Shardbound's Open Beta Hits Epic Games Store

Shardbound's Open Beta Hits Epic Games Store

Play To Earn Games | 25 Jun 2024 18:12 UTC

Embarking on a New Era of Strategy Gaming with Shardbound's Open Beta

As excitement buzzes in the gaming community, the anticipation for the open beta of Shardbound, a much-awaited multiplayer collectible tactics game, reaches its climax. With its debut set for June 27th, the game welcomes players of all calibers to join the fray via the Epic Games Store. This move, inspired by a wave of positive feedback from the community, aims to widen the horizons for its web3 title, making it accessible to a more extensive audience. Shardbound is not just another addition to the gaming universe; it's a fresh breath of air in the strategy genre, poised to mesmerize players with its innovative gameplay and eye-catching artistry.

What Makes the Open Beta Stand Out?

The developers have left no stone unturned in making the open beta of Shardbound a memorable experience for players. This phase introduces a plethora of enhancements aimed at refining gameplay, matchmaking processes, and overall user interaction. Players will be greeted with visually upgraded Characters, Spells, Relics, and Equipment, promising not only a feast for the eyes but an enriched gaming experience. These improvements are complemented by polished gameplay mechanics and an optimized matchmaking system, making every battle as exhilarating as the last.

Tactics Meet Collectible Cards

At its core, Shardbound is a strategic card-based game that unfolds on hexagonal maps, laying the groundwork for intense 1v1 turn-based battles. Players are tasked with placing cards that breathe life into 3D units on the battlefield. Strategic maneuvering and tactical deployment of these units against opponents require foresight and cunning, making every game unique. Spearheaded by the indie game studio Bazooka Tango, founded by Bo Daly and Stephan Sherman, the minds behind Vainglory, Shardbound is a testament to their vision of bringing strategic depth and engaging content to the gaming community.

Strategies to Secure Victory

The path to victory in Shardbound is twofold. Players must either strategically outmaneuver their opponents to knock out the opposing movable commander or accumulate 10 Victory Points. Victory Points are earned through clever interactions with Victory Crystals scattered across the map. Such a dynamic introduces a layer of strategic diversity, with each match offering new challenges and opportunities to adapt one's tactics on the fly.

An Arsenal of Choices

Shardbound's deck-building mechanics are a blend of strategy and creativity. Decks revolve around five distinct card types: Commander, Relic, Minion, Spell, and Equipment, each bringing its own strategic value to the table. Commanders and Minions, aligned with one of five factions, create a rich tapestry of tactical possibilities. The game encourages players to think critically about unit positioning and the synergy between cards, adding depth to the gameplay experience.

Refreshing Updates in the Beta

The beta release of Shardbound unveils exciting features that promise to enhance the tactical gaming landscape. Players can dive into strategic battles on hexagonal fields and explore expanded card and pack options. Art upgrades across the board and improvements in game mechanics ensure a more engaging and seamless experience. These, combined with a refined matchmaking system and intuitive UI/UX design, signal Shardbound's readiness to leave a lasting imprint on the strategy game genre.

Engage in Faction Battle Passes and More

Adding another layer of engagement, Shardbound introduces Faction Battle Passes, rich with quests and challenges. These battle passes offer daily, weekly, and periodic challenges, rewarding players with faction cards, XP, and Royal Marks—currency that can be used in the in-game shop. Furthermore, Card Upgrades present an opportunity to enhance your deck's potency by utilizing duplicate card copies, bolstering your strategic edge in battles.

Seize the Early Bird Advantages

For those eager to plunge into Shardbound's world, pre-registration is now open on the official game website. Early registrants are rewarded with exclusive playable cards in the first week of the open beta, offering a head start in building a competitive deck. This pre-registration phase is a golden opportunity for tactical game enthusiasts to gear up for the thrilling adventures that await in Shardbound.

As the countdown to the open beta launch ticks away, the excitement within the gaming community is palpable. Shardbound is setting the stage for a new era of strategy gaming, inviting both newcomers and seasoned players to embark on tactical adventures on the Epic Games Store platform. With its combination of strategic depth, engaging gameplay, and stunning visuals, Shardbound is poised to become a staple in the collections of strategy gamers worldwide.

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