Today's Gaming Buzz: Eternal Dragons Shutdown, HK's First Bitcoin ETF and Axie's New Features

Today's Gaming Buzz: Eternal Dragons Shutdown, HK's First Bitcoin ETF and Axie's New Features

Play To Earn Games | 12 Jul 2024 20:11 UTC

Explore Eternal Dragons' shutdown, Hong Kong's first Bitcoin ETF, Axie updates, and Age of Dino's beta—key gaming shifts in 2024!

In this article, we dive into the latest shifts and stories in the gaming world. From the closure of a pioneering blockchain game to the introduction of new gameplay features and regulatory advances, we explore how these changes affect gamers like you. This piece is crafted especially for gamers, focusing on simple explanations and engaging storytelling to keep you in the loop with everything happening in the gaming sphere.

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Table of Contents

  1. End of an Era: Eternal Dragons Shutdown
  2. Breaking New Ground: Hong Kong's first Bitcoin ETF
  3. Game On: New Features in Axie Infinity
  4. Prehistoric Play: Beta Testing Age of Dino

Each section is designed to give you a clear and concise look at significant developments that are reshaping our gaming experiences. So, let's get started, and see what's new and exciting in our gaming world!

End of an Era: Eternal Dragons Shutdown

The Game's Closure Explained

Eternal Dragons, a game many loved, is shutting down. Launched two years ago, it let players own and manage a team of dragons. Sadly, despite a strong start and a passionate community, the game faced too many hurdles. The challenges of Web3 technology made it hard to keep the game sustainable. Issues like trading abuses and legal uncertainties also played a part. Now, the team has decided to close the game.

Efforts to Adapt

The developers didn't give up easily. First, they tried shifting towards esports and introduced Player Cards. However, these changes didn't attract enough players to be viable. Then, they aimed to reach more gamers by moving to mobile platforms. They redesigned the game for mobile users, but unfortunately, it still didn't meet their goals.

Appreciation and Closure Steps

To show their gratitude, the team will buy back Genesis Dragon and Genesis Egg NFTs from players. They plan to use the last of their funds for this gesture. The game’s servers, along with its Discord and website, will gradually go offline. There’s also a final Challenge for players in the game’s last week.

Reflections from the Team

The founders have expressed deep thanks to their community. They shared how much they valued the support and dedication of their players. Although the game is ending, the memories created with Eternal Dragons will remain cherished by all who were part of it.

In summary, Eternal Dragons' journey highlights the complex balance between innovation and sustainability in gaming. As this chapter closes, it leaves behind lessons for future blockchain games.

Breaking New Ground: Hong Kong's Bitcoin ETF

Hong Kong Steps Into Crypto

Now, Hong Kong is set to approve its first spot Bitcoin ETF. This marks a big step forward for the region's finance sector. Approval might come by mid-April. This move signals a shift towards embracing cryptocurrency more widely. It also reflects a global trend where digital currencies are becoming more mainstream.

The Approval Process Explained

Several companies have applied to launch these ETFs. Only some will meet the strict criteria set by regulators. If approved, these ETFs will allow more people to invest in Bitcoin without owning the currency directly. This could make investing in Bitcoin simpler and safer for the general public.

Challenges and Opportunities

However, not all applications are successful. Some have failed to meet the necessary standards for crypto asset management. Moreover, it takes about two weeks to prepare the product listing after approval. This shows the complexity and rigor of launching a financial product like this.

Looking Forward

The approval of these ETFs might inspire other regions to do the same. For instance, the USA is also moving towards approving its own spot Bitcoin ETFs. If successful, Hong Kong could lead the way in crypto investments in Asia. This would be a major milestone for the global acceptance of cryptocurrencies.

This development is not just important for investors. Gamers and tech enthusiasts should watch closely too. Many games now incorporate elements of cryptocurrency, making these developments relevant to the gaming community. So, as Hong Kong paves the way, it's worth keeping an eye on how this impacts the broader tech and gaming sectors.

Game On: New Features in Axie Infinity

Unlimited Coco Consumption for Mystic Axies

Recently, Axie Infinity introduced exciting updates. They now allow unlimited Coco consumption for Mystic Axies. Additionally, they've set new AXP caps. These changes aim to speed up gameplay and increase engagement. Because of these updates, players can improve their Axies faster than before.

