Últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Play-to-Earn y Web3, innovaciones en Blockchain

Lea a diario: las últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Web3, Blockchain y Play-to-Earn

¡Mantente al tanto con nuestras noticias diarias de juegos! Descubre lo último en tecnología blockchain,Play-to-Earn , NFT, Web3 y juegos de metaverso, manteniéndote al tanto de las tendencias en juegos criptográficos.
Pixels' Success: From Launch to 1.1M Players

Pixels' Success: From Launch to 1.1M Players

In the vibrant and evolving world of web3 gaming, Pixels stands out as a shining example of innovation and community-driven success. With its migration to the Ronin Network in October 2023, Pixels has achieved an impressive milestone of 1.1 million players, a testament to its engaging gameplay and robust ecosystem. This digital realm, where players plant seeds, acquire pets, and earn PIXEL rewards, has not only captured the hearts of gamers worldwide but has also set a new standard for what web3 gaming can be. The leadership behind Pixels, spearheaded by CEO Luke Barwikowski, remains committed to transparency, user retention, and the utility of the PIXEL token, underscoring the game's sustainable growth and its role in pioneering the web3 gaming revolution. As Pixels continues to thrive on the Ronin Network, it represents the future of gaming—innovative, inclusive, and incredibly exciting.

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Pixelmon Token and Mon Protocol: A Beacon for the Future of Web3 Gaming

Pixelmon Token and Mon Protocol: A Beacon for the Future of Web3 Gaming

Hey there, fellow adventurers! Welcome to the enchanting world of Pixelmon and the revolutionary Mon Protocol, where gaming leaps into the realm of blockchain with a splash of community spirit. Picture Pixelmon as your new digital playground, a place where creatures roam in the wilds of Nova Thera, and you're the hero in a story yet to be written. It's all about capturing, training, and battling with your Pixelmon, but with a twist—the joy of ownership and a say in the game's future, thanks to the wonders of NFTs. Then, there's Mon Protocol, the magic behind the curtain, making the gaming experience richer and more immersive. It's not just a game; it's an economy, a community, and a chance to be part of something bigger. With every MON token, you're not just playing; you're influencing, deciding, and contributing to the adventure. And the best part? It's an adventure that's only just begun. So grab your digital wallet, summon your courage, and dive into a world where your gaming passion shapes the future. Welcome to the community; we've been waiting for you!

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Heroes of Mavia, Animoca and KDDI's Web3, and Unforgettable Crossovers

Heroes of Mavia, Animoca and KDDI's Web3, and Unforgettable Crossovers

Welcome to the thrilling frontier of gaming's next chapter, where innovation meets community in a spectacular fusion! "Exploring Gaming's Next Level: Heroes, Web3, and New Worlds" dives deep into the heart of gaming’s evolution, spotlighting the meteoric rise of Heroes of Mavia. With over 2.6 million MAUs, this game isn't just breaking records; it's redefining mobile gaming with its unique blend of strategy and blockchain technology. Meanwhile, the groundbreaking partnership between Animoca Brands and KDDI heralds a new era of web3 gaming, making the immersive digital experience more accessible than ever. The epic crossover between Cross The Ages and Watch Dogs exemplifies how gaming universes are merging, offering fans a rich narrative experience. Additionally, Guild of Guardians and Domi Online are pushing boundaries with their innovative use of blockchain, promising a gaming future where players' engagement and contributions shape new virtual landscapes. Join us in exploring how these developments are crafting the future of gaming, one groundbreaking moment at a time.

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New in Gaming: Sipher Odyssey Alpha, Big Time Crafts, and Paradise Tycoon Beta

New in Gaming: Sipher Odyssey Alpha, Big Time Crafts, and Paradise Tycoon Beta

In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming and blockchain technology, several groundbreaking developments are setting the stage for an exciting future. Sipher Odyssey's open alpha launch offers a unique isometric action RPG experience, promising persistent progress and exclusive rewards for early participants, particularly in selected countries. Big Time introduces craftable decorations, enhancing player spaces with limited availability items and leaderboard points, adding a layer of competition and customization. Paradise Tycoon's beta phase ushers in a new era of multiplayer gaming with features like Immutable Passport Integration and free camera rotation, aiming to create a vibrant social hub. Taiko Labs secures $37 million in funding to develop its Ethereum-equivalent ZK-Rollup, emphasizing scalability and a seamless developer experience. Notcoin's policy to burn coins of inactive accounts promotes active engagement within its community, ahead of its on-chain token launch. Improbable's metaverse technology aspires to host up to 40,000 users in a single virtual space, offering a glimpse into the future of online interactions. Together, these advancements herald a transformative period for gamers and developers alike, blending immersive gameplay, blockchain innovation, and metaverse explorations into a rich digital tapestry.

