Últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Play-to-Earn y Web3, innovaciones en Blockchain

Lea a diario: las últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Web3, Blockchain y Play-to-Earn

¡Mantente al tanto con nuestras noticias diarias de juegos! Descubre lo último en tecnología blockchain,Play-to-Earn , NFT, Web3 y juegos de metaverso, manteniéndote al tanto de las tendencias en juegos criptográficos.
Blockchain Gaming: Nifty Island, Epic Games Resurgence, Metropolis Identity, The Sandbox Impact, and China's Web3 Vision

Blockchain Gaming: Nifty Island, Epic Games Resurgence, Metropolis Identity, The Sandbox Impact, and China's Web3 Vision

This summary looks at the newest trends in blockchain gaming and NFTs, focusing on important changes that are determining the future of the industry. The open beta of Nifty Island, which starts on January 17, will be a turning point in play-to-earn games. It will include famous NFT collections and a new "Play-to-Airdrop" campaign, which will help build a strong gaming community. The Epic Games Store's new policy lets the blockchain-based card game "Gods Unchained" come back. This shows that real-world value is becoming more accepted in games. The partnership between Metropolis World and Unstoppable Domains changes what it means to be digitally identified by combining fashion and personal expression in a unique online space. The Sandbox's partnership with DanceFight makes a virtual Community Garden that fights global hunger through NFT sales. This shows how the industry can have a positive effect on society. China's Ministry of Science and Technology has come up with a smart Web3 strategy that focuses on new internet technologies and non-fungible tokens. This makes the country a possible world leader. These stories show a dynamic industry that is leading to new technologies, stronger communities, and real changes.

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NFTs and Blockchain in Gaming – From Ubisoft's Triumph to Modex's FIFA+ Partnership

NFTs and Blockchain in Gaming – From Ubisoft's Triumph to Modex's FIFA+ Partnership

The crypto and NFT gaming landscape is changing quickly, with big players in the industry making big changes. While Ubisoft's first attempt at NFTs with "Champion Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles" was a huge success, Warlord tokens sold out in less than two minutes, reaching a resale value of $600 each. This was a turning point in how the gaming community accepted digital assets. Modex and FIFA+ worked together to make limited edition Membership Cards, which shows that NFTs are becoming more popular in sports memorabilia. Medieval Empires' "$MEE to Play" release showed how blockchain can be used in games by letting players lease Land NFTs and stake $MEE tokens to change the way the game is played. Upland and Kaedim's work together made the production of 3D assets 70% more efficient, showing how AI has changed the way games are made. Lastly, "My Neighbor Alice" started the "Landscapes Re-imagined" contest, which encouraged community creativity by letting people change the look of land with special NFTs. This shows how the gaming industry is always changing and improving the experiences of players.

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Crypto Gaming in the Year 2024: Navigating Trends, Growth, and Regulatory Challenges

Crypto Gaming in the Year 2024: Navigating Trends, Growth, and Regulatory Challenges

Crypto gaming is about to have a big year in 2024, marked by trends that are becoming more stable and growth that has never been seen before around the world. The gaming industry is moving toward more engaging experiences, easier onboarding, and stable in-game economies. This shows that the industry is maturing, which could lead to widespread acceptance. The crypto gaming world is growing, thanks to role-playing games and the expected rise of collecting games. The market is expected to reach US$65.7 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 70.3% from 2023 to that year. A lot of important partnerships and purchases in the Asia-Pacific region, led by Gala Games, make 2024 even more of a turning point year. But worries about the law in China, like a plan to make it harder to turn virtual game tokens into real money, hurt business models and stop people from coming up with new ideas. The sector is at a very important point in its growth; it has to balance compliance with constant change as it teeters between widespread adoption and regulatory issues.

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Sorare NBA: The Collection Game Lands

Sorare NBA: The Collection Game Lands

The Collection Game, a fantasy basketball game with a new way to score, is released by Sorare NBA. Managers collect Pro Cards based on factors like team, season, and how hard they are to find, which gives them a Collection Score that changes over time. This score unlocks bonuses for each player card that change the game and make it more fun starting in Game Week 19. Collection Scores look at things like the serial number and who owned the item in the past, which gives you an edge over other buyers. Most cards, but not all of them, are not scored. Team logos are linked to player card eligibility, so connections can be kept even if players switch teams. Pro Cards work better when they have Collection Bonuses, which are based on score thresholds. We're going to add collection leaderboards and a "Rank" feature soon. One big change is that Marketplace listings no longer count toward Collection Bonuses. There's more to the Collection Game than meets the eye. It's an exciting fantasy basketball game that makes managers want to start building their Collections right away so they can own the game on Sorare NBA!

