Últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Play-to-Earn y Web3, innovaciones en Blockchain

Lea a diario: las últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Web3, Blockchain y Play-to-Earn

¡Mantente al tanto con nuestras noticias diarias de juegos! Descubre lo último en tecnología blockchain,Play-to-Earn , NFT, Web3 y juegos de metaverso, manteniéndote al tanto de las tendencias en juegos criptográficos.
J.D. Vance Selected as Vice President by Trump, Confirming Crypto Gamblers' Prediction

J.D. Vance Selected as Vice President by Trump, Confirming Crypto Gamblers' Prediction

Unlocking the Secrets of Predictive Markets in Politics In the high-stakes world of political predictions, blockchain-based platforms like Polymarket are changing the game These innovative markets allow individuals to wager on the outcomes of political events, offering a unique insight into public opinion and the likely course of future events Recently, these platforms demonstrated their prowess by accurately pinpointing Senator J D Vance as the likely vice presidential running mate for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential race—a decision confirmed at the Republican National Convention...

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The Latest on Shiba Inu (SHIB) for Crypto Gaming Aficionados

The Latest on Shiba Inu (SHIB) for Crypto Gaming Aficionados

Unveiling the Rise of shiba Inu in the Digital Currency Spotlight In the vibrant tapestry of the cryptocurrency market, shiba Inu has emerged as a noteworthy contender, experiencing a significant uptick of 14% to $0 00001844 over the recent week This surge is not an isolated event but a part of a much larger rally sweeping across the digital currency landscape, buoyed by a substantial $1 44 billion investment inflow This year, the collective enthusiasm and confidence in digital assets have soared to new heights, with investments reaching a staggering $17...

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Ddocs Launch: A Fresh Rival to Google Docs in the Document Editing Space

Ddocs Launch: A Fresh Rival to Google Docs in the Document Editing Space

Revolutionizing Online Collaboration with Ddocs: A Closer Look In an era where sharing ideas and collating work online has become the norm, a new player steps into the landscape with the promise of shaking things up in the world of digital collaboration A startup known for leveraging cutting-edge blockchain technology, Fileverse, has recently rolled out Ddocs, a document-sharing application that mirrors the utility of platforms like Google Docs but injects a fresh wave of privacy features and web3 integrations This initiative points toward a new direction for how we conceive online collaboration, pivoting on the axis of enhanced security and user privacy Secure and Easy-to-Use Platform Launched just last week, Ddocs has started carving its niche as a straightforward yet secure document creation and sharing platform Users accustomed to the convenience of conventional tools will find Ddocs familiar; starting a new document is as easy as navigating to “ddocs...

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Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, Crypto Supporter, Tapped as VP by Trump

Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, Crypto Supporter, Tapped as VP by Trump

Unlocking the Future: The Role of Visionaries in Shaping Our World Imagine stepping into a world where technology and finance converge, connecting the dots between today's potential and tomorrow's prosperity It’s a realm where passionate individuals dedicate their lives not only to advancing their own careers but also to fostering a brighter future for the wider community Among such visionaries, J D stands out as a remarkable figure whose journey from the realms of Technology and Finance to the heart of political advocacy represents a beacon of hope and innovation...

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Class Action Plaintiffs Submit Concise Complaint Against Tether

Class Action Plaintiffs Submit Concise Complaint Against Tether

Deciphering the Latest Twist in the crypto Saga Let's dive right into the heart of a story that's been making huge waves across the crypto ocean It's about a gigantic lawsuit that's taking on some of the biggest names in the digital currency world Now, imagine being part of a world where virtual currencies are supposed to simplify transactions, reduce fraud, and maybe, just maybe, make the financial world a tad bit fairer However, where there's innovation, sometimes, controversies follow The Core of the Controversy At the center of this whirlwind is Tether, alongside its sister crypto exchange, Bitfinex...