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Web3 Gaming Unleashed: Transforming Play into Legacy

Web3 Gaming Unleashed: Transforming Play into Legacy

In "Web3 Gaming Unleashed: Transforming Play into Legacy," we embark on an epic journey into the heart of web3 gaming—a realm where blockchain, NFTs, and DAOs revolutionize our digital adventures. We start by exploring the digital dawn of gaming, where every action and decision enriches our virtual and real lives. Venturing deeper, we discover the personal and communal narratives that bind players together, creating economies and ecosystems far beyond traditional gaming experiences. The technological innovations underpinning this new era are unveiled, showcasing the infrastructures and AI that make these immersive worlds possible. We then delve into the new economies emerging from web3 gaming, highlighting how tokenomics and DeFi principles empower players with real-world value and opportunities. Finally, we contemplate the future shaped by these games—a future where community, culture, and connection transcend digital boundaries, inviting all to partake in crafting a legacy within the expansive universe of web3 gaming.

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GoGo Mojo and Planet Mojo Updates: New Expansions and Web3 Gaming Insights

GoGo Mojo and Planet Mojo Updates: New Expansions and Web3 Gaming Insights

Welcome to the vibrant universe of Planet Mojo, a realm where gaming meets innovation, crafted by the visionary minds at Mystic Moose. Drawing from the collective expertise of industry veterans, this ecosystem introduces us to an immersive world of strategy, customization, and community through its flagship titles like Mojo Melee and the dynamic GoGo Mojo. With the groundbreaking expansion, The Dao of War, and the introduction of Web3 technologies, Planet Mojo is not just a game; it's a revolution in digital ownership and player empowerment. The launch of War Banner NFTs on Magic Eden highlights a commitment to providing players with tangible value, bridging the virtual with the real. As we explore this ecosystem, we're reminded of the joy of gaming and the thrill of competition, all while being part of a community that values creativity, strategy, and true ownership. Join us in this adventure and become a part of the ever-expanding universe of Planet Mojo.

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Fusion of Sports, NFTs, and Metaverses: Revolutionizing Entertainment

Fusion of Sports, NFTs, and Metaverses: Revolutionizing Entertainment

In the dynamic realm of digital entertainment, the integration of NFTs, blockchain technology, and the metaverse heralds a new era for gamers and enthusiasts alike. Through a conversational journey, we explored how these innovations are reshaping the landscape of gaming, offering unprecedented ownership with NFTs, ensuring fairness and security via blockchain, and expanding our horizons into the boundless possibilities of the metaverse. From the thrill of owning unique in-game items to the democratic, decentralized future of gaming communities and the immersive experiences within virtual worlds, these advancements promise a future where gaming is not just a pastime but a rich, interactive life experience. As we stand at the forefront of this digital revolution, our collective passion for gaming, exploration, and community is the driving force behind these exciting changes. Together, we're not just embracing the future of gaming; we're actively shaping it, stepping into the role of pioneers in a world brimming with potential.

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Unveiling the Future of Gaming: Insights, Innovations, and Inspirations

Unveiling the Future of Gaming: Insights, Innovations, and Inspirations

In the ever-evolving gaming universe, the confluence of traditional gaming wisdom and the cutting-edge innovation of web3 technologies heralds a new era, beautifully encapsulated in our exploration of this dynamic landscape. With industry stalwarts like Shawn Layden leading the charge from skepticism to wholehearted endorsement of web3's potential, we delve into how blockchain is revolutionizing player ownership and community engagement. Axie Classic's introduction of Guilds exemplifies a seismic shift towards community-centric gaming, transforming solitary endeavors into shared triumphs and deepening the bonds within the gaming community. Meanwhile, titles like Blade of God X and Citizen Conflict are at the forefront of leveraging advanced technologies, showcasing how Unreal Engine 5 and blockchain integration can elevate gameplay to unprecedented heights. The narrative extends into the realms of monetization and security, illustrating the industry's commitment to creating immersive, secure, and sustainable gaming experiences that reward player investment with real-world value. This exploration is a testament to the gaming industry's vibrant future, where innovation, community, and inclusivity converge to redefine what it means to play.

