Mejores Juegos Play-to-Earn NFT | Juegos de Blockchain y Cripto

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Explore Decentraland: un mundo virtual impulsado por blockchain

Explore Decentraland: un mundo virtual impulsado por blockchain

Decentraland es una plataforma de realidad virtual 3D que opera en la cadena de bloques Ethereum y ofrece a los usuarios un metaverso descentralizado donde pueden crear, intercambiar y explorar experiencias digitales inmersivas. Fundada por Ari Meilich y Esteban Ordano, Decentraland ha evolucionado hasta convertirse en un mundo virtual innovador que empodera a los creadores y usuarios mientras utiliza la tecnología blockchain. Aquí hay un resumen extenso de las características y dinámicas clave de Decentraland. Propiedad de la tierra y construcción: en el centro de Decentraland está el concepto de propiedad de la tierra. Los usuarios pueden comprar terrenos virtuales llamados LAND. Cada token de LAND representa un terreno virtual de 33x33 pies dentro del metaverso de Decentraland. Estos tokens LAND son tokens no fungibles (NFT) basados en el protocolo ERC721, lo que los convierte en activos negociables al igual que los NFT tradicionales. Los propietarios de TERRENOS tienen la libertad creativa de construir diversas estructuras y obras de arte en 3D en sus terrenos, desde casas y teatros hasta oficinas y museos, e incluso bancos, centros comerciales, tiendas de comestibles, esculturas, paisajes y torres. Tokenomics: la economía de Decentraland gira en torno a dos tokens: LAND y MANA. Los tokens LAND, como se mencionó anteriormente, representan la propiedad virtual de la tierra. MANA es la criptomoneda nativa de la plataforma, que opera como un token ERC-20. MANA tiene varios casos de uso dentro del ecosistema, incluida la compra de artículos en Decentraland Marketplace, la adquisición de entradas para eventos virtuales y la obtención de tokens LAND. MANA también es fungible, lo que lo hace fácilmente negociable en los principales intercambios de criptomonedas como Binance. Experiencia inmersiva: Decentraland ofrece una experiencia inmersiva donde los usuarios pueden personalizar sus avatares a su gusto, mejorando la sensación de presencia en el mundo virtual. La naturaleza descentralizada de la plataforma se extiende a la gobernanza, permitiendo a los miembros votar sobre cambios de políticas, subastas de tierras y subsidios. Este enfoque democrático añade una capa de realismo a la experiencia virtual, reflejando los procesos de toma de decisiones del mundo real. Arquitectura de plataforma: Decentraland opera en una arquitectura de tres capas. La capa de consenso rastrea la propiedad de la TIERRA, la capa de contenido de la tierra maneja la distribución de activos y la capa de tiempo real facilita las interacciones entre pares, lo que permite un mundo virtual interactivo y sin interrupciones. Desarrollo e ICO: El desarrollo de Decentraland comenzó en 2015 y culminó con un lanzamiento beta cerrado en 2019 y un lanzamiento público en febrero de 2020. El proyecto recaudó $24 millones a través de una oferta inicial de monedas (ICO) en agosto de 2017. En particular, los tokens MANA de Decentraland son extraído utilizando plataformas de minería ASIC, empleando un mecanismo de consenso de prueba de trabajo similar a Ethereum. Además, la votación fuera de la cadena a través de una Organización Autónoma Descentralizada (DAO) permite a la comunidad participar en las decisiones de gobernanza. Suministro de tokens: el suministro total de tokens MANA tiene un límite de 2,19 mil millones, y los usuarios pueden adquirir MANA a través de varios intercambios centralizados y descentralizados, incluido Coinbase. Características únicas: Decentraland se diferencia de otros mundos virtuales al ofrecer un metaverso descentralizado y propiedad del usuario. Esto permite a los creadores darse cuenta plenamente del valor de sus creaciones, mientras que los usuarios tienen un mayor control sobre sus experiencias, contenidos e interacciones virtuales. Actividades en Decentraland: dentro de Decentraland, los usuarios pueden participar en una amplia gama de actividades, que incluyen socializar, jugar, explorar escenas generadas por los usuarios, visitar galerías virtuales, asistir a eventos e intercambiar activos virtuales. Estas actividades hacen de Decentraland un mundo virtual dinámico y atractivo. Participación en la gobernanza: el sistema de gobernanza de Decentraland permite a los poseedores de tokens MANA y LAND participar en la configuración del futuro de la plataforma. Los usuarios pueden proponer cambios, votar decisiones políticas y contribuir activamente al desarrollo del metaverso. En resumen, Decentraland representa un metaverso de realidad virtual pionero que aprovecha la tecnología blockchain para crear un ecosistema descentralizado impulsado por el usuario. Ofrece a los usuarios la oportunidad de poseer terrenos virtuales, participar en actividades creativas y participar en la gobernanza de un mundo virtual verdaderamente inmersivo e interactivo.

