkEVM

Under the development of Studio369, a team of Unreal Engine experts, MetalCore stands as the first title built on Immutable zkEVM. The studio, which boasts a portfolio including blockbuster hits and a core team experienced in online games and community management, is setting the stage for a game that merges thrilling gameplay with blockchain technology. This unique blend is expected to open new avenues for player interaction, emergent gameplay, and collective storytelling, promising a dynamic and enriched experience for the gaming community.

Final Thoughts

The anticipation for MetalCore's launch is palpable, as the gaming community looks forward to exploring the vast, open world of Kerberos. With its unique blend of action, strategy, and social interaction, MetalCore is poised to carve a new path in the MMO genre. As June 28th nears, gamers worldwide are eagerly awaiting to dive into the world of MetalCore, complete their final quests, and embark on a journey of conquest and camaraderie. For those looking to join the fray, mark your calendars and prepare for an adventure unlike any other.

Stay updated with the latest developments and get ready to join forces with players from around the globe as MetalCore brings its virtual battlefield to life. The promise of MetalCore is not just in its gameplay, but in the community it aims to build and the stories yet to be told. See you on Kerberos!

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