Reign of Terror - Revisión del videojuego

Reign of Terror es un juego de simulación de realidad mixta y un MMO para ganar dinero construido en la cadena de bloques Solana. Los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas a medida que exploran y progresan en el juego, sumergiéndose en un mundo único y emocionante. Reign of Terror es una plataforma descentralizada y financiada mediante crowdfunding para simulaciones de MMO ambientadas en un mundo futuro distópico ciberpunk. Es una plataforma sin permiso que permite a los jugadores recolectar varios elementos NFT a través de una variedad de tareas y actividades. La línea de tiempo del juego se basa en la progresión y finalización de estas tareas, lo que proporciona una experiencia de juego única y atractiva.

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Apeiron - Video Game Review

Apeiron - Video Game Review

Apeiron is a God action-RPG game experience. Your soul will emerge in the world as a unique NFT avatar once you get enough followers. Its sentient population is known as Doods, and they resemble featureless minions running around. These Doods will pray to you, requesting heavenly assistance in everything from drinking water to cooking food to growing crops. Your mission is to answer (or not) their prayers by releasing Miracles and allowing their civilization to advance further.

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Supremacy - Video Game Review

Supremacy - Video Game Review

Supremacy has been in development for the past year by the Ninja Syndicate developers. It is a play-to-earn metaverse that offers various games in a battlefield mode. The game website also broadcasts the battle arena matches in real-time, allowing players to either participate or just watch the ongoing battle. Supremacy has partnered with Twitch to make this possible. Players can also own their own NFT mechs and earn SUPS tokens in return.

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Prospectors - Video Game Review

Prospectors - Video Game Review

Prospectors is a one-of-a-kind MMO game of economic strategy, set in a 19th-century gold rush America. As a decentralized app on the EOS blockchain, it allows players to build a social network in an alternate reality version of the Gold Rush epoch. In the game, players scavenge for gold and trade it for real cash or cryptocurrency.

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Last Expedition - Video Game Review

Last Expedition - Video Game Review

Last Expedition is an upcoming AAA shooter blockchain-based warfare game set in the NFT universe. Unfortunately, the fans have to wait as the game has not announced any launch window. Moreover, there is not any news about the game's alpha or beta form, only the trailer is live on the official website so far. According to its makers, Last Expedition, is the world's first truly AAA first-person warfare game in which players are thrown into an uncharted terrain full of dangers.

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Ember Sword - Video Game Review

Ember Sword - Video Game Review

Ember Sword is a blockchain game having the concept of nations and a dystopian moon. Collecting NFTs and landownership is possible in this game via the Ethereum blockchain. Thanabus moon will host the four nations; Solarwood, Duskerton, Sevrend, and Ediseau. Solarwood will also have alpha testing. The rest of the country's parks will open in 2023 and after. Upon character creation, players choose one of the four nations to call home once the game is finished.

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Wam App - Video Game Review

Wam App - Video Game Review

The Wam App offers a collection of casual, easy-to-understand games that are perfect for players of all skill levels. These games, known as hyper-casual games, require minimal learning and can be picked up quickly, making them enjoyable for players with or without prior gaming experience. Let's start with our Wam App review.

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