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Todas las noticias de juegos
Notcoin: The New Telegram Crypto Game That's Blowing Up!

Notcoin: The New Telegram Crypto Game That's Blowing Up!

Notcoin (NOT) is the new play-to-earn game taking Telegram by storm. Part of The Open Network (TON) ecosystem, this exciting crypto game lets you mine NOT tokens just by tapping a virtual gold coin. With 35 million users already on board, Notcoin has rocketed its token into the top 50 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. In this article, we’ll explore how Notcoin works, its recent market surge, and why it’s a hit among crypto enthusiasts. We'll also dive into its future plans, community engagement, and tokenomics. Get ready to discover all the details about this viral GameFi app and why it's the talk of the crypto world. Stay tuned for more epic updates and insights into the world of blockchain gaming!

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Lord Nine Online Game Employs DOSI Blockchain for Enhanced Play Experience

Lord Nine Online Game Employs DOSI Blockchain for Enhanced Play Experience

Revolutionizing the Game World with Innovative Collaboration Imagine stepping into an expansive virtual world where every armor piece, mythical creature, or enchanted sword you own is not only a testament to your gaming achievements but also a unique digital asset you can trade or collect This is the future that a leading South Korean game developer is crafting in partnership with a forefront web3 subsidiary of one of Asia's top messaging giants They're weaving an NFT marketplace into the fabric of their upcoming MMORPG, destined to redefine the gaming experience across PC and mobile platforms A New Era of Gaming on the Horizon Set to make its grand debut in the latter half of 2024, this anticipated MMORPG is a testament to the power of collaboration between seasoned game developers and innovative blockchain platforms By leveraging the DOSI blockchain platform, this venture is poised to introduce a revolutionary gameplay experience that intertwines unique in-game features and benefits directly linked to NFTs...

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Pi Squared Secures $12.5M for Blockchain Transaction Settlement Layer Development

Pi Squared Secures $12.5M for Blockchain Transaction Settlement Layer Development

Unleashing the Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Pi Squared Imagine a future where your online transactions are seamless, secure, and almost instant, regardless of the programming language they're built on This isn't just a pipe dream It's the groundbreaking vision behind Pi Squared, a dynamic Web3 startup that's pioneering an innovative technology suite equipped with zero-knowledge proofs This venture is not just redefining the boundaries of online transactions but is setting a new standard for trustless remote computing The Powerhouse Team and Impressive Backing At the helm of Pi Squared is a figure synonymous with innovation - a computer science professor from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who, alongside his talented team, has managed to captivate the interest of heavyweights in the investment world...

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Square Enix se asocia con Polygon

Square Enix se asocia con Polygon

El proyecto Web3 Symbiogenesis de Square Enix tiene actualizaciones. Se asocia con la red blockchain Polygon para ofrecer a los jugadores transacciones rápidas y seguras. A través de Symbiogenesis se creará una experiencia centrada en arte coleccionable digital y una aventura virtual por turnos.

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Unite in Chibi Kingdoms: Win from $5M CLASH in Alliance Battle!

Unite in Chibi Kingdoms: Win from $5M CLASH in Alliance Battle!

Empowering Communities in the Heart of Gaming Welcome to a world where strategy, unity, and the thrill of competition converge in an electrifying new arena - the Kingdoms Alliance Event At the cutting edge of web3 gaming, a groundbreaking initiative unfolds, celebrating the essence of community-driven endeavors Imagine, if you will, the synergy of Chibi Clash Kingdom joining forces with a stunning array of 21 gaming projects, all in the quest to dominate the virtual battlefield over an intense three-week competition The Arena: A Battle of Strategy, Unity, and Diplomacy Participants are whisked away to a transformed Kingdom map, where the stakes are high, and the rewards even higher The goal...

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Three Altcoins See Increased Investments from Major Crypto Investors

Three Altcoins See Increased Investments from Major Crypto Investors

Unlocking the Secrets of Crypto Whales Amid Market Turbulence In a week that saw the market grappling with significant challenges, it was interesting to notice a pattern of behavior among crypto whales Despite the prevailing sell-offs, these heavyweight investors have shown remarkable interest in a few altcoins This move hints at the potential these cryptos hold, perceived to be undervalued assets in the eyes of these influential market players Understanding the movements of whales is crucial because their investment strategies can significantly impact the market This week, their focus turned towards Dogecoin (DOGE), Optimism (OP), and Pepe (PEPE), marking them as coins to watch closely in the coming days...

