Últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Play-to-Earn y Web3, innovaciones en Blockchain

Lea a diario: las últimas noticias sobre criptomonedas, NFT, Web3, Blockchain y Play-to-Earn

¡Mantente al tanto con nuestras noticias diarias de juegos! Descubre lo último en tecnología blockchain,Play-to-Earn , NFT, Web3 y juegos de metaverso, manteniéndote al tanto de las tendencias en juegos criptográficos.
Omnity’s Chain Fusion and Aethir’s Cutting-Edge GPUs

Omnity’s Chain Fusion and Aethir’s Cutting-Edge GPUs

Dive into the exciting world of gaming technology with our latest feature on Omnity's groundbreaking blockchain interoperability and Aethir’s powerful GPU tech. This article explores how Omnity’s new Rune trading system and Chain Fusion Technology are making transactions faster and cheaper for gamers, enhancing their experience. Similarly, Aethir’s collaboration with Magic Eden is pushing boundaries by integrating GPU power with an NFT platform, setting new standards for graphic quality and game performance. Furthermore, learn about the economic benefits these technologies bring to the gaming world, including cost savings and improved efficiencies in DeFi and token swaps. Curious about what's next? The article also covers upcoming advancements that promise to revolutionize gaming even further. Click to uncover how these innovations could transform your gaming experience!

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Puffverse Upgrade to Ronin and Moonbirds New Look and Licensing

Puffverse Upgrade to Ronin and Moonbirds New Look and Licensing

Dive into the latest gaming revolution with Puffverse’s exciting transition to the Ronin blockchain and Moonbirds' fresh artistic reinvention. In this article, we explore how Puffverse is enhancing its gaming experience by moving to Ronin, promising faster gameplay and reduced costs for players. Moreover, Puffverse introduces enticing features like NFT burning and exclusive token giveaways, ensuring a richer player experience. On the other side, Moonbirds is redefining its NFT collection with new art directions and ending its Creative Commons licensing. This shift not only spices up its visuals but also empowers NFT owners with more control and potential earnings from their digital assets. Additionally, Moonbirds' collaboration with Yuga Labs and their venture into physical collectibles blend the digital with the tangible. Get ready to embrace these pioneering changes that are setting new standards in the gaming and NFT landscapes. Jump in and experience the future of gaming now!

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Learn How to Play and Earn with Voxies and Pudgy Penguins TCG

Learn How to Play and Earn with Voxies and Pudgy Penguins TCG

Dive into the exciting world of blockchain gaming with "Voxies" and "Pudgy Penguins TCG." In Voxies, you can explore new terrains and battle foes in a strategic, turn-based environment where every asset you own is truly yours, thanks to blockchain technology. On the other hand, Pudgy Penguins TCG introduces you to a collectible card game where your favorite penguin characters become valuable digital assets. Both games not only offer fun and interactive gameplay but also allow you to earn real rewards in the form of NFTs. Whether you're new to gaming or a seasoned player, these games provide a unique blend of entertainment and investment opportunities. So, why wait? Start playing, earn rewards, and become part of a growing gamer community. Get involved and experience the future of gaming today!

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Everdome’s Latest Features and Hong Kong's Crypto ETF Insights

Everdome’s Latest Features and Hong Kong's Crypto ETF Insights

Dive into the latest gaming updates with our comprehensive guide on Everdome's new features and the buzz around Hong Kong's crypto ETFs. Explore how attenuation features in Everdome enhance your virtual reality experience by making interactions more realistic. Moreover, discover the user-friendly changes in the UI that streamline your gaming sessions. Also, learn about the expanding virtual spaces that promise more adventure and fun. Furthermore, unravel the significance of the newly launched crypto ETFs in Hong Kong, offering gamers and tech enthusiasts a unique investment opportunity. These innovations not only elevate the gaming experience but also bridge the gap between technology and finance. Want to know more? Click to read the full details and stay ahead in your gaming world!

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MixMob: Racer 1's Global Launch and Russia's New Crypto Mining Laws!