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BlackRock Chief Supports Bitcoin for Investors Wary of Global Uncertainties

BlackRock Chief Supports Bitcoin for Investors Wary of Global Uncertainties

The Rising Tide of bitcoin: A Beacon for the Cautious Investor In a world teeming with uncertainties, from political upheavals to economic fluctuations, it's hardly surprising that investors are constantly on the lookout for a safe haven Amidst this backdrop, bitcoin has emerged not just as a digital novelty but as a legitimate financial instrument, securing its place as a go-to investment for those harboring a cautious view of the future The Intersection of Finance and Fear It's no secret that bitcoin has often been seen as a hedge against instability This perception was recently underscored by comments from a high-profile figure in the investment world, who described bitcoin as an ideal investment for those who are "more frightened of the world " This endorsement highlights a growing sentiment that, in times of turmoil and uncertainty, bitcoin offers a kind of financial refuge...

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Analysts Predict Altcoins Nearing Turnaround, Indicating Potential Season Surge

Analysts Predict Altcoins Nearing Turnaround, Indicating Potential Season Surge

Exploring the Horizon: The Unleashed Potential of Altcoins In the ever-vibrant realm of cryptocurrency, altcoins have recently found themselves navigating through somewhat choppy waters Despite this, there's a shimmering beacon of hope on the horizon, signaling that the most powerful surge in value and interest could still be lying in wait Such a fascinating prospect hints at the untapped potential of these digital assets, setting the stage for an electrifying future in the crypto space Understanding the Current Sway of Altcoin Prices In recent times, the price trajectory of altcoins hasn't been particularly uplifting With fluctuations that often leave investors scratching their heads, it's easy to feel a bit disenchanted with the current state of affairs...

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$15 Million Fundraiser for Donald Trump at Bitcoin Event

$15 Million Fundraiser for Donald Trump at Bitcoin Event

A Revolutionary Approach: Leveraging bitcoin for Political Gains In an era where the intersection of technology and politics grows increasingly complex, a pioneering movement is taking shape, spearheaded by none other than a former United States President As the political sphere heats up with the anticipation of the upcoming election, a unique fundraising initiative is being rolled out, aiming to amass a staggering $15 million This isn't just any fundraiser; it's one that positions itself at the heart of digital innovation, making waves by tapping into the burgeoning world of bitcoin Central to this groundbreaking effort is the collaboration with bitcoin Magazine's CEO, David Bailey, who plays a pivotal role in orchestrating an event of this magnitude Planned in conjunction with an imminent bitcoin conference in Nashville, this initiative is not just about raising funds; it's a testament to embracing the future of financial systems...

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Evaluating J.D. Vance's Impact on Cryptocurrency as Trump's Vice Presidential Choice

Evaluating J.D. Vance's Impact on Cryptocurrency as Trump's Vice Presidential Choice

The Political Landscape of crypto: A Deep Dive into J D Vance's Transformation Welcome to an intriguing exploration of how political identities and crypto policies intersect, energized by the latest buzz in the political arena Today, we delve into the evolving stance of a prominent figure who has transitioned from a critic to a proponent of the digital currency space, reflecting a broader shift within the political spectrum This transformation is not just about adapting to new technologies but is deeply rooted in the dynamics of political allegiance and the strategic embrace of industry-friendly policies...

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ETFSwap Presale Surge Aims to Outdo Uniswap, Raydium in Trading Volume

ETFSwap Presale Surge Aims to Outdo Uniswap, Raydium in Trading Volume

In the bustling world of cryptocurrencies, a new star is rising to challenge the established dominance of well-known decentralized exchanges With whispers of its presale achievements echoing through the digital corridors, ETFSwap is rapidly carving its name into the crypto narrative, signaling a potential shift in the landscape of decentralized trading platforms ### Uniswap's Rise Challenged Amidst Legal Shadows Uniswap has long stood as a pillar in the decentralized finance (DeFI) sector, trailblazing advancements that simplify and democratize cryptocurrency trades By removing intermediaries, Uniswap empowers users to trade directly with one another, leveraging peer-to-peer market-making mechanisms Its recent implementation of gas-free limit orders and enhanced user interfaces have not gone unnoticed, spurring a surge in its valuation...

