Últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Play-to-Earn y Web3, innovaciones en Blockchain

Lea a diario: las últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Web3, Blockchain y Play-to-Earn

¡Mantente al tanto con nuestras noticias diarias de juegos! Descubre lo último en tecnología blockchain,Play-to-Earn , NFT, Web3 y juegos de metaverso, manteniéndote al tanto de las tendencias en juegos criptográficos.
Web3: TreasureDAO, Axie Infinity Season 7, Mix Mob NFT, Baobab Studios, 9 Story Media and Roblox

Web3: TreasureDAO, Axie Infinity Season 7, Mix Mob NFT, Baobab Studios, 9 Story Media and Roblox

The web3 gaming landscape is witnessing significant transformations with the advent of Axie Infinity Origins Season 7, Mix Mob's NFT innovation, collaborative projects like Momoguro on Roblox by Baobab Studios and 9 Story Media, technological advancements through Astar’s zkEVM, and TreasureDAO's vision for a universal metaverse currency. Axie Infinity's latest season introduces new gameplay mechanics and NFT rewards, setting a new standard for immersive gaming experiences. Mix Mob's successful NFT sale and MXM token launch highlight the burgeoning role of digital assets in gaming economies. The partnership between Baobab Studios, 9 Story Media, and Roblox represents a novel blend of interactive storytelling and gaming, pushing the boundaries of digital entertainment. Astar’s zkEVM technology and the launch of Yoki Origins mark critical advancements in blockchain technology, promising enhanced scalability and security. TreasureDAO's ambition for the MAGIC token as a universal metaverse currency underscores the strategic importance of blockchain in shaping the future of digital economies, indicating a trend towards more interconnected and immersive gaming experiences.

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Overworld Raises $10 Million for New Web3 Action-RPG Game

Overworld Raises $10 Million for New Web3 Action-RPG Game

Overworld is a groundbreaking free-to-play, cross-platform sandbox RPG that pioneers the integration of web3 technology into a deep and engaging multiplayer gaming experience. Set in a visually stunning, anime-inspired universe, it offers players an unprecedented level of interaction and personalization. Gamers can explore vast landscapes, engage in strategic PvE and PvP combat, customize avatars, and even govern territories. At its core, Overworld is designed to foster social experiences and collective storytelling, allowing players to truly shape their destiny and impact the game's world. With a unique focus on utility-driven collectibles and a blockchain-based economy, it ensures secure, transparent transactions and a fair, engaging environment for all. As Overworld prepares for its initial digital collectible drop and subsequent alpha release, it invites gamers to join a community poised to redefine web3-first entertainment and collective gaming adventures.

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Starblind's NFT, Shrapnel's Epic Access, Faraway's Platform, Farcana's Tokens, and Guild of Guardians' Rewards

Starblind's NFT, Shrapnel's Epic Access, Faraway's Platform, Farcana's Tokens, and Guild of Guardians' Rewards

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3 gaming, several pioneering initiatives are setting new standards for digital ownership and interactive storytelling. "Alien Worlds" introduces "Starblind," an NFT comic that merges traditional comic collecting with the blockchain's verification and ownership capabilities, offering fans a unique, participatory narrative experience. Meanwhile, "Shrapnel" makes its debut on Epic Games, showcasing how blockchain technology can enhance AAA gaming experiences by integrating player feedback and offering token-based rewards. Faraway's decentralized platform challenges conventional game development by empowering creators with extensive monetization tools, aiming to revolutionize user-generated content. Farcana and Guild of Guardians leverage token airdrops and pre-registration perks to build engaged communities, highlighting the importance of early and active participation in the success of Web3 projects. Together, these initiatives are forging a future where gaming is more immersive, interactive, and rewarding for all stakeholders.

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Gods Unchained: Beginners Guide 2024 and Beyond

Gods Unchained: Beginners Guide 2024 and Beyond

Gods Unchained is revolutionizing the digital trading card game landscape through its unique integration of blockchain technology, offering players true ownership of their in-game assets as NFTs. The game's 2024 roadmap, "Winds of Change," promises exciting developments, including a mobile release that allows players to engage in battles anytime, anywhere. New expansions are set to introduce fresh cards and mechanics, enriching the strategic depth of the game. Additionally, Mythic Variants offer collectors and players alike the chance to own exclusive digital collectibles. The roadmap also focuses on enhancing the player experience with a server logic re-write and a more rewarding progression system. The migration of chests to Layer 2 technology aims to streamline transactions, making them smoother and faster. With a strong community at its core, Gods Unchained is poised to continue its growth, shaping the future of play-to-earn and blockchain gaming.