MixMob: Racer 1's Global Launch and Russia's New Crypto Mining Laws!

Dive into the electrifying world of gaming with the global launch of "MixMob: Racer 1," a game that uniquely combines high-speed racing with strategic card play. As the game rolls out on May 7th, players can experience the thrill in LFG City, where they'll find cool new features like MixBots and exclusive Masks. Also, get ready for the "World Clash Season 1" with juicy prizes on the line. Meanwhile, major updates are happening in Russia's crypto mining sector. A new law could change how both big industries and individual gamers interact with cryptocurrency, emphasizing stricter controls but also opening doors to global markets. These shifts promise to reshape gaming and tech landscapes significantly. So, gear up to explore these exciting developments and discover how they might impact your gaming experience. Don’t miss out on being part of this new gaming adventure and the evolving world of crypto!

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FishVerse's GameFi Integration and USDC's Rising Crypto Transactions

FishVerse's GameFi Integration and USDC's Rising Crypto Transactions

Discover the fascinating world of FishVerse, a game-changing GameFi platform that combines the thrill of fishing with the innovation of blockchain technology. In this game, players can catch, trade, and earn through a dynamic token economy, making every catch potentially rewarding. Also, learn about USDC, a digital currency setting new standards in the crypto market with its unprecedented transaction volumes. As FishVerse expands its horizons with strategic partnerships and community-driven competitions, USDC is gaining traction among major payment platforms, illustrating its growing role in mainstream transactions. This article dives deep into how FishVerse is pioneering the GameFi industry while USDC reshapes financial transactions. Join us to explore how these technologies are not just playing the game but changing the game in the digital world. Get ready to be part of the future—start your adventure in blockchain gaming and digital finance today!

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Delabs' $GAME Token and South Korea's New Crypto Laws

Delabs' $GAME Token and South Korea's New Crypto Laws

Dive into the exciting world of gaming with Delabs’ latest innovation, the $GAME token, introduced through their new game, Rumble Racing Star. As you play, you'll have the chance to earn rewards that extend beyond the digital realm, thanks to blockchain technology. Also, Delabs is gearing up to launch three more blockchain games, fueled by a $12 million funding round, promising more thrilling experiences. Meanwhile, in South Korea, changes in crypto regulations mean that gamers trading in crypto need to stay informed to navigate these new laws effectively. These regulations now require detailed reporting and tax obligations that could impact your gaming and financial strategies. Explore how these developments could reshape your gaming experience and ensure you're ahead in the evolving world of digital gaming. Get ready to engage with the future of gaming and blockchain!

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zkRace's Blockchain Tech And The Lazarus Crypto Heists

zkRace's Blockchain Tech And The Lazarus Crypto Heists

Dive into the digital evolution with our latest feature on zkRace's groundbreaking blockchain technology and the chilling cyber maneuvers of the Lazarus Group. zkRace, formerly known as DeRace, is revolutionizing the gaming landscape by expanding its platform to support diverse Web3 gaming experiences. This includes a transition to multi-chain functionality, enhancing game accessibility and efficiency. Additionally, the introduction of $ZERC tokens promises enhanced security and user engagement. Meanwhile, the Lazarus Group, a notorious hacker collective linked to North Korea, has executed over $200 million in crypto heists, using sophisticated laundering techniques that challenge global financial security. This article sheds light on these complex topics in a simple, engaging way, inviting gamers to explore how these developments might impact their digital and gaming ventures. Join us to discover more about the fusion of technology and security in the gaming world.

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Holograph's Funding, Bitcoin's Market Dynamics and Australia's ETF Impact

Holograph's Funding, Bitcoin's Market Dynamics and Australia's ETF Impact

Discover how Holograph's recent $3 million funding is revolutionizing the gaming landscape with advanced blockchain technology. This investment boosts Holograph’s ability to expand into multiple gaming networks, enhancing flexibility for developers and offering gamers more variety. Meanwhile, Bitcoin's fluctuating prices, influenced by global economic factors and U.S. regulatory actions, impact gamers who use cryptocurrency for transactions. Additionally, the upcoming launch of Bitcoin ETFs in Australia could transform investment opportunities, attracting significant capital with implications for the gaming community. This article delves into these critical developments, providing gamers and tech enthusiasts with insights into how blockchain technology and economic trends are shaping the future of gaming. Explore the possibilities that these tech advancements bring to your gaming experience!