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SYMBIOGENESIS: Square Enix's Groundbreaking NFT Adventure

SYMBIOGENESIS: Square Enix's Groundbreaking NFT Adventure

Square Enix's groundbreaking NFT project, SYMBIOGENESIS, has started a new era of gaming where 10,000 collectible works of art coexist with real-world game use. In an independent world, players go on adventures led by the community. They can find hidden items and change the story by interacting strategically in Discord. The game's gameplay, called "Narrative-unlocked NFT entertainment," requires players to move through the main story, solve mysteries, and complete the World Mission, which is a big decision that changes how the story ends. Players are more interested in the game when they can get benefits for holding NFTs, like Replica points and unique character drawings. SYMBIOGENESIS not only offers a new way to have fun, but it also brings up important questions about how Web2 and Web3 can live together. This makes it a truly groundbreaking project in the gaming world. Dive into this immersive experience, unlock stories, and help the story of the Floating Continent grow.

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World of Dypians Unveils Its Metaverse Marvel on Epic Games Store

World of Dypians Unveils Its Metaverse Marvel on Epic Games Store

With its big launch on the Epic Games Store, World of Dypians has made its mark on the gaming world, giving players a full metaverse experience. This groundbreaking project, which is run by Unity, combines fantasy and blockchain technology. It lets players explore, interact, and fight in a huge digital world. Working together with Epic Games makes updates easier and creates a central place for in-game interactions, which makes the whole gaming experience better. With its multi-chain integration, in-game DeFi solutions, and multiservice marketplace, World of Dypians was one of the first games to use DeFi and the metaverse. NFTs are seamlessly added to the game, letting players bring their collections to life in the virtual world. Players can help decide what will happen in the metaverse in the future by taking part in events, getting special benefits, and collecting unique NFT Lands. This isn't just a game that's being added to the Epic Games Store; it's a blank slate where digital dreams can come true. Get World of Dypians from the Epic Games Store to start your amazing journey.

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The Dynamic World of Blockchain, NFTs, and Cutting-Edge Gaming Innovations

The Dynamic World of Blockchain, NFTs, and Cutting-Edge Gaming Innovations

The dynamic landscape of blockchain and NFT gaming is constantly evolving, with groundbreaking developments and trends shaping the industry's future. The Sandbox, a major player in the metaverse, has strategically launched its NFT marketplace on the Polygon blockchain, lowering gas fees and increasing creator accessibility. Farcana, a sci-fi hero shooter with blockchain elements reminiscent of popular titles like Overwatch, has received a substantial $10 million seed funding. The Frozen Fates season of Mojo Melee allows players to customize Mod-able Mojos NFTs through in-game minting on the Polygon network. Axie Infinity includes a "Stage 2" evolution system that allows players to improve over 250 different Axie NFT parts. Rainbow Wallet distinguishes itself with an innovative rewards program that rewards users for on-chain activities within the Ethereum ecosystem. These developments collectively represent a watershed moment in blockchain gaming, promising increased creativity and enjoyment for fans.

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Web3 Gaming 2024: From Play-to-Earn to Play and Earn, NFT Trends, and Industry Challenges

Web3 Gaming 2024: From Play-to-Earn to Play and Earn, NFT Trends, and Industry Challenges

With a huge $65.7 billion industry expected by 2027, the Web3 gaming scene is about to change in a big way. This study looks into how Web3 gaming has changed over time, focusing on a key change from a "play-to-earn" mentality to a "play-and-earn" mentality that puts user experience first. Pioneers like Axie Infinity set the stage, but now the focus is on more complex aspects, stressing how important world-building, storytelling, gameplay, community inclusion, and skill development are for a full gaming experience. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are being studied for their revolutionary effects on changing the dynamics of ownership that go beyond in-game items. As a key player, decentralized governance emerges, giving players power through participation and engagement. With a 12% rise in unique wallets and big venture capital investments, Zynga's "Sugartown" and DappRadar's insights give people hope. The investigation focuses on Web3 Gaming's goal to make a unique place for itself next to traditional gaming.

