Blankos Block Party - Revisión del videojuego

Blankos Block Party (BBP) es la última moda en el mundo de los juegos blockchain. Este juego multijugador masivo en línea (MMO) permite a los jugadores recopilar, personalizar y exhibir sus propios tokens no fungibles (NFT) en un mundo virtual vibrante y divertido . Una de las características clave que diferencia a "Blankos Block Party" de otros juegos es su enfoque en la diversión. Los personajes del juego son lindos, coloridos y llenos de personalidad, lo que hace que sea un placer coleccionarlos y jugar con ellos. Y como el juego es gratuito, los jugadores pueden participar y empezar a divertirse de inmediato, sin necesidad de realizar ninguna inversión inicial. Pero BBP no es sólo un juego coleccionable: también es un MMO completo, con una variedad de actividades y eventos en los que participar. Los jugadores pueden explorar nuevos mundos , completar misiones y desafiarse unos a otros en varios minijuegos. El juego se basa en la cadena de bloques EOSIO, lo que garantiza que los jugadores tengan la verdadera propiedad de sus NFT. Esto significa que los jugadores pueden comprar, vender e intercambiar sus personajes Blankos en el mercado abierto, dándoles la oportunidad de ganar potencialmente valor real de sus activos en el juego.

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Apeiron - Video Game Review

Apeiron - Video Game Review

Apeiron is a God action-RPG game experience. Your soul will emerge in the world as a unique NFT avatar once you get enough followers. Its sentient population is known as Doods, and they resemble featureless minions running around. These Doods will pray to you, requesting heavenly assistance in everything from drinking water to cooking food to growing crops. Your mission is to answer (or not) their prayers by releasing Miracles and allowing their civilization to advance further.

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Genopets - Video Game Review

Genopets - Video Game Review

Genopets is the world's first move to earn an NFT game that lets you make assets while having fun and staying fit. Your digital pet resembles and resonates according to your personality. Moreover, it evolves with its user depending upon the daily activity the user does. So, your digital pet's destiny depends on you and how you stay active to direct it to unlock its true potential.

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Big Time - Video Game Review

Big Time - Video Game Review

Big Time is the ultimate fast-paced multiplayer action RPG blockchain game with a captivating storyline and stunning graphics. Explore an open world filled with majestic landscapes, vast wildernesses, and dynamic, vibrant elements. Enjoy all the features of a AAA RPG with the added benefit of blockchain technology. Join the revolution and play Big Time today, while keeping in mind that the game is still in development and has room for improvement.

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Prospectors - Video Game Review

Prospectors - Video Game Review

Prospectors is a one-of-a-kind MMO game of economic strategy, set in a 19th-century gold rush America. As a decentralized app on the EOS blockchain, it allows players to build a social network in an alternate reality version of the Gold Rush epoch. In the game, players scavenge for gold and trade it for real cash or cryptocurrency.

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Nine Chronicles: Fantasy Realms in a Decentralized MMORPG Adventure

Nine Chronicles: Fantasy Realms in a Decentralized MMORPG Adventure

In Nine Chronicles, a groundbreaking decentralized MMORPG where fantasy realms come to life, embark on an epic journey. Players engage in a play-to-earn adventure set in a blockchain-based universe, earning cryptocurrency through immersive gameplay. Nine Chronicles operates on the Libplanet blockchain, providing a unique gaming experience with a fully open-source design and no traditional servers. The game's intricate economic system thrives on player-driven interactions, from crafting powerful gear to conquering difficult stages. Dive into a world of exploration, trade, and fierce battles, where every action contributes to the game's dynamic economy. Whether you're an experienced adventurer or a newcomer, Nine Chronicles is a captivating fusion of fantasy and decentralized gaming that is shaping the future of MMORPGs.

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Play Evio: A Futuristic Blockchain FPS with Endless Thrills!

Play Evio: A Futuristic Blockchain FPS with Endless Thrills!

We're excited to bring you into the cutting edge world of gaming with our look at Evio. The Solana blockchain has a futuristic multiplayer first-person shooter game called "frag." Each "frag" not only wins you a point, but it could also earn you money in the form of a $E token. This exciting experience, made by creative developers, combines the tactical brilliance of Halo, Destiny, and Quake, giving players a wide range of weapons and abilities that can change the course of the game. Whether you're an experienced first-person shooter fan or just like to play games for fun,'s free-to-play model and interesting way to earn rewards will make your journey fun and rewarding. Come with us as we look at the game modes, requirements, and ways to earn money to see why this game is so popular among gamers. Get ready for the future of gaming with ev-io and see how the first-person shooter genre changes over time!

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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