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Worldshards and Life Beyond: A New Dimension of NFT Gaming

Worldshards and Life Beyond: A New Dimension of NFT Gaming

Explore the thrilling world of Worldshards and Life Beyond, where gaming meets groundbreaking technology. In Worldshards, dive into a fantasy realm where you can own land and special items through NFTs, enhancing your gameplay and investment opportunities. Similarly, Life Beyond offers an adventure on an alien planet, where crafting, community quests, and digital ownership are at your fingertips. This article discusses how these games incorporate NFTs to revolutionize player interaction and create vibrant economies. Discover how your gaming experience can go beyond just playing to actually owning parts of the game world. Join the future of gaming and see how these innovative features can transform your play into profit. Dive in now to learn more and start your adventure!

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Dimension X Arena Battles and GFAL's $3.2M Funds Boost

Dimension X Arena Battles and GFAL's $3.2M Funds Boost

Explore the thrilling world of Dimension X's new arena mode, where players battle for top prizes and recognition. This update introduces a level playing field, ensuring that all gamers have equal access to heroes and rewards, promoting fairness in every match. Additionally, GFAL has secured a $3.2 million investment to develop new and diverse games, including an anticipated RPG called Elemental Raiders. This funding will expand their gaming portfolio, offering exciting options for players across different genres. Discover the strategic depths of Dimension X and witness how GFAL's latest financial boost is set to revolutionize your gaming experience. Ready to join the action? Dive into these games and start crafting your path to victory today!

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ScarQuest's Beta 1.3 and Mega Dice's $DICE Token

ScarQuest's Beta 1.3 and Mega Dice's $DICE Token

Dive into the latest gaming updates with ScarQuest’s Beta 1.3 release on Steam, and explore the new horizons opened by Mega Dice Casino's launch of the $DICE token. ScarQuest is enhancing its gameplay with cool new features and better graphics, making it easier and more fun to play. Meanwhile, Mega Dice is revolutionizing online gambling by introducing $DICE, a cryptocurrency that speeds up transactions and offers exclusive access to games and rewards. These updates not only improve your gaming experience but also connect you to larger communities of players. Join us as we uncover how these innovations could transform your gaming world. Don’t miss out—discover what these developments mean for you and how they can elevate your play!

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Best Play to Earn Games: How to Make Money in the 2024 Gaming Scene

Best Play to Earn Games: How to Make Money in the 2024 Gaming Scene

Discover the exciting world of play to earn games with our ultimate 2024 guide! Start with Axie Infinity where you breed, battle, and trade digital pets, and explore the virtual land of Lunacia. Dive into Splinterlands for fast-paced card battles and strategically trade NFTs for profit. Experience MetaGods for a nostalgic 8-bit adventure combined with modern blockchain technology. Meanwhile, Apeiron invites you to become a deity in your own right, controlling the fate of an entire world. Learn how easy it is to get started with just a digital wallet and a spirit for adventure. Plus, discover what the future holds as technology advances: more inclusive, diverse, and secure gaming experiences are on the horizon. Join the revolution of gaming and earning with our comprehensive guide—where fun meets finance in the digital playground of tomorrow. Start playing, start earning, and transform your gaming experience today!

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Farcana's Epic Shootouts and RoboHero's Tactical Battles!

Farcana's Epic Shootouts and RoboHero's Tactical Battles!

