Últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Play-to-Earn y Web3, innovaciones en Blockchain

Lea a diario: las últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Web3, Blockchain y Play-to-Earn

¡Mantente al tanto con nuestras noticias diarias de juegos! Descubre lo último en tecnología blockchain,Play-to-Earn , NFT, Web3 y juegos de metaverso, manteniéndote al tanto de las tendencias en juegos criptográficos.

Etiqueta: Cadena de bloques

Storybook Brawl se cierra: el colapso de FTX continúa rondando

Storybook Brawl se cierra: el colapso de FTX continúa rondando

El efecto dominó del colapso de FTX continúa hasta la fecha, ya que ocurrió otra víctima donde un juego de cartas Web3 muerde el polvo. El juego favorito de Sam Bankman-Fried, Storybook Brawl, cerrará sus servidores el 1 de mayo. La decisión se tomó justo después de 13 meses de su adquisición por parte de FTX. Es una adición más a la lista de víctimas. Good Luck Games, el creador de Storybook Brawl, anuncia en Twitter que el juego de cartas Web3 se cerrará en medio de ninguna dirección a seguir. Aparentemente, los creadores hicieron todo lo posible para encontrar una manera de mantener el juego a flote. Sin embargo, no pudieron encontrar un camino a seguir y llegaron a un callejón sin salida. Good Luck Games fue adquirido por FTX US (también conocido como West Realm Shires) y cayó bajo el lema "FTX Gaming".

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De la web 1.0 a la web 3.0

De la web 1.0 a la web 3.0

Internet ha recorrido un largo camino desde su creación en la década de 1990. Desde simples páginas web estáticas hasta aplicaciones complejas e interactivas, la web ha evolucionado dramáticamente a lo largo de los años. Hoy, somos testigos del surgimiento de la Web 3.0, que promete llevar Internet al siguiente nivel con la ayuda de la cadena de bloques, la IA y la descentralización. Este blog explorará la evolución de la web, de la Web 1.0 a la Web 3.0, y analizará las tecnologías y los conceptos que están dando forma al futuro de Internet. Web 1.0, también conocida como web estática, se refiere a los primeros días de Internet cuando la web era principalmente una colección de páginas HTML estáticas. La web se utilizó principalmente para publicar información y proporcionar funcionalidades básicas como el correo electrónico y el uso compartido de archivos. Las características de la web 1.0 eran la interacción limitada del usuario, el flujo de información unidireccional y la falta de contenido dinámico. Además, fue principalmente para la difusión de información en lugar de la interacción y la colaboración.

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Gala Games Introduces $GALA (v2)

Gala Games Introduces $GALA (v2)

Gala Games is propelling the future of blockchain gaming with the introduction of $Gala (v2), marking a new era for their ecosystem. This upgraded token aims to enhance players' gaming experiences while enabling them to earn rewards through competition. Gala Games announced the launch of $Gala (v2) on May 15th, bringing significant improvements such as enhanced burn mechanisms, security upgrades, and future upgradability to its Ethereum contract.The company's focus on a decentralized market, player token rewards, and stakeable tokens for greater benefits underpins its commitment to innovation. The Gala (v2) token, built on Ethereum as an ERC-20 token, seeks to expedite transactions within the Gala Games ecosystem and provide access to platform services.One notable aspect is the integration of Gala (v2) into the ecosystem's decentralized marketplace, enabling secure and transparent value exchange, including the trading of in-game items and digital assets. Gala Games has been proactive in communicating with its community and ensuring a smooth transition for token holders from $Gala (v1) to $Gala (v2).Gala Games has garnered attention with its projects that prioritize player ownership and decentralization. Among these is "Town Star," a play-to-earn town-building game where players compete to create efficient towns. Another project is "Spider Tanks," a PVP brawler game featuring real-time tank combat with customizable tanks and physics-based movement.With a focus on empowering players and advancing the possibilities in the gaming sector, Gala Games aims to create a thriving ecosystem that benefits all participants.

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Pasaporte de Immutable Labs para resolver obstáculos en la adopción de Web3

Pasaporte de Immutable Labs para resolver obstáculos en la adopción de Web3

Immutable Passport, un proyecto Web3 muy necesario de Immutable Labs, es la necesidad del momento por muchas razones. Muchos de nosotros ya somos muy conscientes de que los juegos de blockchain abren caminos para que los jugadores posean activos digitales en el juego. Estos juegos se consideran el catalizador para acercar a la mayor parte de la población a las tecnologías Web3. Además, estos juegos también ofrecen muchas formas de ganar dinero o ganar criptomonedas. Sin embargo, existen ciertos desafíos que detienen la adopción generalizada de estos juegos. Algunos juegos de Jugar para ganar tienen enormes barreras de entrada en forma de NFT. Los jugadores deben comprar estos NFT para comenzar a jugar como en el popular juego Web3 Axie Infinity.

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Panzerdogs: The Ultimate Tank Battleground in Web3

Panzerdogs: The Ultimate Tank Battleground in Web3

Panzerdogs is a super fun, casual, multiplayer online tank battle NFT game running on the Solana blockchain network. This Web3 game offers in-game digital asset ownership to its players which are tradable on marketplaces. Panzerdogs is a team-based tank brawler game where the fun lies in exploding your opponent’s tank. You will play as a unique cute NFT dog inside a war tank with a war helmet on your head.