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Crypto Gaming Beginners Guide: Opportunity and Caution

Crypto Gaming Beginners Guide: Opportunity and Caution

This comprehensive guide serves as your gateway to the fascinating universe of crypto gaming, a realm where the thrill of gaming merges with the potential of cryptocurrency earnings. From the foundational concepts of blockchain technology and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the intricacies of digital wallets and play-to-earn (P2E) models, this article demystifies the core elements that make crypto gaming a groundbreaking experience. With a warm, engaging tone reminiscent of conversations with friends, it navigates through the essential steps for getting started, including choosing the right game and securing your digital assets. It further delves into strategies for maximizing earnings while cautioning about potential risks and providing vital security tips. The piece also looks ahead, spotlighting emerging trends and offering advice on staying informed. Perfect for both seasoned gamers and curious newcomers, this guide is your companion in exploring the lucrative and entertaining world of crypto gaming.

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Next-Gen Web3 Gaming: Boomland, Beoble, and Blockchain's Impact

Next-Gen Web3 Gaming: Boomland, Beoble, and Blockchain's Impact

The gaming landscape is experiencing a revolutionary shift with the advent of web3 technologies, spearheaded by innovators like Boomland and its collaboration with Immutable zkEVM. This partnership is breaking down the traditional barriers of blockchain gaming, such as high transaction fees and complex user interfaces, through Immutable's gas-free marketplace, Immutable X. Similarly, Beoble is redefining web3 social networking with significant funding and new functionalities, emphasizing the importance of community in gaming. The collaboration between Stardust and Mysten Labs with the Sui blockchain is making game development more accessible, allowing creators to focus on innovation. Meanwhile, Heroes of Mavia is leading the charge in web3 strategy gaming, enhancing player engagement through new features and community-focused events. These developments signify a major leap towards a more inclusive, engaging, and community-driven gaming ecosystem, setting new standards for the integration of technology and gaming.

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Major Collaborations and Innovations in Blockchain and Web3

Major Collaborations and Innovations in Blockchain and Web3

Welcome to the thrilling nexus where gaming meets the frontier of blockchain technology. In this vibrant landscape, the strategic partnership between Netmarble's Marblex and Wemade's Play Toz heralds a groundbreaking leap towards a unified Web3 ecosystem. This alliance is not merely a collaboration; it's a visionary fusion aimed at redefining the realms of blockchain gaming, metaverse explorations, and the dynamic world of NFTs. Imagine stepping into a universe where your digital identity evolves, where each achievement and possession within the virtual cosmos holds tangible value and uniqueness, thanks to the pioneering efforts of companies like Animoca Brands with their Web3 RPG, Nine Chronicles M, and the innovative gameplay updates from Gala Games. Amidst this digital renaissance, Overdare's collaboration with Circle stands as a testament to empowering content creators, offering them a platform where creativity is not just celebrated but also rewarded. This article peels back the layers of these monumental shifts, guiding you through the exciting confluence of gaming and blockchain technology.

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How Immutable and Ronin Are Shaping the Future of Web3 Gaming

How Immutable and Ronin Are Shaping the Future of Web3 Gaming

Welcome to the thrilling nexus of web3 gaming, a realm where Immutable and Ronin Networks are pioneering a revolution, crafting a future where gaming goes beyond play, into a universe of ownership, earnings, and interconnectivity. Imagine a world where your digital assets, from legendary swords to unique skins, aren't just pixels on a screen but treasures with real-world value, thanks to the magic of NFTs. Immutable Passport and Ronin Network emerge as your loyal companions on this adventure, slashing through the dense forest of sign-ups and gas fees to reveal a land of seamless gameplay and lightning-fast transactions. This journey isn't just about playing games; it's about redefining them, turning every action into an opportunity and every player into a pioneer. Through the glossary of terms, personal anecdotes, and a deep dive into the mechanics of web3 gaming, we embark on a quest to demystify the digital frontier, making the new era of gaming accessible to all. Join us as we explore, play, and own the future of gaming together.