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Elon Musk's X Risks $200M in EU Penalties for Potential DSA Breaches

Elon Musk's X Risks $200M in EU Penalties for Potential DSA Breaches

An Eye on A Social Media Giant: Unpacking the Allegations and Potential Consequences In the digital realm, where conversations, connections, and controversies collide, the latest buzz centers around a platform that's been nothing short of revolutionary Yes, we're talking about X, the social media juggernaut formerly known as Twitter, and now under the magnifying glass for purported breaches of the Digital Services Act (DSA) With talks of a fine that could soar up to a staggering $200 million, it’s a development that has both users and industry pundits sitting up to take notice Understanding the Digital Services Act (DSA) Before diving into the nitty-gritty of the allegations, let's get a grasp on the Digital Services Act This piece of legislative framework is not just any regulation; it's a bedrock rule in the digital space aimed at ensuring online platforms operate within a certain set of guidelines...

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OKX Wallet Partners with Platform for Enhanced Token Trading Capabilities

OKX Wallet Partners with Platform for Enhanced Token Trading Capabilities

Unlocking New Horizons: OKX Wallet’s Exciting Leap into the World of Unique Digital tokens In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain and cryptocurrency, a groundbreaking partnership has emerged, setting the stage for an innovative fusion between advanced technology and digital asset trading OKX, a towering figure in the web3 technology space, has unveiled its latest collaboration, bringing pump fun, a distinguished digital token production and trading platform, into its orbit This alliance is not just a meeting of minds but a beacon of progress in the digital world A Seamless Integration for Enhanced User Experience The heart of this partnership lies in the integration of pump...

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GameStop Shares Surge to a Monthly High: Factors Behind the Rise

GameStop Shares Surge to a Monthly High: Factors Behind the Rise

GameStop's Rollercoaster Ride Ignites the Meme Stock Frenzy Once Again There's something undeniably electric about the air surrounding the stock market right now Particularly when we zoom in on the antics swirling around GameStop, the video game retailer that catapulted to fame in an unprecedented 2021 trading frenzy This company, emblematic of the "meme stock" phenomenon, flared up in trading value again, shining a spotlight on the uncontrollable charm and wild unpredictability of certain stock picks within the trading community A Surge From The Shadows In a twist that feels like a nod to its spectacular rise early last year, GameStop's stock price experienced a notable surge, jumping above $27 00 at one point...

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Organizer Plans $15M Fundraiser for Trump Campaign at Bitcoin Event: Details

Organizer Plans $15M Fundraiser for Trump Campaign at Bitcoin Event: Details

Gearing Up for the Next Big Political Showdown With every tick of the political clock, anticipation builds up for the grand stage of American politics—the Republican National Convention This event is not just another gathering; it's where the stage is set, strategies are devised, and leaders are chosen to contest in the ultimate battle for leadership One name that's buzzing around with speculation and curiosity is none other than Donald Trump The energy around his potential nomination as the party's presidential candidate is palpable, creating ripples of excitement and speculation across the nation A Fundraiser Like No Other But, hold onto your hats, because that's not all the excitement the political season has to offer...

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Introducing a Web3 Document Sharing Platform Promising Enhanced Privacy

Introducing a Web3 Document Sharing Platform Promising Enhanced Privacy

Introducing the Future of Document Sharing: The ddocs Revolution Welcome to the cutting-edge intersection of technology and privacy, folks There's a new player on the field, changing how we think about document sharing and collaboration online Let's dive into what's causing a stir in the tech community and promises to redefine our digital workspaces The Dawn of ddocs Last week marked a significant milestone for Fileverse, a Web3 startup on a mission to innovate beyond the traditional confines of Google's dominance They've rolled out a program known as ddocs, a groundbreaking collaborative document-sharing platform...