Discover the exciting world of Farcana and RoboHero, where gaming meets blockchain technology. In Farcana, players not only enjoy thrilling shooter action but also have the chance to earn cryptocurrency rewards. Meanwhile, RoboHero offers a deep strategic experience that is accessible even if you’re new to blockchain. Both games are easy to start, with simple sign-up processes that lead to big adventures. Moreover, these games stand out because they combine fun with the opportunity to gain real-world value. So, jump into Farcana's playtest event or strategize in RoboHero's tactical battles and see how blockchain is revolutionizing gaming. This is your chance to be part of the future of gaming—don't miss out!

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Elixir Launcher v2.7.0 Rewards and Cryptomeda’s Soulooter Pre-Alpha Features

Elixir Launcher v2.7.0 Rewards and Cryptomeda’s Soulooter Pre-Alpha Features

Discover what's new in the gaming world with the latest update to the Elixir Games Launcher v2.7.0, which introduces an exciting Reward Center and a dynamic Quest System. Also, get a first look at Cryptomeda’s new game, Soulooter, which offers a thrilling blend of roguelite and endless runner mechanics. The updated Elixir Launcher now lets players earn rewards through a variety of daily quests and challenges, enhancing their gaming experience by integrating Web3 technology. Meanwhile, Soulooter invites gamers to explore a post-apocalyptic landscape, testing their strategy and survival skills in innovative gameplay. Both updates promise to keep you engaged with fresh challenges and rewards. Dive into these new features and start enhancing your gaming skills today! Perfect for anyone looking to up their game and discover the latest in gaming tech.

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Última expedición - Revisión del juego

Última expedición - Revisión del juego

Last Expedition es un próximo juego de guerra de disparos AAA basado en blockchain ambientado en el universo NFT. Desafortunadamente, los fanáticos tendrán que esperar ya que el juego no ha anunciado ninguna ventana de lanzamiento. Además, no hay noticias sobre la forma alfa o beta del juego, hasta ahora solo el avance está disponible en el sitio web oficial. Según sus creadores, Last Expedition es el primer juego de guerra en primera persona verdaderamente AAA del mundo en el que los jugadores se ven arrojados a un terreno inexplorado lleno de peligros. Cierta Affinity, un conocido equipo de desarrollo dirigido por el veterano Max Hoberman, es el equipo de desarrollo detrás de Last Expedition. Además, Hoberman cree que la calidad de los FPS AAA debería combinarse con las ventajas de los juegos blockchain. Jugabilidad de Last Expedition: prepárate para encontrarte a ti y a tus compañeros de equipo en un entorno alienígena hostil en el universo NFT que intentará asesinarlos o destruirlos de cualquier manera posible. Para superar territorios peligrosos, los jugadores necesitarán una intensa concentración y habilidades excepcionales. Los monstruos alienígenas intentarán matar a los jugadores, pero los jugadores pueden contraatacar y tomar el control del nuevo terreno. Además, Last Expedition probablemente incluirá modos para un jugador y multijugador en este juego de campo de batalla, para que los jugadores puedan elegir según sus preferencias. Los extraterrestres superarán en número a los jugadores y, por esa razón, los jugadores deberán utilizar sus recursos con cuidado. Como resultado, necesitarán crear armas y bienes que puedan ayudar a los jugadores a sobrevivir y al mismo tiempo les permitan ganar dinero. Para tener suficientes recursos en Last Expedition, los jugadores deben mejorar sus habilidades de FPS. También tendrán una variedad de recursos para elegir, como personajes, estrategias, armas y otras cosas. Además, pueden poseer estos elementos e intercambiarlos en el mercado del juego, o compartirlos con sus compañeros de equipo.