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Animoca Brands founders Predict AI-powered NPCs and Game-Changing Future in 2024

Animoca Brands founders Predict AI-powered NPCs and Game-Changing Future in 2024

The founder of the company, Yat Siu, sees a future where nonplayer characters (NPCs) can "live forever" on the blockchain and appear in many games thanks to artificial intelligence (AI). Predictions say that players will get their first look at this cutting edge technology in 2024, when games are made with NPCs that can interact with and learn from players. For example, NVIDIA and Microsoft are working hard to find ways that AI can be used in games by making tools for natural language processing and stories that are made up on the fly. Adding AI to NPCs opens up a lot of exciting possibilities, but there are some important things to think about, like how to keep blockchain-based NPC AI running and how to make games work with each other. This article goes into more detail about these changes and shows how artificial intelligence, games, and blockchain technology are becoming more and more compatible.

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The Sandbox Wants to Make India Its Largest Market: Strategic Partnerships and Cultural Integration

The Sandbox Wants to Make India Its Largest Market: Strategic Partnerships and Cultural Integration

The Sandbox, a top metaverse platform, is about to make India its main market within the next two years thanks to a groundbreaking partnership with Brinc, a local company. Through their work together, they created BharatBox, a cultural metaverse hub that celebrates India's rich culture and history by combining Bollywood and the country's entertainment industry. Even though India's crypto industry faces problems with regulators, The Sandbox is moving forward and saying it is ready to work with them. Key partnerships, especially with CoinDCX and Okto, are essential for the platform to reach its goal of adding millions of gamers within 24 months. The strategic alliances, which include 25 Indian partners, show that The Sandbox is serious about making games and bringing Animoca Brands' products to India, which includes Web3 solutions. As the metaverse giant figures out how to deal with India's rules, it will likely change the way gamers and developers work in the country.

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Crypto gaming predictions show that Web3 will become popular in 2024

Crypto gaming predictions show that Web3 will become popular in 2024

There will be big changes in Web3 gaming, stablecoins, and Ethereum's growth in 2024, which will completely change the crypto world. It is expected that the number of Web3 games will double, and the number of fully on-chain games will triple. This is because big Web2 companies like Nexon and Ubisoft are starting to use Web3 technologies. The market value of game tokens is expected to rise to $40 billion, and well-known companies like Starbucks and Nike are likely to step up their Web3 efforts even more. In the world of stablecoins, on-chain volumes are expected to be higher than Visa, and Solana's impact is expected to double. Ethereum is expecting a change that will see 50% of the ETH that has been staked become liquid and the rest of the ETH that is still in circulation burn down. There will be a lot of new token launches in the market, and Abu Dhabi becomes a top spot for Web3 founders. As 2024 comes to a close, the crypto industry is on the verge of huge breakthroughs that will change the future of games and decentralized technologies.

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Binance Sleepless AI: Web3 AI Gaming Platform, Launch Details, Tokenomics

Binance Sleepless AI: Web3 AI Gaming Platform, Launch Details, Tokenomics

Sleepless AI, Binance's 42nd project in the Launchpool, introduces a breakthrough web3 and AI-integrated gaming platform. Sleepless AI promises a unique gaming experience with AI-based features, allowing users to stake BNB, FDUSD, and TUSD. The platform will go online tomorrow, allowing players to earn AI tokens during a seven-day period, which will be available on Binance beginning January 4, 2024, with a variety of trading pairs. With a total quantity of one billion AI tokens, 70 million are reserved for Launchpool incentives, consistent with Binance's engagement approach. Users benefit from the ability to unstake funds and switch between pools at any moment. Concurrently, BNB experiences a significant increase, reaching $296, its highest level in six months. Binance's BNB Vault and Locked Products help Sleepless AI's Launchpool by increasing the value of staked BNB. Sleepless AI stands out as an intriguing addition to the crypto gaming market, promising engaging and tailored experiences.