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Next-Level Play: How Readygg and ChronoForge Big Funding Fuels Gaming's Future

Next-Level Play: How Readygg and ChronoForge Big Funding Fuels Gaming's Future

In the gaming universe, a revolution is underway, sparked by Readygg and ChronoForge, with a combined force of $7M in fresh funding. Imagine a world where gaming does more than just entertain; it rewards, empowers, and offers true ownership of digital assets, thanks to the magic of web3 and blockchain technology. With gaming legend Shawn Layden navigating Readygg's journey into the heart of this new frontier, the promise of a community-centric gaming ecosystem is closer than ever. Meanwhile, ChronoForge is crafting a narrative-rich action RPG where your choices ripple through the game's universe, backed by a team of industry veterans. This isn't just gaming as we know it; it's a leap into a future where gamers reign supreme, their prowess and dedication unlocking real-world value. Welcome to the dawn of ownership gaming, where every quest and every conquest opens doors to endless possibilities.

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Blockchain, NFTs, and Web3 Impact on Gaming

Blockchain, NFTs, and Web3 Impact on Gaming

Embarking on this digital odyssey through the realms of blockchain, NFTs, and Web3 feels akin to setting foot into an expansive, uncharted gaming universe. Imagine a world where every in-game achievement, every piece of digital armor, and every magical realm exists on a decentralized ledger, immutable and owned truly by you, the player. This is the heart of blockchain technology, a foundation that transforms gaming into a realm of secure, verifiable ownership and endless possibilities. NFTs emerge as unique, one-of-a-kind treasures, unlocking a new era of digital collectibles and assets that carry real-world value, transcending the boundaries of individual games and platforms. Web3 ushers in a new paradigm of internet experience, one where gamers wield unprecedented control over their digital destinies, partaking in play-to-earn models that reward skill and dedication with tangible assets. As we navigate this thrilling new landscape together, we're not just players; we're pioneers in a vast digital frontier, crafting, exploring, and shaping the future of gaming.

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Revolutionizing Gaming: Blockchain's Impact on Digital Worlds

Revolutionizing Gaming: Blockchain's Impact on Digital Worlds

In the evolving digital landscape, blockchain technology is revolutionizing the gaming world, offering an era where players gain unprecedented control and ownership over their digital assets. This transformative journey begins with decentralization, where power shifts from centralized authorities to the players themselves, fostering an environment of transparency and security. Through asset tokenization, physical and digital assets become easily tradeable and divisible digital tokens, redefining ownership and accessibility within gaming. Blockchain gaming introduces a new frontier, where true ownership and play-to-earn models empower players, turning them from mere participants to key stakeholders in decentralized gaming economies. Cross-chain solutions and decentralized finance (DeFi) further weave a complex, interconnected ecosystem, laying the groundwork for the metaverse—a collective virtual shared space that transcends gaming to create a fully immersive digital universe. Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), oracles, and smart contracts act as the architects of this digital interaction, automating trust and ensuring a seamless, secure online experience. This blockchain revolution in gaming is not just altering how we play but redefining our very conception of digital existence, ushering us into a future of decentralized, player-empowered worlds.

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R3v3nge Zombies - Revisión del juego

R3v3nge Zombies - Revisión del juego

Presentamos R3V3NGE, un nuevo juego de disparos de zombies para acción gratuita en esta experiencia de juego infundida con NFT. R3V3NGE surge como un juego de disparos de zombies gratuito y de vanguardia, impulsado por Unreal Engine 5, que cuenta con diversos modos de juego. En un futuro plagado de virus y afectado por una IA que no funciona correctamente, los jugadores se adentran en túneles traicioneros, defendiéndose de hordas de zombis. El juego opera en la red Polygon e introduce el token ZION. Los jugadores acumulan fichas eliminando zombis, lo que les permite adquirir armas en el juego. También se pueden ejercer NFT de poder distintivo, que confieren habilidades especiales. R3V3NGE es pionero en un sistema DAO impulsado por el jugador, que permite a los jugadores influir en el desarrollo y obtener ganancias del juego. Desarrollado por PolyLand, este próximo juego de disparos centrado en NFT en Polygon Blockchain no solo ofrece un juego clásico de zombies sino también modos innovadores como Team Deathmatch y Battle Royale. Además, R3V3NGE se presenta como un juego Web 3 revolucionario, donde los jugadores poseen activos dentro del juego y ejercen una verdadera autoridad sobre su evolución a través de NFT que representan acciones del juego. Con votaciones semanales de DAO, los jugadores colaboran para dar forma a la trayectoria del juego, personificando el futuro del entretenimiento interactivo. Dentro de los límites de R3V3NGE, el campo de batalla cambia a túneles futuristas, una marcada desviación de Undead Blocks. Sin embargo, la jugabilidad sigue siendo sorprendentemente similar: soporta oleadas implacables de zombis, mejora el armamento y reúne fichas. Si bien los planes futuros incluyen diversos modos como combate a muerte en equipo y batalla real, actualmente solo se puede acceder al modo de supervivencia zombie.