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Gaming Industry: The Highs and Lows - Resilience and Success 2023-2024

Gaming Industry: The Highs and Lows - Resilience and Success 2023-2024

The gaming industry in 2023 experienced a notable slowdown in deal-making activity, with a significant decrease in both the number of deals closed and overall investment values, dropping by over 50% compared to the bustling years of 2020-2022. Despite these challenges, the sector saw a resilient streak in seed funding for new studios, providing investors with favorable entry terms amidst the downturn. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As) dipped, yet the outlook for future activity remains optimistic, contingent on macroeconomic stabilization. Public offerings indicated signs of a modest recovery, hinting at a potential resurgence. The landscape for early-stage gaming investments remained attractive, with over 25 new funds emerging since 2020, despite inflated funding rounds. Late-stage gaming faced hurdles, with a sharp decline in deal values. Corporate gaming strategy shifted towards co-investments, and AI continued to make significant inroads, hinting at a continued evolution and potential for growth in the industry.

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The Best Beginners Guide to Web3 Gaming

The Best Beginners Guide to Web3 Gaming

The realm of Web3 gaming is transforming the landscape of digital entertainment by integrating blockchain technology, offering players unprecedented control and ownership over in-game assets and the ability to earn real-world rewards through play. This revolutionary model not only enhances security and transparency but also fosters a vibrant, democratic community where players have a say in the game's development. With a variety of games catering to different interests and the necessity of digital wallets for transactions, navigating the Web3 gaming world requires a blend of caution, knowledge, and engagement. As the industry continues to evolve, staying informed about trends, potential risks, and opportunities becomes crucial. This summary encapsulates the essence of Web3 gaming, highlighting its potential to redefine traditional gaming paradigms, its economic implications, and the importance of community involvement, all while offering a glimpse into the future of gaming.

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The SphereOne and Rarible Collaboration: Gaming and Crypto Payments

The SphereOne and Rarible Collaboration: Gaming and Crypto Payments

The recent collaboration between SphereOne and Rarible marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Web3 gaming and cryptocurrency payments. Austin, Texas-based SphereOne, known for its identity and payment solutions, has joined forces with Rarible, a leader in the NFT marketplace sector, to drive forward the integration of crypto payment technology and the Rarible Protocol. This partnership is set to revolutionize the gaming industry by addressing the challenges associated with the use of blockchain technology in games, including the complexities of Web3 tooling and the integration of digital assets across multiple blockchains. By enhancing RaribleX with SphereOne's multichain wallet and checkout experience, the collaboration aims to simplify access to digital assets, improve the gaming experience with better accessibility and asset interoperability, and empower both gamers and developers with new levels of innovation and growth in the Web3 space. Reflecting on this partnership, I'm reminded of the early days of digital innovation. Just as the pioneers of the internet could only dream of the world it would create, we stand at the threshold of a new digital frontier. The collaboration between SphereOne and Rarible is a beacon of progress, signaling a future where gaming and digital transactions are more accessible, interconnected, and empowering than ever before.

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Pixels, Com2uS, and Oasys Spearhead the Blockchain Gaming Revolution: A New Era of Play

Pixels, Com2uS, and Oasys Spearhead the Blockchain Gaming Revolution: A New Era of Play

Hey there, fellow explorers! Imagine standing on the brink of a new world, where the boundaries between gaming and reality blur, where every decision you make not only shapes your destiny but also the very fabric of this digital universe. This isn't just fantasy; it's the future of gaming, powered by blockchain technology. Today, we're embarking on a journey together into the heart of this revolution, where giants like Com2uS and Oasys are already laying down the roads we'll walk tomorrow. As we stand here, on the precipice of tomorrow, looking out at the horizon, it's clear that blockchain and gaming are on a collision course with destiny. The partnerships, the investments, the innovations—they're all signposts pointing towards a future where gaming transcends entertainment. It becomes a way of life, a means of expression, a path to financial independence, and a bridge to communities we've yet to imagine.