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NFTs in Blockchain Games, Top 10 Games to Watch 2024

NFTs in Blockchain Games, Top 10 Games to Watch 2024

The integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in blockchain gaming is reshaping the gaming landscape. NFTs provide unprecedented value to virtual assets by providing true ownership, interoperability, and player-driven economies. Players can trade NFTs across decentralized marketplaces with ease, monetize achievements with play-to-earn models, and engage in innovative game design with global reach. The top ten blockchain gaming projects, which include Decentraland, Axie Infinity, and CryptoKitties, demonstrate NFTs' versatility in redefining ownership and value within virtual worlds. Blockchain gaming, in addition to NFTs and cryptocurrencies, embodies decentralization, smart contracts, and community governance, revolutionizing the gaming experience. NFTs are poised to play a central role in the industry's evolution, transforming gaming into a collaborative, economically empowering, and culturally significant phenomenon. Participate in the discussion, investigate these innovations, and witness the multifaceted revolution at the intersection of technology and gaming.

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Mythical Games Introduces Game-Changing "Quick Trades" Feature to Mythical Marketplace

Mythical Games Introduces Game-Changing "Quick Trades" Feature to Mythical Marketplace

Mythical Games has introduced the game-changing "Quick Trades" feature to the Mythical Marketplace, which will revolutionize in-game item transactions. This novel addition eliminates the need for two separate transactions, allowing players to exchange items directly with unprecedented speed and convenience. Quick Trades can be initiated by selecting items from their inventory and completing the transaction process, streamlining the overall experience. This feature is available for any item with a Quick Sell price, ensuring fair and commensurate value exchanges. The system performs the necessary checks and trades, sending real-time notifications when they are completed. While the number of Quick Trades is unlimited, each transaction is limited to five items on either side. To make the most of this feature, players are encouraged to act quickly, increasing their chances of successful transactions. Quick Trades from Mythical Games are a significant advancement in gaming, providing transparency and efficiency for a seamless player experience in the Mythical Marketplace.

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Web3 Gaming: MapleStory's $100M, Gods Unchained Challenges, Gala Games' Champions Arena, and 2024's Bullish Forecast

Web3 Gaming: MapleStory's $100M, Gods Unchained Challenges, Gala Games' Champions Arena, and 2024's Bullish Forecast

New developments in Web3 gaming show that the landscape is changing. Nexon has put $100 million into MapleStory Universe. This is the start of MapleStory's Web3 journey, which will see it move to a blockchain-based ecosystem. Because "Gods Unchained" by Immutable had "Adults Only" features that made the Epic Games Store take it down, which raises questions about how mainstream platforms can support blockchain games. Champions Arena, a turn-based mobile RPG from Gala Games, is a great example of how web3 technology can be used together because it combines easy-to-learn gameplay with NFT rewards. The sale of The Multiplayer Group by Improbable is a strategic move that shows a change in the company's Web3 gaming strategy. Web3 Gaming thinks that the market will grow quickly in 2024, with millions of new gamers coming in, especially in Asia, thanks to better crypto laws and GameFi support. These bits give us a look at how Web3 gaming is changing right now.

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R3v3nge Zombies - Revisión del juego

R3v3nge Zombies - Revisión del juego

Presentamos R3V3NGE, un nuevo juego de disparos de zombies para acción gratuita en esta experiencia de juego infundida con NFT. R3V3NGE surge como un juego de disparos de zombies gratuito y de vanguardia, impulsado por Unreal Engine 5, que cuenta con diversos modos de juego. En un futuro plagado de virus y afectado por una IA que no funciona correctamente, los jugadores se adentran en túneles traicioneros, defendiéndose de hordas de zombis. El juego opera en la red Polygon e introduce el token ZION. Los jugadores acumulan fichas eliminando zombis, lo que les permite adquirir armas en el juego. También se pueden ejercer NFT de poder distintivo, que confieren habilidades especiales. R3V3NGE es pionero en un sistema DAO impulsado por el jugador, que permite a los jugadores influir en el desarrollo y obtener ganancias del juego. Desarrollado por PolyLand, este próximo juego de disparos centrado en NFT en Polygon Blockchain no solo ofrece un juego clásico de zombies sino también modos innovadores como Team Deathmatch y Battle Royale. Además, R3V3NGE se presenta como un juego Web 3 revolucionario, donde los jugadores poseen activos dentro del juego y ejercen una verdadera autoridad sobre su evolución a través de NFT que representan acciones del juego. Con votaciones semanales de DAO, los jugadores colaboran para dar forma a la trayectoria del juego, personificando el futuro del entretenimiento interactivo. Dentro de los límites de R3V3NGE, el campo de batalla cambia a túneles futuristas, una marcada desviación de Undead Blocks. Sin embargo, la jugabilidad sigue siendo sorprendentemente similar: soporta oleadas implacables de zombis, mejora el armamento y reúne fichas. Si bien los planes futuros incluyen diversos modos como combate a muerte en equipo y batalla real, actualmente solo se puede acceder al modo de supervivencia zombie.

