Ultimate Beginner's Guide to MIR4: Get Started Today
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Ultimate Beginner's Guide to MIR4: Get Started Today

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Embarking on the Ultimate Adventure: Mastering MIR4

Welcome to the enthralling world of MIR4, a mobile real-time strategy game that immerses players in an expansive open world filled with thrilling adventures and intricate strategies. This journey into the game is designed to equip newcomers with the knowledge they need to successfully manage their inventory, utilize currency, embark on quests, and master the art of crafting.

Inventory and Currency Management

One of the pillars of thriving in MIR4 revolves around effective management of your inventory and the judicious use of resources. At the heart of this lies the strategic utilization of crystals and stones. These resources are essential for the enhancement of your items, with red grid stones being particularly sought after for their rarity and the substantial boost they offer. Equally important is dark steel, not only serving as a vital currency but also playing a crucial role in various enhancements within the game. Its collection and strategic deployment are key to boosting your character's prowess.


Players will encounter various currencies throughout their journey in MIR4, including Copper and Energy, which are relatively easy to come by through regular gameplay. The most critical resource, Dark Steel, is pivotal for enhancements and crafting, necessitating careful accumulation and expenditure. Other rare resources, such as Dragon Steel and Clan Coins, are vital for guild progression and in-guild purchases, while Gold becomes crucial for trading valuable items around level 50.

Questing and Auto-Questing

MIR4 revolutionizes the questing experience with an auto-questing feature, significantly streamlining the process. This functionality automates mission completions, guiding your character through objectives and dramatically easing the manual grind. Auto-questing is a blessing for those aiming to maximize efficiency, allowing players to concentrate on other game aspects requiring direct interaction.

Enhancing and Crafting

Another exciting feature is the Spirit system, akin to having a pet companion that offers substantial stat boosts, providing a considerable advantage in various game facets. Spirits come in different rarities, each offering a different level of boost, from Legendary to Rare. Moreover, joining a guild can be a strategic move, opening up access to additional support and resources, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience through the game's challenges.

Codex and Item Burning

The Codex system presents a unique opportunity for players to burn duplicate items in exchange for permanent stat enhancements, such as increased critical damage. This system encourages strategic management of duplicates, aiming for the optimal enhancement of your character's stats over time. Crafting, starting with common items and advancing to rarer and more powerful ones, necessitates specific item combinations, highlighting the need for meticulous item management.

Tips for Beginners

For those just starting out, here are a few tips to set you on the right path. It's essential to save rare items, especially those marked with red and yellow indicators, as they are extremely valuable and should be used wisely. Early guild membership provides access to resources and collective knowledge beneficial for your progression. Always check your achievements for additional rewards like Dark Steel. Managing resources such as Energy and Copper effectively is vital for sustained progress in MIR4.

MIR4 introduces a unique blend of MMORPG gameplay with blockchain elements, where strategic planning, resource management, and crafting are crucial to success. By focusing on accumulating and wisely spending Dark Steel, joining a guild and making the most out of the auto-questing feature, newcomers can ensure a smooth progression in the game. Patience and strategic planning are indispensable tools in navigating the complexities of MIR4.

Embarking on the journey of MIR4 not only promises a world filled with breathtaking adventures but also tests your strategic thinking and planning skills to the limit. It’s a game that rewards diligence, strategic resource management, and teamwork through guild affiliations. Look at the challenges as opportunities to grow, and you'll find yourself becoming a master of this intricate and captivating world. Happy questing!

Credit: ShaiittanN

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