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Metas - Revisión del juego

Metas - Revisión del juego

Goals aún está en desarrollo y el equipo de desarrollo no ha revelado demasiada información sobre este juego blockchain. El equipo ha recaudado recientemente 20 millones de dólares en financiación para seguir trabajando en el próximo juego gratuito de fútbol NFT. El equipo promete que los jugadores ganarán según sus habilidades, no será un juego de fútbol de pago para ganar como el juego de fútbol que todos conocemos. Será una plataforma adecuada para gestionar tu club y ganar dinero real. Entremos en lo que sabemos sobre este juego criptográfico. Cuando una persona inicia sesión por primera vez en GOALS, debe formar su propio club. Cuando el jugador forma un club, entran en juego los conceptos básicos sobre su gestión. Cada club tendrá su propio conjunto de jugadores, cosméticos, estadios, celebraciones y otras características. Es hora de comenzar a construir su legado GOALS después de que se haya establecido el club. Los usuarios ganarán dinero para ayudarles a mejorar su club jugando varios tipos de modos de juego, desde casual hasta competitivo y de individual a cooperativo. Los usuarios serán desafiados por transferencias de jugadores, PET, gestión de equipos, roles y tácticas, instalaciones, rendimiento del juego y más mientras administran y expanden un club. Los activos de un club incluyen lo siguiente: jugadores, cosméticos, estadios, momentos destacados, celebraciones, trofeos y goles. Los usuarios pueden unirse y representar a un equipo además de administrar su propio club. Los equipos están formados por varios individuos y los activos individuales de esos usuarios se pueden fusionar para jugar variantes de juegos en equipo. Cualquiera puede formar su propio equipo o unirse a uno que ya existe. Un usuario sólo puede ser miembro de un equipo a la vez. Se espera que desde pequeños grupos de amigos hasta grandes franquicias y grupos de deportes electrónicos formen equipos. Al permitir que los usuarios se unan a un equipo, pretendemos mejorar el aspecto social del juego y al mismo tiempo agregar un elemento emocionante al panorama de los deportes electrónicos, donde cualquier equipo puede luchar por grandes recompensas.

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Katana Inu Universe - Game Review

Katana Inu Universe - Game Review

Welcome, fellow gamers and NFT enthusiasts, to an exciting journey through the digital landscapes of Katana Inu! Imagine a world where every slash of your sword and every victory you claim not only brings you glory but also tangible rewards in the form of unique, tradable NFTs. That's the innovative universe of Katana Inu - a game that's here to redefine our gaming experience and how we perceive value in virtual realms. What's the Buzz About Katana Inu? Picture this: High-end, photorealistic graphics that make every moment in the game feel like a cinematic masterpiece. Katana Inu isn't just another game; it's a portal to a meticulously crafted 3D world where every character you choose, every weapon you wield, and even the skins you flaunt are mintable as NFTs. Whether it's the adrenaline-pumping open-world Battle Royale or the strategic finesse required in 5v5 team matches, Katana Inu offers a variety of game modes to keep your gaming experience fresh and engaging. A Unique Blend of Gaming and NFTs: Remember the days when all we got from hours of gaming were in-game achievements and perhaps a spot on the leaderboard? Katana Inu turns that concept on its head. Each character in the game is not just another avatar but a gateway to unique skills and hidden abilities that you unlock by tackling challenges. This blend of gaming prowess and NFT innovation means that the more you play, the more you can potentially earn and own in the game's universe. NFTs Galore: Own, Trade, Earn: In the world of Katana Inu, NFTs are the name of the game. From skins to special powers, everything can be minted, owned, and traded. The beauty of this system is the direct ownership it offers - if you find it or buy it, it's yours, no strings attached. This opens up a whole new economy within the game, where players can earn real value through their gaming skills and strategic trades. The Masterminds Behind the Scenes Ever wonder who's behind this innovative leap in gaming? A cosmopolitan team of 15 visionaries from across Europe, bringing together their diverse expertise to create a seamless blend of gaming and blockchain technology. Their collective experience and well-rehearsed collaboration have birthed Katana Inu, a game that's set to make waves in both the gaming and crypto worlds. FAQs: Everything You Need to Know What's Katana Inu All About? At its core, Katana Inu is a fighting, Battle Royale, and Metaverse game that's redefining the play2earn landscape. With its partnership with platforms like Earn Guild and IndiGG, it's also opening doors for gamers worldwide to earn through their skills. Who's Backing This Revolutionary Game? The project boasts an impressive lineup of 11 investors, including names like LVT Capital and X21 Digital, showcasing the widespread belief in its potential to transform the gaming and NFT sectors. Where Does Katana Inu Come to Life? Built on the robust Ethereum blockchain, Katana Inu offers a secure and transparent platform for all its in-game transactions and NFT trades. How Can You Dive into the Action? Whether you're a PC aficionado or prefer the simplicity of browser gaming, Katana Inu is accessible across multiple platforms, ensuring you can jump into the action from almost anywhere. A Personal Anecdote to Wrap It Up Let me share a little story that encapsulates the essence of Katana Inu. I remember the first time I ventured into its world, skeptical yet curious about the hype surrounding play2earn games. Fast forward a few hours, and there I was, utterly immersed, strategizing my next move to unlock a rare skin that I could mint as an NFT. The thrill of knowing that my gaming prowess could translate into tangible rewards was unlike anything I'd experienced before. Katana Inu isn't just a game; it's a testament to how far we've come in blending entertainment, technology, and economic opportunity. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the world of NFTs, there's something truly magical about seeing your virtual achievements hold real-world value. So, why not dive in and see where this exciting journey takes you? Katana Inu can be classified within the following genre, blockchain, and category based on its gameplay features, economic model, and underlying technology: Genre: Action/Adventure: Given its immersive gameplay, character development, and quest-driven narrative. Battle Royale: Featuring last-man-standing gameplay in an open-world setting. Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA): With its competitive 5v5 team battles. Blockchain: Ethereum: Katana Inu operates on the Ethereum blockchain, leveraging its robust smart contract capabilities to manage NFT transactions and in-game assets securely. Category: Play-to-Earn (P2E) Game: Players can earn real-world value through in-game achievements, represented as NFTs. Metaverse Game: Offering an expansive, interactive virtual world where players can explore, compete, and interact. NFT Game: Integrating Non-Fungible Tokens as a core component, where in-game items like skins, weapons, and characters are mintable and tradable as NFTs. This classification places Katana Inu at the intersection of cutting-edge gaming trends and blockchain technology, appealing to a diverse audience including gamers, crypto enthusiasts, and NFT collectors.