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Space Misfits - Revisión del juego

Space Misfits - Revisión del juego

Space Misfits es un juego MMORPG basado en blockchain que pone un fuerte énfasis en la propiedad del jugador. Los jugadores tienen control total sobre sus activos en el juego, que pueden administrar cuando quieran. En lugar de luchar y pelear con NPC, el juego se centra en su historia y en una jugabilidad atractiva. Según sus palabras, el equipo de desarrollo de Space Misfits quiere crear una experiencia de aventura que cambie con frecuencia y brinde a los jugadores nuevas opciones. Space Misfits incluye una variedad de mecánicas y características de juego, que incluyen vuelos espaciales y peleas de perros, minería de minerales, caza de NPC (centrada en PvE), jugador contra jugador (PvP), desarrollo de flotas, gestión de tripulaciones y trabajos, planificación táctica y estratégica, gestión de recursos y gestión de suministros, exploración espacial (tanto espacio conocido como desconocido), gestión de estaciones/planetas/naves grandes y modo de disparos en primera persona (FPS). Los jugadores pueden acceder a diversos escenarios desde múltiples vistas gracias a varios modos y funciones. Al comienzo del juego, los jugadores serán supervivientes solitarios en un vasto espacio. Sin embargo, pueden marcar la diferencia y establecer flotas enormes que se aventuren en la aventura gracias a sus activos blockchain. Además, el juego Space Misfits no es lineal. En cambio, el juego se centra en crear temporadas que progresen. El objetivo de crear estas temporadas es permitir a los usuarios diseñar su propia hoja de ruta, un cosmos impulsado por los jugadores.

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MMO de anillo exterior - Revisión del juego

MMO de anillo exterior - Revisión del juego

Outer Ring es un MMORPG de acción en tercera persona con un mundo abierto construido en una caja de arena y que utiliza tecnología blockchain para hacer que la exploración sea muy emocionante. Outer Ring es el MMORPG de acción sandbox para tercera persona, el primero de su tipo, que utiliza la tecnología blockchain para brindar a los jugadores acceso a un mundo abierto. En este MMO de ciencia ficción, los jugadores tienen poder económico, buscan armas NFT legendarias, luchan en emocionantes batallas PvP y derrotan peligrosas mazmorras para obtener botines y recursos épicos para mejorar sus armas y barcos. Además, el innovador sistema económico basado en tokens permite a los jugadores crear activos en forma de tokens fungibles o no fungibles (NFT) e intercambiarlos. Les da control total sobre todo en el juego. Con esta estrategia de jugar para ganar, los jugadores pueden ganar dinero con el tiempo que dedican a vender los NFT que poseen. Outer Ring MMO es un juego divertido y los jugadores también pueden ganar tokens GQ en la red BNB Smart Chain. El juego, que se puede jugar tanto en PC como en Mac, combina elementos de MMO y de disparos en tercera persona para ofrecer a los jugadores emocionantes peleas entre ellos. En este juego, ambientado en una galaxia, hay cinco razas diferentes y tres grupos diferentes que luchan por el control de los planetas y los recursos. Outer Ring tiene una galaxia grande y variada con muchos planetas y entornos diferentes, cada uno con sus propias características únicas que afectan tu forma de jugar. Los niveles se asignan a diferentes espacios, lo que determina qué recursos están disponibles y qué tan difícil es jugar allí. El combate PvP ocurre tanto en el juego normal como en arenas cerradas, lo que hace posible jugar contra otras personas. Además, el sistema de elaboración te permite fabricar cosas como equipos, vehículos y barcos a partir de elementos importantes como hierro, carbono y helio. Los terrícolas, los va'ans, los oráculos, los carroñeros y los mechs utilizan sus propias habilidades para luchar por el control de los planetas y los recursos.