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Gala Games' Strategy, The Sandbox Festival, Tarochi's Debut, and Battlefleet Armageddon's Launch

Gala Games' Strategy, The Sandbox Festival, Tarochi's Debut, and Battlefleet Armageddon's Launch

Imagine sitting at a cozy coffee shop, your laptop open to a world where every action, every decision, not only shapes your virtual experience but also has real-world implications. Welcome to the vibrant realm of blockchain gaming, a sector that's not just revolutionizing how we play but also how we think about digital ownership and community engagement. In this exploration, we're diving deep into some of the most groundbreaking announcements and developments that are setting the stage for what could be the future of gaming. From Gala Games' bold strategy to manage its digital currency, through the musical metaverse experience offered by The Sandbox, to the innovative gameplay of Tarochi and Battlefleet Armageddon, and finally, the promising teaser of Xterio's Overworld. These narratives aren't just stories; they're beacons of a transformative journey.

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The Fusion of Gaming, Technology, and Unity

The Fusion of Gaming, Technology, and Unity

Imagine, if you will, a world where every click, every challenge, and every victory takes us not just deeper into the game but closer to one another. Picture a universe where technology isn't just a tool but a bridge connecting millions of hearts, minds, and souls across the globe. This isn't just fantasy; it's the reality of today's gaming landscape. As we embark on this exploration of gaming's new frontiers, remember the feeling of loading your favorite game for the first time, the anticipation, the excitement. Keep that feeling close as we journey through the realms of innovation, community, and unparalleled experiences. In this new era, every player has the power to shape the future, to turn dreams into reality, and to forge a legacy that will inspire generations to come. So, take your place at the forefront of this revolution, and let's create a future where gaming is not just a part of our lives but a bridge to a world of endless possibilities.

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How Web3, NFTs, and Sony's Africa Venture Are Shaping Mobile Gaming

How Web3, NFTs, and Sony's Africa Venture Are Shaping Mobile Gaming

The gaming industry is on the brink of a revolution, with web3 and mobile gaming leading the charge towards a new era. As we dive into this journey, we're witnessing an incredible fusion of innovation, technology, and community that's redefining what it means to play and engage in the digital realm. In this article, we explore the seismic shifts brought about by major players like Sony, Vermilion Studios, Matr1x, and Yuga Labs, and how their pioneering efforts are crafting the future of gaming. The gaming industry's embrace of Web3 and mobile gaming is not just a trend; it's a transformation. The strategic moves by industry giants and innovative startups alike are laying the groundwork for a future where gaming is more accessible, rewarding, and interconnected than ever before. As we stand on the cusp of this new era, it's clear that the possibilities are as limitless as our imagination. The journey ahead is filled with excitement, challenges, and, most importantly, the joy of play. Let's embrace it with open arms and open minds, ready to shape and be shaped by the future of gaming.

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Breakthroughs in Web3 Gaming with Story3, Immutable zkEVM, and Beyond

Breakthroughs in Web3 Gaming with Story3, Immutable zkEVM, and Beyond

The gaming industry is on the cusp of a revolution, with Web3 technologies at the helm of this transformative journey. This evolution is not just about enhancing the gaming experience but fundamentally changing how creators and players interact with digital worlds. As we delve into the latest developments in Web3 gaming, we'll explore how platforms like Xsolla's Story3 and Immutable's zkEVM Mainnet are setting new standards for immersion and interaction. Through personal anecdotes and insights, we'll navigate the burgeoning landscape of blockchain integration, narrative platforms, and how these innovations are crafting a future where gaming is more inclusive, engaging, and rewarding. The essence of these innovations lies not just in the technology itself but in the communities they foster and the horizons they expand. From the direct-to-consumer transactions enabled by Story3 to the competitive spirit of Shrapnel's prize pool contest, these developments are about bringing people together, creating spaces for collaboration, creativity, and competition. They embody a vision of gaming that is dynamic, diverse, and democratic, where anyone can be a creator, a competitor, and a contributor.