The Impact of New AXP Caps

By introducing new AXP caps, Axie Infinity has enhanced how players train their Axies. Players can now earn more experience points daily. Thus, they can progress their characters quicker, which adds excitement to the game. Plus, regular Axies also benefit, with a 30% increase in their Coco consumption limit.

The Coco Eating Contest

Furthermore, the Coco Eating Contest is a new event that takes advantage of the surplus Coco. This contest encourages players to feed their Axies as much Coco as possible. The top three feeders win an Origin Axie, adding a competitive edge to the gameplay. So, this update not only enhances the game mechanics but also fosters a vibrant community spirit.

Enhancing Player Engagement

These updates by Sky Mavis, the developers of Axie Infinity, show their commitment to improving player experience. By allowing unlimited Coco consumption and adjusting AXP caps, they ensure players stay interested and active. Moreover, these changes could attract new players looking for a dynamic and evolving game environment.

As a gamer, it's exciting to see how Axie Infinity continues to evolve. Such innovations keep the gameplay fresh and engaging, making it a standout example in the blockchain gaming community. These updates are especially relevant for gamers interested in the strategic development of digital assets within a competitive framework.

Prehistoric Play: Beta Testing Age of Dino

Dive into the Dinosaur World

Age of Dino (AoD) has launched its first beta test, inviting players into a dinosaur-rich environment. The game, developed on the Xterio Chain, offers a mix of strategy and adventure. Now, players can explore different modes and engage in battles that promise both fun and challenges.

Features of the Beta Test

Several exciting features have been rolled out for testing. First, there's the Dino Brawl, a mini-game where players control dinosaurs to survive or conquer opponents. Next, Intel Missions offer solo challenges that refresh every eight hours, allowing players to earn rewards regularly. Moreover, players can battle Dark Tyrannosaurs daily in 'Darkness Lurks' to gain points based on the damage they inflict.

Community and Competition

Additionally, AoD includes community-driven events. The 'Field Exercise Event' lets players compete on weekends for a point bonus. 'Beast's Arena' is another highlight, where alliance members team up to take down a monster boss. The rewards are based on leaderboard rankings, adding a competitive layer to the gameplay.

Reward System and Engagement

The game also introduces a unique reward system. Players can earn 'Dino Tags' in Dino Brawl, which are crucial for upcoming airdrops. Not only that, but there's also the 'Dino Hammer,' a special item that multiplies rewards, enhancing player engagement and investment in the game.

Opportunities for Players

By participating in the beta test, players have a chance to influence the game's development. Feedback from this phase will be vital for fine-tuning AoD before its full release. Thus, gamers have a real opportunity to shape a game they love, making their mark on AoD's evolving world.

Overall, Age of Dino's beta test is not just about testing game mechanics—it's about building a community and evolving the game with player input. For gamers, especially those who enjoy strategic and interactive play, this is an exciting time to get involved.

Game Facts You Should Know

Eternal Dragons: Financial Insights

Initially, Eternal Dragons was a vision funded by venture capital. The game's creation costs were high, exceeding the revenue from their NFT sales. The developers, despite their efforts, faced economic challenges that led to the decision to close the game.

Details of the NFT Buyback Program

The team at Eternal Dragons values their players. Therefore, they've set up a buyback program for Genesis Dragon and Genesis Egg NFTs. The buyback prices will vary based on the rarity of each NFT. Soon, they will announce specific details about how this process will work.

Hong Kong's Emerging Crypto Scene

Hong Kong is making a significant move by approving its first spot Bitcoin ETFs. Initially, they plan to approve four ETFs. Yet, not every application met the strict crypto asset management requirements. The companies involved include China Southern Fund, Jiashi Fund, Huaxia Fund, Harvest Fund, and Southern Fund. Post-approval, it takes about two weeks to list these products on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

U.S. and Hong Kong ETF Developments

The approval of Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong could influence similar processes in the United States. Both regions are progressing towards integrating cryptocurrencies into mainstream financial systems. This move by Hong Kong might set a precedent that impacts global crypto regulations.

Axie Infinity's Enhanced Gameplay

An unexpected bounty of Coco in Lunacia prompted changes in Axie Infinity. Now, Mystic Axies enjoy unlimited Coco consumption daily, and the AXP caps for all Axies have been adjusted to allow for quicker progression.

Age of Dino: Additional Gameplay Features

Age of Dino's beta test introduces several key features. In 'Wilds Trail,' players unlock expeditions facing different challenges. 'Dino Mining' allows up to 25 Dinosty or Mechpal NFTs to be staked for DIO points. Furthermore, the 'Incoming Raid' and 'Alliance War' are competitive events that happen on specific days, enhancing the strategic elements of gameplay.