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Dustland Runner - Revisión del juego

Dustland Runner - Revisión del juego

Dustland Runner es un juego para ganar criptomonedas NFT en el que explorarás, sobrevivirás y ganarás dinero real. Después de un evento catastrófico, la Tierra fue testigo de una calamidad por erupción solar a nivel global. Lo que queda después de este cataclismo es sólo una gran bola de tierra árida y desiertos. Este es un juego NFT con tokens $DOSE. Es el año 2272 y sólo quedan en la Tierra unos pocos supervivientes de ese fatídico acontecimiento. Los supervivientes deambulan de un lugar a otro en busca de comida, agua, recursos y otros seres semejantes. El futuro del mundo está en tus manos, o puede que sea el fin de la civilización humana. Debes correr por todo el terreno del metaverso corriendo en el mundo real para avanzar como jugador. Dustland Runner es un juego de audio de fitness en el que será necesario hacer ejercicio para ganar puntos y completar tareas en el juego. Los niveles más altos ayudarán a desbloquear más funciones y mayores recompensas en forma de tokens $DOSE. El juego es un proyecto del metaverso OliveX, el creador de juegos como 22 Pushups y Dustland Riders. $DOSE es la moneda unificada del ecosistema del metaverso OliveX. En Dustland Runner, los tokens $DOSE son tokens de utilidad que son necesarios para la economía del juego y para realizar diversas tareas en el juego. Sin embargo, para comenzar en el juego, los jugadores primero deben comprar NFT de Kettlemine que les permitirán comprar tokens $DOSE. En un mundo cambiante, donde todo el mundo avanza hacia el metaverso, la salud física y mental también es necesaria y Dustland Runner le brinda la oportunidad de ganar dinero y divertirse.

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Everseed - Reseña del juego

Everseed - Reseña del juego

Everseed es un juego multijugador masivo en línea (MMO) que se lanzará en la cadena de bloques Solana. Los jugadores pueden ganar dinero real cultivando y buscando semillas en el juego. Combina elementos de la agricultura con la emoción de buscar recursos valiosos. Everseed es un juego de agricultura y estrategia ambientado en un mundo virtual llamado metaverso. Los jugadores buscan semillas raras en la flora y la fauna y luego las usan para cultivar recursos en sus granjas. Además de la agricultura, el juego también presenta mascotas coleccionables y reproducibles que se pueden vender en el mercado como tokens no fungibles (NFT). El juego es multijugador y los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas participando en el juego. En general, Everseed combina elementos de agricultura y gestión de recursos con la emoción de coleccionar y criar mascotas virtuales. Jugabilidad y activos de Everseed: Everseed es un juego MMO desarrollado por Amihan Entertainment, un grupo de profesionales de la industria del juego de empresas como Riot Games y Blizzard. El juego presenta múltiples modos y tareas, incluida la capacidad de explorar bosques con mascotas coleccionables para encontrar semillas raras y otros tesoros. Los jugadores también pueden cultivar estas semillas y proteger sus tierras de amenazas como cazadores furtivos y animales. Para ayudar con estas tareas, los jugadores pueden formar gremios con otros jugadores para trabajar juntos y reclamar terrenos más grandes. Además de los aspectos agrícolas y de gestión de recursos del juego, Everseed también incluye una variedad de mascotas NFT coleccionables, aunque aún no se han publicado más detalles sobre estas mascotas. Economía del juego: Everseed es un juego descentralizado con una economía propiedad del jugador, lo que significa que los jugadores pueden intercambiar y vender los recursos que recolectan, incluidas semillas raras y otros bienes. Todos los elementos NFT del juego son sostenibles y tienen una larga vida útil, con mínimas emisiones de carbono. Los jugadores conservan la propiedad de todo lo que ganan o compran en el juego, y los desarrolladores han declarado que la economía del juego está diseñada para tener un bajo impacto en el medio ambiente, con una baja emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. En general, Everseed ofrece una experiencia de juego única que combina la agricultura, la gestión de recursos y la recolección con la capacidad de intercambiar y vender productos en un mercado descentralizado.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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