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Deep Dive into Developer Earn Alliance, WorldShards, and Beyond

Deep Dive into Developer Earn Alliance, WorldShards, and Beyond

In a world where technology continually shapes our experiences, gaming stands at the forefront of innovation, embodying the spirit of exploration and the joy of discovery. As we venture into the exciting realm of Web3 gaming, stories of creativity, collaboration, and community come to life, marking the beginning of a new era. Today, let's embark on a journey through the lens of two groundbreaking projects: "Last Remains," a stealth zombie battle royale, and "WorldShards," a life sim sandbox MMORPG, alongside insights into the evolving landscape of Web3 gaming, highlighted by the initiatives of Developer Earn Alliance and the innovative approaches of "Game7 Food Fighter." This deep dive into the latest developments in Web3 gaming showcases the vibrancy and innovation of the digital landscape. From survival battles against zombies to crafting digital utopias and racing into the future, these games and technologies represent the cutting edge of entertainment. As we continue to explore, engage, and connect within these virtual worlds, we're not just playing games; we're pioneering a new era of digital interaction and community.

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Sphere: The Marketplace in the Immutable zkEVM Ecosystem

Sphere: The Marketplace in the Immutable zkEVM Ecosystem

In the rapidly evolving world of blockchain and gaming, a groundbreaking development has emerged, setting a new standard for digital marketplaces. Sphere, the first marketplace to integrate with the Immutable zkEVM (Zero-Knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine), has embarked on an ambitious journey to revolutionize the way we interact with gaming assets. This integration signifies a pivotal moment in the blockchain industry, offering unprecedented access to a vast array of collections and gaming assets, thereby transforming the gaming experience for developers and players alike. Sphere's integration with the Immutable Orderbook is a game-changer, offering seamless transactions across multiple marketplaces. This means that an asset listed on Sphere is simultaneously available on other platforms within the Immutable zkEVM ecosystem, and vice versa. It's a unification of marketplaces, simplifying the trading process and enhancing liquidity for gamers and collectors. Sphere is not just another digital storefront; it's a comprehensive ecosystem catering to the diverse needs of the gaming community. From facilitating in-game marketplaces to aggregating assets from a multitude of games, Sphere stands out as a beacon of innovation and convenience.

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Web3 Gaming and NFTs: New Moves in Digital Ownership

Web3 Gaming and NFTs: New Moves in Digital Ownership

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Web3 gaming and NFTs, the digital realm buzzes with groundbreaking developments that redefine our understanding of ownership, community, and creativity. As we venture into this new era, it's exhilarating to witness the fusion of technology and imagination, offering unparalleled opportunities for gamers, creators, and collectors alike. Today, let's delve deep into the heart of this revolution, sharing insights, personal anecdotes, and exploring how these innovations shape the future of digital interaction and ownership. The developments in Web3 gaming and NFTs are not just technological advancements; they are milestones in the ongoing journey of digital innovation. They represent a shift towards a more inclusive, creative, and ownership-driven online world. As we reflect on these changes, it's clear that the essence of this revolution is rooted in community, creativity, and the reimagining of what it means to own something in the digital age.In our journey through the landscapes of Web3 gaming and NFTs, we've seen how technology can bring us closer, blur the lines between creators and consumers, and redefine our understanding of value and ownership. As we look to the future, let's embrace these developments with open minds and hearts, ready to explore the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

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R3v3nge Zombies - Revisión del juego

R3v3nge Zombies - Revisión del juego

Presentamos R3V3NGE, un nuevo juego de disparos de zombies para acción gratuita en esta experiencia de juego infundida con NFT. R3V3NGE surge como un juego de disparos de zombies gratuito y de vanguardia, impulsado por Unreal Engine 5, que cuenta con diversos modos de juego. En un futuro plagado de virus y afectado por una IA que no funciona correctamente, los jugadores se adentran en túneles traicioneros, defendiéndose de hordas de zombis. El juego opera en la red Polygon e introduce el token ZION. Los jugadores acumulan fichas eliminando zombis, lo que les permite adquirir armas en el juego. También se pueden ejercer NFT de poder distintivo, que confieren habilidades especiales. R3V3NGE es pionero en un sistema DAO impulsado por el jugador, que permite a los jugadores influir en el desarrollo y obtener ganancias del juego. Desarrollado por PolyLand, este próximo juego de disparos centrado en NFT en Polygon Blockchain no solo ofrece un juego clásico de zombies sino también modos innovadores como Team Deathmatch y Battle Royale. Además, R3V3NGE se presenta como un juego Web 3 revolucionario, donde los jugadores poseen activos dentro del juego y ejercen una verdadera autoridad sobre su evolución a través de NFT que representan acciones del juego. Con votaciones semanales de DAO, los jugadores colaboran para dar forma a la trayectoria del juego, personificando el futuro del entretenimiento interactivo. Dentro de los límites de R3V3NGE, el campo de batalla cambia a túneles futuristas, una marcada desviación de Undead Blocks. Sin embargo, la jugabilidad sigue siendo sorprendentemente similar: soporta oleadas implacables de zombis, mejora el armamento y reúne fichas. Si bien los planes futuros incluyen diversos modos como combate a muerte en equipo y batalla real, actualmente solo se puede acceder al modo de supervivencia zombie.