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Space Misfits - Revisión del juego

Space Misfits - Revisión del juego

Space Misfits es un juego MMORPG basado en blockchain que pone un fuerte énfasis en la propiedad del jugador. Los jugadores tienen control total sobre sus activos en el juego, que pueden administrar cuando quieran. En lugar de luchar y pelear con NPC, el juego se centra en su historia y en una jugabilidad atractiva. Según sus palabras, el equipo de desarrollo de Space Misfits quiere crear una experiencia de aventura que cambie con frecuencia y brinde a los jugadores nuevas opciones. Space Misfits incluye una variedad de mecánicas y características de juego, que incluyen vuelos espaciales y peleas de perros, minería de minerales, caza de NPC (centrada en PvE), jugador contra jugador (PvP), desarrollo de flotas, gestión de tripulaciones y trabajos, planificación táctica y estratégica, gestión de recursos y gestión de suministros, exploración espacial (tanto espacio conocido como desconocido), gestión de estaciones/planetas/naves grandes y modo de disparos en primera persona (FPS). Los jugadores pueden acceder a diversos escenarios desde múltiples vistas gracias a varios modos y funciones. Al comienzo del juego, los jugadores serán supervivientes solitarios en un vasto espacio. Sin embargo, pueden marcar la diferencia y establecer flotas enormes que se aventuren en la aventura gracias a sus activos blockchain. Además, el juego Space Misfits no es lineal. En cambio, el juego se centra en crear temporadas que progresen. El objetivo de crear estas temporadas es permitir a los usuarios diseñar su propia hoja de ruta, un cosmos impulsado por los jugadores.

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MMO de anillo exterior - Revisión del juego

MMO de anillo exterior - Revisión del juego

Outer Ring es un MMORPG de acción en tercera persona con un mundo abierto construido en una caja de arena y que utiliza tecnología blockchain para hacer que la exploración sea muy emocionante. Outer Ring es el MMORPG de acción sandbox para tercera persona, el primero de su tipo, que utiliza la tecnología blockchain para brindar a los jugadores acceso a un mundo abierto. En este MMO de ciencia ficción, los jugadores tienen poder económico, buscan armas NFT legendarias, luchan en emocionantes batallas PvP y derrotan peligrosas mazmorras para obtener botines y recursos épicos para mejorar sus armas y barcos. Además, el innovador sistema económico basado en tokens permite a los jugadores crear activos en forma de tokens fungibles o no fungibles (NFT) e intercambiarlos. Les da control total sobre todo en el juego. Con esta estrategia de jugar para ganar, los jugadores pueden ganar dinero con el tiempo que dedican a vender los NFT que poseen. Outer Ring MMO es un juego divertido y los jugadores también pueden ganar tokens GQ en la red BNB Smart Chain. El juego, que se puede jugar tanto en PC como en Mac, combina elementos de MMO y de disparos en tercera persona para ofrecer a los jugadores emocionantes peleas entre ellos. En este juego, ambientado en una galaxia, hay cinco razas diferentes y tres grupos diferentes que luchan por el control de los planetas y los recursos. Outer Ring tiene una galaxia grande y variada con muchos planetas y entornos diferentes, cada uno con sus propias características únicas que afectan tu forma de jugar. Los niveles se asignan a diferentes espacios, lo que determina qué recursos están disponibles y qué tan difícil es jugar allí. El combate PvP ocurre tanto en el juego normal como en arenas cerradas, lo que hace posible jugar contra otras personas. Además, el sistema de elaboración te permite fabricar cosas como equipos, vehículos y barcos a partir de elementos importantes como hierro, carbono y helio. Los terrícolas, los va'ans, los oráculos, los carroñeros y los mechs utilizan sus propias habilidades para luchar por el control de los planetas y los recursos.