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Tezotopia - Reseña del juego

Tezotopia - Reseña del juego

Tezotopia es un divertido juego NFT de cultivo de rendimiento en el que los jugadores pueden poseer tierras NFT llamadas Tezotops. Tezotopia se basa en la tecnología blockchain de Tezos, donde los jugadores pueden optar por dos modos de juego o jugar en ambos. Además, los jugadores pueden poseer tierras mediante modales, ya sea pueden construir tierras cultivando recursos o un jugador puede simplemente luchar por ellas. Esto significa que un jugador puede convertirse en propietario o guerrero. Entonces, el objetivo es comprar terrenos y construir sobre ellos para ayudar a generar ingresos mediante la creación de recursos a partir de ellos. Estos recursos creados se pueden utilizar para comprar más terreno o mejorar más propiedades. O pueden usarse para financiar las fuerzas guerreras que pueden usarse para luchar contra otros guerreros en misiones de adquisición de tierras. La geografía de Tezotopia está diseñada en forma de bloques que van en diferentes categorías, siendo el más bajo llamado Bloque Génesis en el nivel 0000 hasta el nivel más alto infinito. Al principio, los desarrolladores del juego acuñaron los bloques de tierra del 000 al 299, que son visibles para todos los jugadores para que puedan acceder al creciente valor del terreno.

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Flota infinita - Revisión del juego