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The Rise of Gaming Guilds and DAOs: Celebrating Fun in Esports

The Rise of Gaming Guilds and DAOs: Celebrating Fun in Esports

Gaming has come a long way from being a hobby for a small group of enthusiasts to become a multi-billion-dollar industry. Esports, or competitive gaming guild, has emerged as a significant force within gaming. Professional players and teams compete in global tournaments for millions of dollars in prize money. However, not all gaming communities are focused on making money. Some are celebrating the fun and community of gaming. Also, they are doing it through gaming guilds and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

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MapleStory Web3 Push: What to Expect?

MapleStory Web3 Push: What to Expect?

Web3 gaming is getting better and growing, and classic Web2 games are also starting to use technology. Companies like Neopets, MapleStory, and Atari are joining Web3 technologies with their popular and nostalgic blockchain game IPs. MapleStory is one of only a few games that have been successful and are still going strong. Since it came out in 2003, the game has been going strong, accomplishing rare things and building a strong, loyal community.

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Archeworld Opens Preregistration for NA & SA Servers, Recommend and Win NFT Rewards

Archeworld Opens Preregistration for NA & SA Servers, Recommend and Win NFT Rewards

ArcheWorld, a one-of-a-kind debut MMORPG using blockchain technologies, plans to launch NA & SA servers on April 19th, 2023. Web3 gamers can head out to ArcheWorld website for pre-registration. Additionally, players can also win exciting prizes in Fandom Card NFTs, and Land NFTs if they invite their friends to the servers. So, get ready folks, mark your calendars! April 20, 2023, is the big day for all you ArcheAge fans out there!

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Unstoppable Games lanzará un juego MMO Unstoppable en Starknet

Unstoppable Games lanzará un juego MMO Unstoppable en Starknet

Unstoppable Games, dirigido por el CEO Nick Lexmond, ha estado trabajando en su juego insignia, Influence, durante más de una década. El juego, que se basa en la cadena de bloques Starknet, es un juego multijugador masivo en línea (MMO) ambientado en un sistema estelar que se encuentra a unos 15 años luz de la Tierra. El juego basado en NFT se centra en la idea de cómo los humanos sobrevivirían en un cinturón de asteroides y lidiarían con la complejidad logística de lidiar con cuerpos en órbitas independientes. Unstoppable Games está trabajando para crear un "juego imparable" que no pueda ser apagado o controlado por una autoridad central. Los contratos para el juego están abiertos y los jugadores tienen la propiedad sobre la administración del juego.

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Polygon Plays to Win: Dominates Blockchain Games in March 2023

Polygon Plays to Win: Dominates Blockchain Games in March 2023

Polygon rises in Web3 gaming with blockchain adoption and NFTs. Here are the key factors behind its success in the gaming sector. Adoption of blockchain technologies and NFTs: the rise of Polygon in the gaming sector and the key factors behind its success in Web3. One of the key players rising high in the adoption of blockchain technology and NFTs is Polygon, a layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum.

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Top Blockchain Games in March 2023

Top Blockchain Games in March 2023

Experience the top blockchain and NFT games of March 2023 for the ultimate gaming adventure. Discover the most innovative games in the industry loved by gamers worldwide. Today we have Splinterlands, Alien Worlds, Upland, Sorare and Trickshot Blitz for you! A blockchain game uses a special kind of technology called blockchain, and it can have items called NFTs that players can buy, own, and trade, which are unique and special to that game. Regular games don't have these things.

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Blockchain Games: Are Gamers Ready for the Next Level?

Blockchain Games: Are Gamers Ready for the Next Level?

Are you ready to play games at the next level, gamers? Blockchain games are a new technology that is shaking up the gaming business. With the potential to change how players talk to each other and use game assets.As blockchain technology continues to grow in popularity, more and more game makers are using it. Giving gamers more ways to get rewards and trade digital assets.But what do gamers think about this new tech? Are they ready to play games that use the blockchain? Or do they think it makes the game more complicated and isn't necessary?In this article, we will talk about how gamers see blockchain games. Also, how well these games work technically and how people like them. And what will happen to blockchain games in the gaming business in the future.

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Discover the Best Blockchain Games and How They Work

Discover the Best Blockchain Games and How They Work

Are you a gamer looking for the next big thing in the gaming industry? Or maybe you're a game developer searching for innovative technologies to incorporate into your games? Blockchain Games!Look no further than blockchain games, the latest trend in the gaming world. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what blockchain games are, how they work, and the benefits of using blockchain technology in the gaming industry. Join us on this exciting journey into the world of blockchain games.

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What is Zero Knowledge Proof in Blockchain Technology?

What is Zero Knowledge Proof in Blockchain Technology?

Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) is a cryptographic protocol that ensures privacy, which is something that traditional blockchain systems don't do. It lets one person show another person that they know a certain piece of information without giving away any more details about it. In the context of blockchain technology, ZKP can be used to check if a transaction or identity is real without giving away any sensitive information. In traditional blockchain systems, every transaction on the network is available publicly to all the nodes in the network. While this ensures transparency and immutability, it also makes it easy for anyone to see the transaction details. This includes the sender's and receiver's addresses and the amount of cryptocurrency being transferred. This lack of privacy can be a significant issue for individuals and businesses who want to keep their financial transactions private.ZKP addresses this privacy concern by enabling parties to prove that a certain statement is true. It does this without revealing the statement itself. For example, Alice could prove to Bob that she knows the password to her email account without revealing the password itself.

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