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Brawlers Blockchain - Revisión del juego

Brawlers Blockchain - Revisión del juego

Blockchain Brawlers es un proyecto emblemático de WAX Studios. Es un juego en el que luchadores de NFT extravagantes, divertidos, ruidosos y extraños luchan entre sí en peleas. Entonces, el ganador gana la recompensa; la ficha del juego Brawlers $BRWL. Además, es el primer juego NFT con temática de lucha libre en la plataforma de tecnología blockchain. Los jugadores pueden comprar luchadores NFT y equiparlos con equipos de World Assets eXchange (WAX) con $BRWL para luchar en los combates contra otros luchadores. La tokenómica de Blockchain Brawlers mostró signos prometedores desde el principio. El token BRWL mostró un aumento drástico en valor de más del 150% en el mes de mayo de 2022, solo 1 mes después del lanzamiento del juego el 30 de marzo. Esto se debe a que se activaron 2000 nuevas billeteras únicas en conexión con la plataforma WAX del juego. Jugabilidad de Blockchain Brawlers: los jugadores necesitan un ring de lucha libre y un luchador para comenzar a jugar. Hay varios tipos de estas arenas y luchadores que están disponibles por un precio para los jugadores. Además, los precios varían según su rareza. Sin embargo, el juego tiene un precio mínimo enorme de al menos 6.000 dólares para comprar un anillo y un luchador, lo que los críticos afirman que es una "servidumbre digital". Por lo tanto, muchos jugadores que no tienen suficiente dinero tienen la opción de alquilar el ring y el brawler. Además de comprar los luchadores, los jugadores pueden crear sus propios luchadores a través de diferentes elementos que requieren más tiempo y habilidad, y definitivamente más tokens BRWL. Si un jugador no tiene suficientes tokens BRWL, puede comprarlos en los mercados secundarios de WAX como Atomic Hub. La economía del juego es simple: crea luchadores, entrénalos, equípalos, lucha contra ellos y gana.

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Gran Saga: Ilimitado - Revisión del juego

Gran Saga: Ilimitado - Revisión del juego

El aventurero buque insignia de MMORPG, Gran Saga: Unlimited, es un juego de mundo abierto inspirado en el anime presentado por METAPIXEL y desarrollado por Aptos. Dentro del amplio reino virtual de Gran Saga: Unlimited, los jugadores se aventuran en diversas clases y roles, forjando colaboraciones y competiciones. Este MMORPG trasciende la pantalla al entrelazar experiencias personales en su narrativa, lo que da como resultado una saga en evolución de intriga y drama impulsados por los jugadores. A diferencia de su precursor, Gran Saga, que ofrecía una historia predeterminada, GSU infunde realidad, otorgando a los jugadores un reino que se extiende más allá de los simples píxeles. La experiencia se mejora a través de la cooperación y la rivalidad, ya que los jugadores se unen para lograr el éxito mutuo o compiten por prestigio y recompensas. GSU marca el comienzo de un viaje MMORPG incomparable, donde los destinos se entrelazan y la metanarrativa toma forma.

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Cuentos de agricultura - Reseña del juego

Cuentos de agricultura - Reseña del juego

Farming Tales es un juego innovador que fusiona tokens no fungibles (NFT) y agricultura, presentando un simulador de agricultura en el que se puede jugar para ganar. El juego tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos que enfrentan los pequeños agricultores y empresarios durante la pandemia de Covid-19. Los jugadores se sumergen en un mundo virtual en el que poseen y administran sus propias granjas en el condado de New Waxchester. Al utilizar NFT, los jugadores pueden mejorar y desarrollar sus granjas utilizando diferentes activos. Los cultivos y productos cosechados pueden venderse como materia prima o transformarse en bienes de alto valor, que luego pueden venderse en las tiendas de la ciudad de New Waxchester. Farming Tales revoluciona los juegos al combinar elementos agrícolas del mundo real con el potencial de ganar recompensas a través del juego.

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Heroes & Empires Game Review