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Space Misfits - Revisión del juego

Space Misfits - Revisión del juego

Space Misfits es un juego MMORPG basado en blockchain que pone un fuerte énfasis en la propiedad del jugador. Los jugadores tienen control total sobre sus activos en el juego, que pueden administrar cuando quieran. En lugar de luchar y pelear con NPC, el juego se centra en su historia y en una jugabilidad atractiva. Según sus palabras, el equipo de desarrollo de Space Misfits quiere crear una experiencia de aventura que cambie con frecuencia y brinde a los jugadores nuevas opciones. Space Misfits incluye una variedad de mecánicas y características de juego, que incluyen vuelos espaciales y peleas de perros, minería de minerales, caza de NPC (centrada en PvE), jugador contra jugador (PvP), desarrollo de flotas, gestión de tripulaciones y trabajos, planificación táctica y estratégica, gestión de recursos y gestión de suministros, exploración espacial (tanto espacio conocido como desconocido), gestión de estaciones/planetas/naves grandes y modo de disparos en primera persona (FPS). Los jugadores pueden acceder a diversos escenarios desde múltiples vistas gracias a varios modos y funciones. Al comienzo del juego, los jugadores serán supervivientes solitarios en un vasto espacio. Sin embargo, pueden marcar la diferencia y establecer flotas enormes que se aventuren en la aventura gracias a sus activos blockchain. Además, el juego Space Misfits no es lineal. En cambio, el juego se centra en crear temporadas que progresen. El objetivo de crear estas temporadas es permitir a los usuarios diseñar su propia hoja de ruta, un cosmos impulsado por los jugadores.

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MMO de anillo exterior - Revisión del juego

MMO de anillo exterior - Revisión del juego

Outer Ring es un MMORPG de acción en tercera persona con un mundo abierto construido en una caja de arena y que utiliza tecnología blockchain para hacer que la exploración sea muy emocionante. Outer Ring es el MMORPG de acción sandbox para tercera persona, el primero de su tipo, que utiliza la tecnología blockchain para brindar a los jugadores acceso a un mundo abierto. En este MMO de ciencia ficción, los jugadores tienen poder económico, buscan armas NFT legendarias, luchan en emocionantes batallas PvP y derrotan peligrosas mazmorras para obtener botines y recursos épicos para mejorar sus armas y barcos. Además, el innovador sistema económico basado en tokens permite a los jugadores crear activos en forma de tokens fungibles o no fungibles (NFT) e intercambiarlos. Les da control total sobre todo en el juego. Con esta estrategia de jugar para ganar, los jugadores pueden ganar dinero con el tiempo que dedican a vender los NFT que poseen. Outer Ring MMO es un juego divertido y los jugadores también pueden ganar tokens GQ en la red BNB Smart Chain. El juego, que se puede jugar tanto en PC como en Mac, combina elementos de MMO y de disparos en tercera persona para ofrecer a los jugadores emocionantes peleas entre ellos. En este juego, ambientado en una galaxia, hay cinco razas diferentes y tres grupos diferentes que luchan por el control de los planetas y los recursos. Outer Ring tiene una galaxia grande y variada con muchos planetas y entornos diferentes, cada uno con sus propias características únicas que afectan tu forma de jugar. Los niveles se asignan a diferentes espacios, lo que determina qué recursos están disponibles y qué tan difícil es jugar allí. El combate PvP ocurre tanto en el juego normal como en arenas cerradas, lo que hace posible jugar contra otras personas. Además, el sistema de elaboración te permite fabricar cosas como equipos, vehículos y barcos a partir de elementos importantes como hierro, carbono y helio. Los terrícolas, los va'ans, los oráculos, los carroñeros y los mechs utilizan sus propias habilidades para luchar por el control de los planetas y los recursos.