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Insider Reveals: Major Investors Silently Accumulating Dogecoin Worth Millions

Insider Reveals: Major Investors Silently Accumulating Dogecoin Worth Millions

In the recent ebbs and flows of the crypto market, Dogecoin has emerged as a topic of widespread discussion, showcasing a fascinating dynamic between gains and strategy among its investors This scenario reveals a lot about the sentiment steering the market and provides a glimpse into what the future holds for this meme-inspired cryptocurrency Dogecoin Whale Analysis The week started with Dogecoin experiencing a substantial spike in buying activity, leading to a notable increase in its value This peak, hitting $0 1269, was a moment of optimism for investors and traders alike...

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Bitcoin's Value Declines to $55,000 Amid German Government Selling $500M Worth of Assets

Bitcoin's Value Declines to $55,000 Amid German Government Selling $500M Worth of Assets

The Latest Shift in Digital Currency Reporting: An Insider's Look The digital currency landscape is constantly evolving, with new players and technologies emerging at a breakneck pace Amid this whirlwind of innovation, CoinDesk stands out as a beacon of high-quality, trustworthy journalism dedicated to covering the ins and outs of the cryptocurrency industry But what makes CoinDesk's approach so unique, and why should you keep an eye on its latest milestone Let's dive deep into the world of digital currency reporting, uncovering the layers that make CoinDesk a name synonymous with integrity and quality in cryptocurrency journalism A New Chapter Begins November 2023 marked a significant milestone for CoinDesk, a name that has become synonymous with award-winning journalism in the realm of cryptocurrencies...

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Ecological Effects of Mining Digital Currencies

Ecological Effects of Mining Digital Currencies

The Balancing Act: Exploring the Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrency Mining As the digital currency frontier expands, so does the debate surrounding the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining The spectrum of opinions ranges widely, but what sits at the core is a need for a balanced understanding rooted in facts rather than fear or hype The task before us is to demystify the environmental implications of this digital phenomenon and to explore both the strides and challenges within the mining industry The Fundamentals of Cryptocurrency Mining Cryptocurrency mining is a powerhouse activity, both literally and figuratively, driving the blockchain's wheels by validating transactions through complex computations This process, while foundational to maintaining and expanding digital currency networks, is notorious for its significant energy requirements...

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Kamala Harris Faces 'Brat Summer' as Meme Coin Traders Rally in Support

Kamala Harris Faces 'Brat Summer' as Meme Coin Traders Rally in Support

The Dawn of a New Era in Political Campaigns: Embracing Memes for Voter Engagement In an unprecedented move that caught the eyes of both the young and the Internet-savvy, the political landscape witnessed a fusion with pop culture that might very well set the tone for future campaigns This blending of worlds was highlighted when a pop icon's endorsement spurred a digital phenomenon, linking the spheres of entertainment, politics, and digital currency together in a fascinating mix The Charli XCX Effect Imagine the scene when a high-profile endorsement goes viral, not just in news feeds but in the very fabric of online culture This is precisely what happened when Charli XCX, renowned for her impact on both music charts and online trends, threw her support behind a political figure in a manner that resonated with the zeitgeist Her declaration on Twitter, aligning a political campaign with the thematic essence of her latest music venture, didn’t just catch the eye; it ignited a spark across platforms...

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New Bitcoin Mining Pool for Crypto Gamers Launched

New Bitcoin Mining Pool for Crypto Gamers Launched

Loka and Hashlabs Unite to Revolutionize bitcoin Mining with a Green Twist Imagine stepping into a world where bitcoin mining aligns seamlessly with ecological sustainability This vision is now turning into reality, thanks to the groundbreaking venture by Loka Mining, which has introduced a novel decentralized protocol By partnering with Hashlabs, they are setting the stage for an institutional mining pool that doesn't just aim to mine bitcoin but does so by harnessing renewable energy This initiative is not just about generating cryptocurrency; it’s about propelling the entire industry into a more sustainable future The Genesis of a Groundbreaking Partnership At the heart of this venture is a desire to provide miners with an innovative platform, enabling access to bitcoin at more favorable rates...

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Web3 Marketing 2024: Your Brand with NFTs and Blockchain

Web3 Marketing 2024: Your Brand with NFTs and Blockchain

Embarking on the Web3 journey offers brands an unparalleled opportunity to innovate and connect with their audiences on a deeper level. For those new to blockchain and NFTs, the journey begins with understanding the foundational concepts, akin to learning the rules of a new game. The key to success lies in creating NFTs that provide tangible value to customers, such as exclusive access, unique experiences, or special privileges, thereby fostering a sense of community and loyalty. However, navigating the Web3 space also presents challenges, including technological complexities, regulatory uncertainties, and the potential for market volatility. To mitigate these risks, brands must prioritize transparency, education, and a commitment to security. By adopting a balanced approach that combines innovation with customer-centric values, brands can confidently explore the vast potential of Web3 marketing, setting the stage for a new era of digital engagement and community building.

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