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Dustland Runner - Revisión del juego

Dustland Runner - Revisión del juego

Dustland Runner es un juego para ganar criptomonedas NFT en el que explorarás, sobrevivirás y ganarás dinero real. Después de un evento catastrófico, la Tierra fue testigo de una calamidad por erupción solar a nivel global. Lo que queda después de este cataclismo es sólo una gran bola de tierra árida y desiertos. Este es un juego NFT con tokens $DOSE. Es el año 2272 y sólo quedan en la Tierra unos pocos supervivientes de ese fatídico acontecimiento. Los supervivientes deambulan de un lugar a otro en busca de comida, agua, recursos y otros seres semejantes. El futuro del mundo está en tus manos, o puede que sea el fin de la civilización humana. Debes correr por todo el terreno del metaverso corriendo en el mundo real para avanzar como jugador. Dustland Runner es un juego de audio de fitness en el que será necesario hacer ejercicio para ganar puntos y completar tareas en el juego. Los niveles más altos ayudarán a desbloquear más funciones y mayores recompensas en forma de tokens $DOSE. El juego es un proyecto del metaverso OliveX, el creador de juegos como 22 Pushups y Dustland Riders. $DOSE es la moneda unificada del ecosistema del metaverso OliveX. En Dustland Runner, los tokens $DOSE son tokens de utilidad que son necesarios para la economía del juego y para realizar diversas tareas en el juego. Sin embargo, para comenzar en el juego, los jugadores primero deben comprar NFT de Kettlemine que les permitirán comprar tokens $DOSE. En un mundo cambiante, donde todo el mundo avanza hacia el metaverso, la salud física y mental también es necesaria y Dustland Runner le brinda la oportunidad de ganar dinero y divertirse.

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Everseed - Reseña del juego

Everseed - Reseña del juego

Everseed es un juego multijugador masivo en línea (MMO) que se lanzará en la cadena de bloques Solana. Los jugadores pueden ganar dinero real cultivando y buscando semillas en el juego. Combina elementos de la agricultura con la emoción de buscar recursos valiosos. Everseed es un juego de agricultura y estrategia ambientado en un mundo virtual llamado metaverso. Los jugadores buscan semillas raras en la flora y la fauna y luego las usan para cultivar recursos en sus granjas. Además de la agricultura, el juego también presenta mascotas coleccionables y reproducibles que se pueden vender en el mercado como tokens no fungibles (NFT). El juego es multijugador y los jugadores pueden ganar recompensas participando en el juego. En general, Everseed combina elementos de agricultura y gestión de recursos con la emoción de coleccionar y criar mascotas virtuales. Jugabilidad y activos de Everseed: Everseed es un juego MMO desarrollado por Amihan Entertainment, un grupo de profesionales de la industria del juego de empresas como Riot Games y Blizzard. El juego presenta múltiples modos y tareas, incluida la capacidad de explorar bosques con mascotas coleccionables para encontrar semillas raras y otros tesoros. Los jugadores también pueden cultivar estas semillas y proteger sus tierras de amenazas como cazadores furtivos y animales. Para ayudar con estas tareas, los jugadores pueden formar gremios con otros jugadores para trabajar juntos y reclamar terrenos más grandes. Además de los aspectos agrícolas y de gestión de recursos del juego, Everseed también incluye una variedad de mascotas NFT coleccionables, aunque aún no se han publicado más detalles sobre estas mascotas. Economía del juego: Everseed es un juego descentralizado con una economía propiedad del jugador, lo que significa que los jugadores pueden intercambiar y vender los recursos que recolectan, incluidas semillas raras y otros bienes. Todos los elementos NFT del juego son sostenibles y tienen una larga vida útil, con mínimas emisiones de carbono. Los jugadores conservan la propiedad de todo lo que ganan o compran en el juego, y los desarrolladores han declarado que la economía del juego está diseñada para tener un bajo impacto en el medio ambiente, con una baja emisión de gases de efecto invernadero. En general, Everseed ofrece una experiencia de juego única que combina la agricultura, la gestión de recursos y la recolección con la capacidad de intercambiar y vender productos en un mercado descentralizado.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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