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Dustland Runner - Revisión del juego

Dustland Runner - Revisión del juego

Dustland Runner es un juego para ganar criptomonedas NFT en el que explorarás, sobrevivirás y ganarás dinero real. Después de un evento catastrófico, la Tierra fue testigo de una calamidad por erupción solar a nivel global. Lo que queda después de este cataclismo es sólo una gran bola de tierra árida y desiertos. Este es un juego NFT con tokens $DOSE. Es el año 2272 y sólo quedan en la Tierra unos pocos supervivientes de ese fatídico acontecimiento. Los supervivientes deambulan de un lugar a otro en busca de comida, agua, recursos y otros seres semejantes. El futuro del mundo está en tus manos, o puede que sea el fin de la civilización humana. Debes correr por todo el terreno del metaverso corriendo en el mundo real para avanzar como jugador. Dustland Runner es un juego de audio de fitness en el que será necesario hacer ejercicio para ganar puntos y completar tareas en el juego. Los niveles más altos ayudarán a desbloquear más funciones y mayores recompensas en forma de tokens $DOSE. El juego es un proyecto del metaverso OliveX, el creador de juegos como 22 Pushups y Dustland Riders. $DOSE es la moneda unificada del ecosistema del metaverso OliveX. En Dustland Runner, los tokens $DOSE son tokens de utilidad que son necesarios para la economía del juego y para realizar diversas tareas en el juego. Sin embargo, para comenzar en el juego, los jugadores primero deben comprar NFT de Kettlemine que les permitirán comprar tokens $DOSE. En un mundo cambiante, donde todo el mundo avanza hacia el metaverso, la salud física y mental también es necesaria y Dustland Runner le brinda la oportunidad de ganar dinero y divertirse.

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Everseed - Reseña del juego

Everseed - Reseña del juego

Everseed es un juego multijugador masivo en línea (MMO) que se lanzará en la cadena de bloques Solana. Los jugadores pueden ganar dinero real cultivando y buscando semillas en el juego. Combina elementos de la agricultura con la emoción de buscar recursos valiosos. Everseed es un juego de agricultura y estrategia ambientado en un mundo virtual llamado metaverso. Los jugadores buscan semillas raras en la flora y la fauna y luego las usan para cultivar recursos en sus granjas. Además de la agricultura, el juego también presenta mascotas coleccionables y reproducibles que se pueden vender en el mercado como tokens no fungibles (NFT). El juego es multijugador y los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas participando en el juego. En general, Everseed combina elementos de agricultura y gestión de recursos con la emoción de coleccionar y criar mascotas virtuales. Jugabilidad y activos de Everseed: Everseed es un juego MMO desarrollado por Amihan Entertainment, un grupo de profesionales de la industria del juego de empresas como Riot Games y Blizzard. El juego presenta múltiples modos y tareas, incluida la capacidad de explorar bosques con mascotas coleccionables para encontrar semillas raras y otros tesoros. Los jugadores también pueden cultivar estas semillas y proteger sus tierras de amenazas como cazadores furtivos y animales. Para ayudar con estas tareas, los jugadores pueden formar gremios con otros jugadores para trabajar juntos y reclamar terrenos más grandes. Además de los aspectos agrícolas y de gestión de recursos del juego, Everseed también incluye una variedad de mascotas NFT coleccionables, aunque aún no se han publicado más detalles sobre estas mascotas. Economía del juego: Everseed es un juego descentralizado con una economía propiedad del jugador, lo que significa que los jugadores pueden intercambiar y vender los recursos que recolectan, incluidas semillas raras y otros bienes. Todos los elementos NFT del juego son sostenibles y tienen una larga vida útil, con mínimas emisiones de carbono. Los jugadores conservan la propiedad de todo lo que ganan o compran en el juego, y los desarrolladores han declarado que la economía del juego está diseñada para tener un bajo impacto en el medio ambiente, con una baja emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. En general, Everseed ofrece una experiencia de juego única que combina la agricultura, la gestión de recursos y la recolección con la capacidad de intercambiar y vender productos en un mercado descentralizado.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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