Flota infinita - Revisión del juego

Infinite Fleet es un MMORPG (juego de rol multijugador masivo en línea) creado en Liquid Network, una cadena lateral de Bitcoin. Es un juego en el que se juega para ganar, lo que significa que los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas a través del juego. Infinite Fleet es un juego de estrategia en tiempo real multijugador masivo en línea (MMORTS) ambientado en un futuro distópico donde la humanidad está al borde de la extinción. El juego se basa en Liquid Network, una cadena lateral de Bitcoin, y ofrece a los jugadores la oportunidad de ganar criptomonedas mientras juegan. Con una jugabilidad inmersiva y gráficos impresionantes, los jugadores pueden explorar un mundo rico e inmersivo y participar en batallas épicas mientras trabajan para salvar a la humanidad de su inminente perdición. El juego está siendo desarrollado por desarrolladores de juegos veteranos, incluido Charlie Lee, y se ha otorgado acceso temprano a los jugadores para permitir aportes y comentarios de la comunidad durante el proceso de desarrollo. Argumento de Infinite Fleet: En Infinite Fleet, los jugadores tienen la tarea de defender a la humanidad contra Atrox, una destructiva amenaza alienígena. El juego se desarrolla en la United Sol Federation, la última línea de defensa contra los Atrox. A medida que los jugadores participan en combates y contribuyen a la rica historia del juego a través de las crónicas, tienen la libertad de crear sus propias historias y tradiciones dentro del juego. Desarrollado por desarrolladores de juegos experimentados, incluido Charlie Lee, Infinite Fleet tiene como objetivo proporcionar una experiencia MMORPG de alta calidad y de juego para ganar en la cadena de bloques Liquid Network. Se ha otorgado a los jugadores acceso temprano al juego, lo que permite al equipo de desarrollo darle forma al juego basándose en los comentarios de la comunidad. Jugabilidad: En Infinite Fleet, los jugadores toman el control de una flota de naves espaciales y forman equipo con un compañero de IA para luchar contra la amenaza alienígena conocida como Atrox. Mientras exploran el universo y participan en batallas por la dominación espacial, los jugadores también pueden subir de nivel sus estadísticas a través del juego PvE. El juego también incluye una aplicación complementaria para intercambiar NFT, administrar tokens y enviar activos a otros jugadores. Además, los jugadores pueden mejorar sus estadísticas buscando Godspeed Zones. Desarrollado por creadores de juegos experimentados y actualmente en acceso temprano, Infinite Fleet tiene como objetivo ofrecer una experiencia de juego de alta calidad en la cadena de bloques Liquid Network. Tokenomics: Infinite Fleet es un nuevo MMORPG AAA en la cadena de bloques Liquid Network, desarrollado por los desarrolladores de juegos veteranos Charlie Lee y otros. El juego tiene lugar en un mundo atacado por una amenaza alienígena llamada Atrox, y los jugadores deben unir fuerzas para defender a la humanidad como parte de la United Sol Federation (USF). Cada jugador controla una flota de naves espaciales con un compañero de IA, y el juego incluye elementos PvE y batallas espaciales por la dominación. Los jugadores pueden ganar tokens INF, la moneda del juego, jugando y pueden usarlos para transacciones con proveedores u otros jugadores. El juego también presenta NFT, incluidos barcos, astilleros y flotas, que tienen características únicas y valor real. Hay una aplicación complementaria disponible para administrar tokens, intercambiar NFT y transferir activos a otros jugadores. Para avanzar en el juego, los jugadores pueden buscar zonas Godspeed para aumentar sus estadísticas.

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Una nación mundial - Revisión del juego

Una nación mundial - Revisión del juego

One World Nation (OWN) es una plataforma Cryptoverse que presenta una variedad de juegos de fantasía, casuales e hipercasuales para que disfruten los jugadores. Con un juego inmersivo y la oportunidad de ganar criptomonedas, OWN es el destino perfecto para los fanáticos de todo tipo de juegos. One World Nation, OWN, cuenta con 12 clanes guerreros, cada uno de los cuales representa una criptomoneda diferente (BTC, ETH, SOL, etc.). Estos clanes están formados por NFT guerreros llamados Cryptonites, que los jugadores pueden usar en varios juegos para ganar recompensas y ganar dinero real. Revisión de One World Nation: el juego principal de la plataforma es Crypto Fantasy, un cruce único entre Football Fantasy y los mercados de cifrado. En este juego, los jugadores intentan crear un equipo ganador de 5 Cryptonites que ganarán la mayor cantidad de puntos durante un período de tiempo específico. Los puntos se otorgan a cada Cryptonite en función del rendimiento de la criptomoneda subyacente en el mundo real. One World Nation también ofrece recompensas diarias de 3500 USDC en 3 juegos, así como un nuevo juego de Predicción donde los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas al predecir el comportamiento del mercado. Con tanto que hacer y descubrir, One World Nation es un destino imprescindible para cualquier persona interesada en las criptomonedas y los juegos.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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