Heroes & Empires Game Review

Hey there, fellow adventurers! If you're anything like me, you're always on the lookout for something new, exciting, and, dare I say, a bit magical. Well, buckle up, because I've stumbled upon a gem that's all of that and more. I'm talking about Heroes & Empires, a game that's not just a game but a whole universe teeming with diverse races, unique collectibles, and thrilling adventures. It's like stepping into a world where your strategic prowess can earn you not just bragging rights but real rewards. So, let's dive in, shall we? What's the Buzz About Heroes & Empires? Imagine combining the chill vibe of idle RPGs with the brain-tickling tactics of auto chess. Now, sprinkle in some blockchain magic, and voila, you've got Heroes & Empires! This isn't your run-of-the-mill strategy game. It's built on the Unity engine, boasting modern gameplay and graphics that'll make your eyes pop. But what truly sets it apart is its heart and soul – the characters. Remember the days of swapping trading cards and bragging about your rare finds? Heroes & Empires takes that feeling digital. Each character, each item in this game is a digital collectible, unique and yours to flaunt, thanks to the wonders of blockchain technology. A Melting Pot of Mystical Races: Now, let me tell you about the time I first set foot in the Heroes & Empires universe. I was greeted by an array of races I'd only dreamed of – Humans, Goblins, Elves, Demons, Beasts, Nagas, Gods, and the Undead. Each with its own lore, strengths, and weaknesses. It was like being a kid in a candy store, but instead of candy, there were heroes to collect! The Unique Charm of Heroes & Empires: What truly makes Heroes & Empires stand out is its rich tapestry of characters and the depth of strategy involved. You're not just collecting heroes; you're weaving together a team that complements each other's strengths and covers their weaknesses. And with a variety of game modes like PVP and PVE, there's always a new challenge around the corner. Dive into the NFT Treasure Trove Now, let's talk NFTs. In Heroes & Empires, heroes and gear aren't just tools for battle; they're valuable NFTs. This means you can trade them, sell them, or use them to strengthen your squad. It's like being part of an exclusive club where your membership card (or in this case, your NFT) can actually grow in value. How cool is that? The Brains Behind the Magic Heroes & Empires didn't just spring out of thin air. It's the brainchild of CryptoViet Labs and IMBA Studio, with a little help from their friends at Megala Ventures. These folks aren't just developers; they're visionaries who've crafted a world that's as rewarding as it is entertaining. Frequently Asked Questions What's the Gameplay Like? Heroes & Empires is an RPG that's all about strategy, collection, and progression. It's like chess, but with an epic fantasy twist. Can I Earn While Playing? Absolutely! The game offers a Play-2-Earn model, meaning your gaming skills can translate into real earnings, especially with the DeFi integration. Who's Got Our Backs? This game has the backing of 32 investors, including big names like Kyros Ventures and DAO Maker. It's like having a fellowship of financial wizards rooting for your adventure. Where Does This All Happen? The game thrives on the BNB Chain, ensuring smooth, secure transactions and gameplay. How Do I Jump Into This World? All you need is a browser to embark on your journey in Heroes & Empires. It's like having a portal to another realm right at your fingertips. Closing Thoughts Diving into Heroes & Empires reminded me of my childhood days, trading cards and dreaming up battle strategies, but with a modern twist. It's not just a game; it's a community, a marketplace, and an adventure rolled into one. Whether you're in it for the thrill of battle, the joy of collecting, or the allure of earning, there's a place for you in the Heroes & Empires universe. So, why not take the leap and join the adventure? Who knows, we might just cross paths on the battlefield or the marketplace. Until then, happy gaming! "Heroes & Empires" is best categorized under several key areas in the gaming and blockchain spaces: Genre: Strategy and Role-Playing Game (RPG) The game combines elements of strategy, particularly through its auto chess and idle RPG mechanics, where players must think tactically to assemble and upgrade their team of heroes for various battles. Blockchain: BNB Chain (formerly known as Binance Smart Chain) The game operates on the BNB Chain, which is known for its fast transaction times and low fees, making it an attractive platform for blockchain games and NFT transactions. Category: Blockchain Game: Given its integration with blockchain technology for NFTs and in-game assets. Play-to-Earn (P2E) Game: Players can earn in-game rewards, including NFTs and tokens, which can potentially be traded or sold for real-world value. NFT Game: Heroes & Empires utilizes Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to represent unique heroes and items within the game, allowing players to own, trade, and sell their in-game assets.

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Juegos Play To Earn: Mejor Lista de Juegos Blockchain para NFTs y Cripto

Lista de Juegos Play-to-Earn
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