Also, the game uses 'Test Coins' during the April test to ensure balanced gameplay. However, these coins will become invalid after the testing phase. This temporary measure helps refine game balance before the official launch.

These detailed insights provide a deeper understanding of the current trends and changes in the gaming world. By keeping these facts in mind, gamers can better navigate and appreciate the evolving landscape of gaming.

Frequently Asked Questions: Key Gaming Updates

What led to the shutdown of Eternal Dragons?

The shutdown of Eternal Dragons was driven by several factors. Initially, the game enjoyed strong support and funding, but it struggled with the complexities of Web3 technology. These challenges included the immutability of blockchain and the difficulties in regulating trading, which complicated sustainable game development. Additionally, the costs of creating and maintaining the game outstripped the revenue generated, leading to financial nonviability.

How will the NFT buyback program work for Eternal Dragons?

The NFT buyback program for Eternal Dragons aims to compensate players as the game shuts down. The team will set specific buyback prices based on the rarity of the NFTs, such as Genesis Dragons and Genesis Eggs. The details, including how players can participate and the exact pricing, will be announced soon, ensuring players are fairly compensated for their investments.

What does the closure mean for the community of Eternal Dragons?

Despite the game's closure, the community's spirit remains significant. The developers have planned a final Challenge event to celebrate the community's dedication. This event will offer players a chance to come together one last time, creating final memories and celebrating the journey they shared. The lasting impact of the game on its players will be remembered fondly by those involved.

What impact will Hong Kong's Bitcoin ETF approval have on the crypto market?

Hong Kong’s approval of its first Bitcoin ETF is a major milestone. It signifies a broader acceptance of cryptocurrency in mainstream finance, potentially influencing similar approvals globally. This development could lead to increased investment in cryptocurrencies, making them more accessible to a wider audience and possibly stabilizing market volatility.

How does the approval process for Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong work?

The approval process for Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong involves strict scrutiny to meet the financial regulatory standards set by the Securities and Futures Commission. Interested firms must demonstrate robust crypto asset management capabilities. Once approved, these ETFs will allow individuals to invest in Bitcoin through traditional investment channels, thereby broadening the investor base.

Who are the main players involved in launching Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong?

Key players involved in launching Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong include well-known financial institutions like China Southern Fund, Jiashi Fund, Huaxia Fund, Harvest Fund, and Southern Fund. These companies have submitted applications and are awaiting approval, indicating significant interest from established financial entities in the crypto space.

What are the new features in Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity has introduced unlimited Coco consumption for Mystic Axies and new AXP caps to enhance gameplay. These changes aim to accelerate the progression and engagement of players, making the gaming experience more dynamic and rewarding. The introduction of these features demonstrates the game's ongoing evolution and commitment to keeping the community engaged.

How does the Coco Eating Contest in Axie Infinity work?

The Coco Eating Contest is a new competitive event in Axie Infinity where players feed their Axies as much Coco as possible within a specified period. The top three Axies consuming the most Coco will be rewarded with an Origin Axie, adding a layer of strategy and competition to the game’s ecosystem.

What benefits do these gameplay updates bring to Axie Infinity players?

These updates significantly enhance player engagement by providing new ways to develop and compete with Axies. Unlimited Coco consumption for Mystic Axies allows for faster progression, and increased AXP caps enable players to achieve daily goals more efficiently. These features keep the gameplay exciting and ensure players remain invested in their Axie Infinity journey.

What new gameplay features does Age of Dino offer?

Age of Dino has introduced several engaging features in its beta testing phase, including Dino Brawl, Intel Missions, and community events like Darkness Lurks and Beast's Arena. These features are designed to enhance player interaction, strategic gameplay, and community involvement, making the game more immersive and enjoyable.

How can players participate in Age of Dino’s beta testing?

Players interested in joining the Age of Dino beta test can sign up through the game's official website. Participation in the beta offers gamers a chance to explore new features, provide feedback, and help shape the game's final release, ensuring that the gaming experience meets community expectations.

Explore Eternal Dragons' shutdown, Hong Kong's first Bitcoin ETF, Axie updates, and Age of Dino's beta—key gaming shifts in 2024!
Today's Gaming Buzz: Eternal Dragons Shutdown, HK's First Bitcoin ETF and Axie's New Features

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